April 2010 April 2015 This Month: With one dramatic act, Jesus taught us what it means to have humility A Salvation Army program in British Columbia improves.


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Presentation transcript:

April 2010 April 2015 This Month: With one dramatic act, Jesus taught us what it means to have humility A Salvation Army program in British Columbia improves the lives of the medically fragile And more...

April 2010 More Than a Role Diane Stark thought playing Jesus’ mother in an Easter play would be easy. She was wrong February 2015March 2015April 2015

April 2010 Jacob’s Journey With the love of his family, the support of his church and the dedication of medical specialists, a young boy battled a killer heart condition April 2015

April 2010 This Month: Major Ray Harris explains how our 10th doctrine defines us Nicole Brindle learns to see Jesus in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Should some crimes have no possibility of parole? asks Major Juan Burry And more... April 2015

April 2010 The Power of the Resurrection An empty cross and a vacant tomb make eternal life possible, says General André Cox March 2015April 2015

April 2010 The Unlikely Disciples In the midst of fear, weakness and doubt came the news that led to great faith April 2015

April 2010 God’s Green Earth Salvation Army warehouse in Prince George, B.C., takes recycling to the next level April 2015

April 2010 Pick Up Your Copy Today

April 2010 Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus at Easter Learn about Jonah and the big fish Enter the Noah’s Ark colouring contest Complete the monthly Just Do It! challenge and win prizes Plus stories, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more! Just for Kids April 2015 This Month: