1.Talk about a stomach ach was caused by eating leftover food. 2. Use the structures 把, 放, 起來, 遍, 次, 死了 3. Give instructions on when and how often to take.


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無添加刀切饅頭. 好處一︰消除疲勞 饅頭中富含維生素 B1 、維生素 B6 、維生素 B12 等 B 族維生素。 好處二︰能緩解壓力 饅頭中有比大米中多得多的硒、谷胱,它們具有抗脂質過氧化 的作用,增強人體免疫能力,從而可以緩解心理和生理上的壓 力。 好處三︰不容易長胖 饅頭的熱量是米飯的 70%
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Presentation transcript:

1.Talk about a stomach ach was caused by eating leftover food. 2. Use the structures 把, 放, 起來, 遍, 次, 死了 3. Give instructions on when and how often to take medications/shots Seeing a doctor I Chapter Objectives 1

1.Hospital: 2.To see a doctor: 3.Illness: 4.Patient: 5.Belly: 6.Aching: 7.To die/extreme degree: 8.At night: 9.Quite a few times /bites: 10.Toilet: 11.Refrigerator: 12.Have a fever: 13.Lie down: 14.Examine: 15.Bad: 16.Ate bad (food): 17.Needle: 18.Get an injection: 19.Medicine: 20.Two pieces: 21.Once/MW/bian: 22.Better/the best: 23.Method/way: 24.Beginning of an action: 25.Hour: Seeing a doctor I vocabulary 2

1.Hospital: 2.To see a doctor: 3.Illness: 4.Patient: 5.Belly: 6.Aching: 7.To die/extreme degree: 8.At night: 9.Quite a few times/bites: 10.Toilet: 11.Refrigerator: 12.Have a fever: 13.Lie down: 14.Examine: 15.Bad: 16.Ate bad (food): 17.Needle: 18.Get an injection: 19.Medicine: 20.Two pieces: 21.Once/MW/bian: 22.Better/the best: 23.Method/way: 24.Beginning of an action: 25.Hour: Seeing a doctor I Make the connection: pinyin - symbol 醫院 看病 病 病人 肚子 疼 死 夜裡 好幾次 / 口 廁所 冰箱 發燒 躺下 檢查 壞 吃壞 針 打針 藥 兩片 一遍 最好 辦法 起來 小時 3

1.Hospital: 2.To see a doctor: 3.Illness: 4.Patient: 5.Belly: 6.Aching: 7.To die/extreme degree: 8.At night: 9.Quite a few times/bites: 10.Toilet: 11.Refrigerator: 12.Have a fever: 13.Lie down: 14.Examine: 15.Bad: 16.Ate bad (food): 17.Needle: 18.Get an injection: 19.Medicine: 20.Two pieces: 21.Once/MW/bian: 22.Better/the best: 23.Method/way: 24.Beginning of an action: 25.Hour: Seeing a doctor I vocabulary 醫院 看病 病 病人 肚子 疼 死 夜裡 好幾次 / 口 廁所 冰箱 發燒 躺下 檢查 壞 吃壞 針 打針 藥 兩片 一遍 最好 辦法 起來 小時 4

Weather-II Identify the words 一二三四五 打針醫院吃藥 病人 中藥冰箱疼死發燒躺下 吃壞 檢查 夜裡 好幾次廁所 最好 小時辦法 兩遍 病 針 起來 兩片 看病 肚子 醫生 5

Practice using : Make up your own sentences adj. + 死了 “ 酸辣湯難吃死了 ” (Textbook p.139, 145A) 次 :MW/frequency of an action: (Textbook p.140~1, 146B, workbook p.97B) 遍 : MW/entire course of action: (Textbook p.140~1, 146B, workbook p.97B) 2. Use the structures 遍, 次, 死了 6

Before or after meals & how many times a day Q: 飯前還是飯後吃 R: 飯前飯後都可以 Q: 一天吃幾次 ? R: 一天吃兩次. Q: 多久不能吃東西 ? R: 最好二十四小時不吃東西. 7

I. 把 : (Textbook p.142~4, 147C~148workbookp.98~9) 把 + Obj. + 放 + Preposition Word “ 把書放在桌子上 ” II. (the reason cause the action) 就 + Action + 起來 “… 就笑起來 ”, “… 就站起來 ” : (Textbook p.141~2) III. 一下 + adj. 一下 + adj. ( 一下冷 / 疼一下熱 / 不 疼 ) 2. Use the structures 把, 起來, 一 … 就 … 起來 8

leftover food: 昨天的蛋糕沒吃完 ( ) Took quite a few bites 吃了 `… Stomach starts to hurt: 肚子就疼起來了 Go to bathroom many times: 上了好幾次廁所 1. Talk about a stomach ach caused by eating leftover food Describe the following situation to a doctor: Chinese food leftover from last week, and you took quite a few bites. Your stomach started to hurt. You went to the bathroom many times last night. family style tofu, Sweet sour fish 家常豆腐糖醋魚 好幾口 9

D: Do you have a fever? P: I don’t have a fever. D: Lie down, let me examine you first. P: Do I need a shot? D: No need for shots. Take medicine should be fine. P: Before or after meals I take it? D: Either way is fine. P: Take how many times a day? D: two pieces in the morning, after breakfast, two pieces before go to sleep. However, you’d better don’t eat any stuff. P: Then, I will be hungry to death. Conversation between a doctor and a patient I. Talk about a stomach ach caused by eating leftover food 10

Possible questions from the doctor/Patients (list out at least 5 questions and give the corresponding responses) Doctor: I. Questions: II. Responses from the patient: Patients: I. Questions: II. Responses from the Doctor: 11

You ate leftover food and are having a stomach ach. Use your imagination to write the dialogue including at least 30 lines. (15 for each person.) Act out the dialogue Between a doctor and a patient 12