Unit8 lesson 45 Let’s Sort Garbage ! Long Qiao Middle school Li Xiaojia.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit8 lesson 45 Let’s Sort Garbage ! Long Qiao Middle school Li Xiaojia

A former CCTV presenter, Cai Jing,has released a self-funded documentary about smog, inspired by her sick daughter. Part A: Lead in >

1. What is smog? 2.Where is it from? 3.How should we do?

1.what is smog? A lab test showed at least 15 cancer-causing matters were contained in the black paper,indcluding

In order to capture ( 获得 )air pollution, Cai Jing took a sampling (抽样) meter with her. The white paper in the device (设备) turned to black after 24 hours.

2.where is it from? air pollutionthrow the rubbish everywhere cut down the tree Part B: Review

3.How should we do in our dairy life The following is __ __ __(… 列表 )their activities and advice. 1.Each student could___ ___ (打扫) ___ __ ___ (一小块) the schoolyard. 2.We should___ ___ ( 捡起 )the garbage. 3.We can ___ ______( 完成打扫 )in an hour. 4.You can ____ your plan__ your class.( 向 … 解释 ) 5.Don’t _______________________( 乱扔垃圾 ) 6.Garbage ___ ___ ___( 一种 )pollution. 7.World Environment Day is a special day to ____________ (引起人们的注意) to the environment. a list of clean up a bit of pick up finish cleanig explain to throw the rubbish everywhere a type of drew people’s attention

8.Students ___( 加入 ) environment club, they ____ ____( 一起工作 )___ ____ ____( 减少污 染 )___ ____ _________( 保护环境 ) 9. Environment clubs ____ ( 鼓励 ) students___ bring their lunches in reusable bags and dishes. 10.___ ___ _____ _____ ( 带上你自己的购物 袋 )when you go shopping. 11.__ ___( 关闭 )the television and ____ ___( 关 掉 )the computer when you are not using them. join Work together to reduce pollution and protect environment encourageto Bring your own shopping bag Turn offshut down

New lesson Let’s sort [s ɔ :t] 分类 garbage New words: metal [ ˈ metl] 金属 plastic [ ˈ plæst ɪ k] 塑料 recycle[ri ˈ sa ɪ kəl] v. 回收 再用;再循环 recyclable [ ˌ ri: ˈ saikləbl] adj. 可再用的 Part C: New lesson

pa per glass meta l plastic battery kitchen rubbish Litter [ ˈ litə] 垃圾,杂物 plastic

Exercise 1.There is nothing in the basket. It’s_____( 空 的 ). 2.Look at all of the ____( 垃圾 ).It make your room very dirty. 3.key is made of_____( 金属 ). 4.The bottle is made of_____( 塑料 ). 5.The old newspaper can______( 回收再用 ) join litter metal plastic recycle

Read and listen the lesson, write true or false 1.There is a lot of garbage: glass, metal, plastic and paper. ( ) 2.There is the most amount of glass and the least amount of paper. ( ) 3.Danny found Debbie’s toy car in the garbage. ( ) 4.Danny once cut his foot on a piece of broken glass. ( ) T F F T

1.--The meat is __________ delecious. --Yes, but don’t eat_________ (too much, much too) 2. 你怎样处理垃圾? ____ do you ___ ___ the garbage? =____do you ___ ___ the garbage? 3. 几乎所有的垃圾都可以再利用和回收。 __________ can ________ or______. 4. 不要扔掉那个玩具,它可以被修一下。 Don’t____ ____ the toy. It can____ 5. 仅仅只用纸张的一面是非常浪费的 It is a ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ ____. 6. 其中的一个轮子是破的 One of the_____ ____ ____. Part D: text much too too much do with What deal with What be reusedrecycledAlmost all of it be fixed Waste to ues paper only on one side threw away Wheels is broken

7. 我用一些胶水去修理那个破轮子 I’ll ___ some glue__ ___ the broken wheel. 8. 当我修完这个车,我会把它给我的小表弟 When I finish_____ this car. I will ___ ___ __my little cousin. 9. 浪费东西是不对的 It is___ ___ ___ waste things. 10. 把碎玻璃留在地上是危险的 It is________ to ______________ on the ground. to fixuse fixing give it to not right to dangerous leave broken glass

Write a short passage to describe how to protect environment in your dairy life 1:How do you do? 2:for example to describe 3: use these key words clean up, drew one’s attention, pick up, rubbish, throw away, turn off, shout down, It is a waste to…,It is not right to…, Part E: Homework