Jet Li (1963), April 26 - Jet Li, English name. Famous action star, international martial arts superstar, martial arts and philanthropist, "one fund"


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Presentation transcript:

Jet Li (1963), April 26 - Jet Li, English name. Famous action star, international martial arts superstar, martial arts and philanthropist, "one fund" founder. Singapore Chinese, born in Beijing. Once in Beijing, Hong Kong, the United States, Singapore etc, create the charity fund: one fund.

 1974 — Youth National Athletic Hi Competition: broadsword form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, all- round gold medal; 1975 — Third Chinese Wushu Championships: long fist form gold medal, spear form silver medal  1977 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal  1978 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, all-round gold medal;  ·1979 — Fourth Chinese Wushu Championships: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, sparring form gold medal, all-round gold medal.

 1982 Shaolin Temple 少林寺  1983 Shaolin Temple 2: Kids from Shaolin 少林小子  1986 Shaolin Temple 3: Martial Arts of Shaolin 南北少林  1988 Dragon Fight 龍在天涯  1989 Once Upon a Time in China 黃飛鴻  1991 Swordsman II 笑傲江湖之東方不敗  1992 Once Upon a Time in China II 黃飛鴻之二男兒當自强 Tai Chi Master 太極張三豐 Fong Sai-yuk 方世玉  1993 The Evil Cult 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Last Hero in China 黃飛鴻之鐵雞斗蜈蚣

 1994 Fist of Legend 精武英雄 Legend of the Red Dragon 洪熙官之少林五祖 Hong Meltdown 鼠胆龍威  1995 My Father is a Hero 給爸爸的信 Black Mask 黑侠  1996 Dr. Wai and the Scripture Without Words 冒險王  1997 Once Upon a Time in China VI 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅  2002 Hero 英雄  2003 Fearless 霍元甲  2007 The Forbidden Kingdom 功夫之王  2008 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 木乃伊

 March 2009, Jet Li won the "2008 influence world Chinese award"  2009 April 3, jet li by the world health organization appointed good-will ambassador  Because of the 2009 in wen chuan earthquake contribution.He was been elected U.S. reader's digest 2009, "Asian hero  2009 年 3 月,李连杰荣 获 “ 2008 年影响世界华 人大奖 ”影响世界华 人大奖  2009 年 4 月 3 日,李连 杰被世界卫生组织任 命为亲善大使  2009 年因其在汶川大 地震上的贡献获选为 美国《读者文摘》 2009 年 “ 亚洲英雄 ”

 In 2008, he rushed in “ Wen chuan ” earthquake line, Actively participate in earthquake relief activities. While one fund for earthquake reconstruction Jet Li and adolescent mental recovery work plays an important role.

 You have to understand the pain, to happiness.  “ Wushu ” is the highest realm of love. WuShu is well used to quell the fight  Give me a chance, give me a chance to prove myself again. "  I dream of fifteen or twenty years later, where there disaster, where Chinese volunteers to go there

 As an ordinary people, as long as we love, love your life,love you dreams.  NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE, BELIEVE YOURSELF. DO YOUR OWN CELEBRITY