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The WWF is working hard to save them all.
Unit 1.
The WWF is working hard to save them all.
1. 野生大熊猫____________________________
Presentation transcript:


The WWF is working hard to save them all. Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.

Free talk 1. Have you ever been to the zoo? 2. What animals do you like best? Do you like pandas? What do they eat? Do you know they are in danger now? 5. What can we do for them?

Elephant Tiger rhino panda

Milu deer red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤) whale Golden Monkey

Polar bear dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物 bald ibis 秃鹮 Crocodile

K o a l a Giraffe Penguin Zebra

Animals are such agreeable friends-they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. -George Eliot 动物是如此怡人的朋友,他们不问任何问题,也不提出批评。

What’s the problem of these Animals commonly facing?

Teaching aims Grasp the key words and key structure: research, produce, in order to, set up, nature. in order to… we don’t want to …The WWF is working hard to save them all. 2. Reading aim: To grasp the main idea of each paragraph of the passage. 3. Affection: we should learn to help and save animals in danger.

Reading and vocabulary

Review Words and expressions

单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生 快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练 度越高,阅读的速率也越高。

Read the words and expressions loudly.

Words and expressions research baby situation scientist produce /'rI:sɜtʃ; /rI'sɜ:tʃ/ /'beIbi/ /'sItʃu'eIʃn/ /'saIəntIst/ /prə'dju:s/ /'saʊθ'west/ in order to / 'gʌvnmənt / research 研究;探讨n. baby 婴儿;婴孩n. situation 形势,情况n. scientist 科学家n. produce 生育;繁殖v. southwest 西南 n.西南的adj. 为了 government 政府n.

set nature danger develop feed symbol /set/ set up /'neItʃə/ nature park /dI'veləp/ /fi:d/(fed/fed) /'sImbl / set 设置;设定 v. 开办;设立;创办;建立 nature 大自然;自然界n. danger 自然公园 develop 研制;制定v. feed 喂养;饲养 symbol 象征;标志n.

1. Look at the pictures. Say what you know about pandas.

live in the Wolong Panda Reserve 1 Say what you know about pandas. live in the Wolong Panda Reserve

like to climb like to have a walk like to eat bamboo

Learning to learn Sometimes you can learn new words through translation. For example, when you learn “government”, you can take a card and write the English word on one side and the Chinese on the other. Practice saying the English words and check that you remember the meaning.

Watch and read

2 Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. a) Nature parks for pandas b) WWF and animas in danger c) The panda’s home d) An animal in danger

1__________ Pandas are in danger. There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centers are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. d

2_________ Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting smaller, so pandas are losing their home. And there are not many pandas left. 3_________ In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed c a

the pandas. Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks. 4_______ The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all animals. And it chose the panda to be its symbol. We do not want to lose tigers, elephants or any other animals, so the WWF is working hard to save them all. b

Read paragraph 1 and answer the following questions: How many pandas are living in the wild today? About 1,600. 2. What do scientists do a lot of research? To help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.

Read paragraph 2 and complete the sentences: Pandas mainly live on ________. ______________________________________________________________, so pandas are losing their home. bamboo The bamboo forests are getting smaller

Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions: What is our government doing? Our government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.

Read paragraph 4 and check the sentences: The panda is one of the best-known animals in the world. 2. Elephants have become the symbol of all animals in danger. 3. We have a long way to go to save the animals in danger. T F T

Match the beginnings with the endings to make sentences. 1. Pandas eat bamboo… 2. The government has made a new plan… 3. They will make bigger reserves… 4. The Chinese government is working hard… a. …to save pandas and other animals. b. … to live. c. … to protect pandas better. d. … to make bigger forests and plant more bamboo.

Answer the questions. 1. Why do pandas have less and less land to live on? Because people are using the land. 2. What do pandas need to eat? They need to eat bamboo.

3. How is the government trying to save the panda? The government has made a new plan to help pandas. They are making bigger reserves and helping pandas go back to live in the nature. 4. Why do you think there is a long way to go to help the panda? Because pandas don’t have many babies and baby pandas often die, etc.

3 Complete the sentences. Pandas eat bamboo to live 1 Scientists do a lot of research_____________ _______________________________________ 2 The government is setting up nature parks _____________________________________ 3 The WWF chose the panda_______________ 3 The WWF is working hard ______________________________________ to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. to protect pandas in the wild. to be its symbol. to save all the animals.

4 Complete the passage with the words in the box. baby government nature produce save scientists situation symbol Zoos and research centres protect animals. (1)_________do a lot of research to help pandas (2) ________more babies. Very few (3)________ Scientists produce baby

pandas are born outside zoos pandas are born outside zoos. Many people are worried about the panda’s (4)__________ . Luckily, the (5) __________is developing plans to (6) __________pandas, and is setting up (7) _________parks to protect them. People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has become a (8) ________of China. situation government save nature symbol

Language points 1. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby panda live. 科学家正在进行多项研究,以帮助大熊猫繁殖更多的后代,并帮助大熊猫的幼仔生存下去。 本句中不定式结构的功能是作目的状语,意义和下文中的in order to相近。本句可以改写为: In order to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live, scientists are doing a lot of research.

1) in order (not) to do sth 的意思是“为了(不)做……”。例如: 2. In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks… 为了保护野生大熊猫,政府正在建立自然公园… 1) in order (not) to do sth 的意思是“为了(不)做……”。例如: In order to be a doctor, you have to study for five years in college. 要当一名医生,你(们)需要在大学学习五年。 They need to raise 5,000,000 US dollars in order to pay for the repairs. 为了支付修理费用,他们需要筹集500万美元。

2) set up 建立, 创立 A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。 She plans to set up her own business. 她计划创办自己的企业。 We need to set up a meeting to discuss the plan. 我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。

3. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo ro feed the pandas. 自然公园占地面积大,会有更多的竹子用于喂养大熊猫。 feed 喂养,饲养,常用结构有: feed sb. on sth.或feed sth. to sb. Feed the food to the baby in small pieces. 用小块儿的食品喂婴儿。 Most people feed parrots on nuts. 大多数人用干果喂鹦鹉。

5 Pair work Choose an animal in danger and answer the questions. Writing 5 Pair work Choose an animal in danger and answer the questions. 1 What is the animal? 2 Where does it live? 3 What does it feed on? 4 Why is it in danger? 5 How difficult is the situation? 6 What can we do to save it?

6 Write a passage about an animal in danger. Use your answers in Activity 5 and the following example to help you. Pandas live in the southwest of China. They are in danger and the situation is getting very difficult. First, pandas do not have many babies, and baby pandas often die. Second, pandas eat bamboo, but the bamboo forests are getting smaller. So the government is setting up nature parks with a lot of bamboo to help protect pandas.

课后回顾 本课时主要句型 1. In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. 2. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all animals. 3. And it chose the panda to be its symbol.

Quiz 一、根据句意及所给首字母提示, 写出相应的单词。 1. In the picture the tree is the s______ of life. 2. The new g__________ does not have popular support(广泛的支持). 3. The beautiful city is in the s_________ of China and many tourists come here in summer. ymbol overnment outhwest

4.The s_______ of the company wasn’t very good so many workers left. 5. — What does your uncle do? — He is a scientist and is busy with r_______ work every day. 6. We grew up in the beauties of n______. 7. Have you f____ the cat? 8. In less than ten years it d_______ from a seed (种子) into a big tree. ituation esearch ature ed eveolps

二、按照汉语提示完成句子。 1.我正在为一篇关于学生生活的文章(article)做一些研究。 I’m _____ ____ ________ for an article about student life. 2. 别担心,明天我会照顾好孩子的。 Don’t worry. I’ll ____ ____ the kids tomorrow. doing some research look after

3. 他们想创办自己的公司。 They want to ___ __ their own business. 4. 大多数人必须工作以维持生活。 Most people have to work __ _____ ___ _____. set up in order to live

三 完成句子。 1. 我忘记还你的书了。 I ______________ your books. 2. 乔治希望有天能来中国。 George wish _______ to China one day. forget to return to come

3. 她来中国是来学习汉语的吗? Does she come here ______________? 4. 他们的教材越来越难. The texts in their textbooks are ______________ difficult. to learn English more and more

四 写同义句 1. To answer the question is easy. ____ easy ___ answer the question. 2. To study hard is necessary. __ __ necessary __ study hard. 3. It’s good to do sports. __ ___ sports is good. It’s to It is to To do

Homework Discuss with your partners how to protect the animals around you.