Adult Learning Theory Laura Brey, MS NASBHC Training of Trainers April 21 – 23, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Adult Learning Theory Laura Brey, MS NASBHC Training of Trainers April 21 – 23, 2008

2 Objectives Review principles of adult learning Review principles of adult learning Review learning style categories Review learning style categories Review teaching style categories Review teaching style categories Identify learning activities for different learning styles Identify learning activities for different learning styles

3 How Men Learn?

4 How Women Learn?

5 Top Five Ways to Enhance Your Learning Brain research shows that your brain Is unique Is unique Thrives on challenge and flow Thrives on challenge and flow Is a physical organ Is a physical organ Deals in emotions as well as thoughts Deals in emotions as well as thoughts Has multiple intelligences Has multiple intelligences

6 Principles of Adult Learning

7 Adults as Learners Autonomous and self-directed Autonomous and self-directed Life experiences and knowledge Life experiences and knowledge

8 Adults as Learners Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Relevancy- oriented Relevancy- oriented

9 Adults as Learners Practical Practical Shown respect Shown respect

10 Motivating the Adult Learner Social Relationships Social Relationships External Expectations External Expectations

11 Motivating the Adult Learner Social Welfare Social Welfare Personal Advancement Personal Advancement

12 Motivating the Adult Learner Escape or Stimulation Escape or Stimulation Cognitive Cognitive

13 Barriers and Motivation Identify barriers against and motivation for participating in learning Identify barriers against and motivation for participating in learning Decrease barriers against participating in learning Decrease barriers against participating in learning Enhance reasons for participating in learning Enhance reasons for participating in learning

14 Teaching styles Formal authority Formal authority Demonstrator or Personal Model Demonstrator or Personal Model Facilitator Facilitator Delegator Delegator

15 Overview – the teacher Learn your teaching style : Clinical Teaching Perception Inventory Learn your teaching style : Clinical Teaching Perception Inventory

16 Learning Tips for Effective Instructors Motivation Motivation Reinforcement Reinforcement Retention Retention Transference Transference

17 Learning Styles Preferences for types of learning situations Preferences for types of learning situations Many different ways to define them Many different ways to define them Most include cognitive, affective and psychomotor/physiological dimensions Most include cognitive, affective and psychomotor/physiological dimensions Include characteristics of instruction and instructional settings along with learning Include characteristics of instruction and instructional settings along with learning

18 What’s Your Learning Style? Complete self assessment questionnaire Complete self assessment questionnaire Tally your responses Tally your responses Determine primary and secondary learning styles Determine primary and secondary learning styles Review suggestions to boost your learning potential Review suggestions to boost your learning potential

19 Learning Style Categories Visual Visual Auditory Auditory Kinesthetic Kinesthetic

20 Learning Styles No one way to define No one way to define Research in this area is limited questionable Research in this area is limited questionable Be aware that learners and trainers have different preferences Be aware that learners and trainers have different preferences

21 Matching Activities to Learning Styles

22 Activity What Is Your Personality Type? I E S I T F J P

23 Meyers Briggs Learning Styles Inventory Introverted Introverted Extroverted Extroverted Sensing Sensing Intuitive Intuitive Thinking Thinking Feeling Feeling Judging Judging Perceiving Perceiving

24 Meyers Briggs Teaching Style Inventory Introverted Introverted Extroverted Extroverted Sensing Sensing Intuitive Intuitive Thinking Thinking Feeling Feeling Judging Judging Perceiving Perceiving