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Presentation transcript:

Population Ecology

Population – a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time. Populations are units of study.

Population Attributes Density – size of a population in relation to a definite unit of space Affected by: Natality – the reproductive output (birth rate) of a population Mortality – the death rate of organisms in a population Immigration – number of organisms moving into the area occupied by the population Emigration – number of organisms moving out of the area occupied by the population

Population Density Four primary population parameters:

Density Examples Two fundamental attributes that affect our choice of techniques for population estimation are the size and mobility of the organism with respect to humans.

Range of Population Density

Two Types of Density Estimates Absolute Density – a known density such as #/m2 Relative Density – we know when one area has more individuals than another

Measuring Absolute Density Total Count – count the number of organisms living in an area Human census, number of oak trees in a wooded lot, number of singing birds in an area Total counts generally are not used very often Sampling Methods – use a sample to estimate population size Either use the quadrat or capture-recapture method

Quadrat Method A Quadrat is a sampling area of any shape randomly deployed. Each individual within the quadrat is counted and those numbers are used to extrapolate population size. Example: a 100 square centimeter metal rectangle is randomly thrown four times and all of the beetles of a particular species within the square are counted each time: 19, 21, 17, and 19. This translates to 19 beetles per 100 cm2 or 1900 per m2.

Transects as Quadrats Each transect was 110 meters long and 2m wide (220 m2 or 0.022/ha). All trees taller than 25 cm counted.

Capture-recapture Method Important tool for estimating density, birth rate, and death rate for mobile animals. Method: Collect a sample of individuals, mark them, and then release them After a period, collect more individuals from the wild and count the number that have marks We assume that a sample, if random, will contain the same proportion of marked individuals as the population does Estimate population density

Assumptions For All Capture-Recapture Studies Marking technique does not increase mortality of marked animals Marked individuals are allowed to mix with population Marking technique does not affect catch probability Marks are not lost or overlooked No significant immigration or emigration No significant mortality or natality

Peterson Method or Lincoln Index Marked animals in second sample Total caught in second sample Marked animals in first sample Total population size = 5 20 N 16 N = (20)(16) 5 N = 64 =

Indices of Relative Density Assume that samples represent some relatively constant but unknown relationship to total population size. # cars in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot Provides an index of abundance Is population increasing, decreasing, or staying the same Are there more animals in one location than another? Can not quantify differences between sites Twice the number of tracks does not = twice as many animals

Some Indices Used Traps Number of Fecal Pellets Vocalization Frequency Pelt Records Catch per Unit Fishing Effort Number of Artifacts Questionnaires Cover Feeding Capacity Roadside Counts

Natality (birth rate) Fecundity – physiological notion that refers to an organism’s potential reproductive potential Usually inversely proportional to the amount of parental care given to young Fertility – Ecological concept that is based on the number of viable offspring produced during a specific period Realized fertility – actual fertility rate One birth per 15 years per human female in the child-bearing ages Potential fertility – potential fertility rate One birth per 10 to 11 months per human female in the child-bearing ages

Natality Continued Absolute or crude natality – number of new individuals per unit time 50 protozoa increase to 150 by division in one hour, then crude natality = 100 Specific natality – number of new members divided by the population size 100 new protozoa in one hour from original 50 100/50 = 2 protozoa per original per hour 400 births in one year in a town of 10,000 Absolute natality = 400 Specific natality = 400/10,000 = 0.04 = 4%

Mortality Opposite of mortality is survival Longevity focuses on the age of death of individuals in a population Potential longevity – maximum lifespan by an individual of a particular species Set by the organisms physiology (dies of old age) Sometimes described as the average longevity of individuals living in optimal conditions Realized longevity – actual life span of an organism Measured as an average for all animals living under real environmental conditions

Determining Mortality Mark several individuals and measure how many survive from time t to t+1. If abundance of successive age groups is known, then you can estimate mortality between successive age groups. Can use catch curves for fish: Or develop regression equation 292 Survival between age 2 and 3= 147/292=0.50 147

Immigration and Emigration Seldom measured Assumed to be equal or insignificant (island pop’s) However, dispersal may be a critical parameter in population changes

Life Tables - Mortality Mortality is one of the four key parameters that drive population changes. We can use a life table to answer particular questions about population mortality rates. What life stage has the highest mortality? Do older organisms die more frequently than young organisms A cohort life table is an age-specific summary of the mortality rates operating on a cohort of individuals. Cohort – a collective group of individuals Fish year class, all mice born in March, tadpoles from a single frog, freshman year class

Cohort Life Table: X = age nx = number alive at time t lx = proportion of organisms surviving from the start of the life table to age x (ex: l1 = n1/n0, 0.217 = 25/115; l2=n2/n0, 0.165=19/115) dx = number dying during the age interval x to x + 1 (ex:d0=n0-n1, 90 = 115-25; d1=n1-n2, 6=25-19) qx = per capita rate of mortality during the age interval x to x + 1 (ex: q0=d0/n0, 0.78 =90/115; q1=d1/n1)

Per Capita Rates Per capita is a presentation of data as a proportion of the population. Suppose a disease kills 400 ducks: If total duck population = 250,000 then the per capita mortality = 400/250,000 = 0.16%. If total duck population = 2,500 then the per capita mortality = 400/2,500 = 16%. Per capita gives us an idea of how the entire population is affected. Allows us to standardize a population

Suvivorship Curve

Types of Survivorship Curves Type 1 – Mortality rates high late in life span Type 2 – Mortality rates fairly constant with age Type 3 – Mortality rates highest early in life span

Survivorship Curves Can be a reflection of the amount of parental care Can be affected by population density Unmanaged area Managed for hunting

Adding Reproduction Fertility Schedule Population net reproductive rate 0.6% increase each generation bx = natality; (lx)(bx) = reproductive output for that age class R0 =  (lx)(bx) = net reproductive rate

Net Reproductive Rate Under stable conditions R0 is usually around 1. R0 < 1 population is declining, R0 = 1 population is stable, R0 > population is increasing. Can greatly affect the population growth rate, and natural selection works towards an adaptive reproductive schedule

Population Age Structure

Population Age Pyramids

Dominant Year Class Fish reproduction strongly affected by year-to-year fluctuations Population Age Pyramids will be different

Environmental factors Rate of increase or decrease of the population Relationships Environmental factors Mortality Rates Natality Rates Age Composition Rate of increase or decrease of the population

Growth With Discrete Generations Species with a single annual breeding season and a life span of one year (ex. annual plants). Population growth can then be described by the following equation: Where Nt = population size of females at generation t Nt+1 = population size of females at generation t + 1 R0 = net reproductive rate, or number of female offspring produced per female generation Population growth is very dependent on R0 Nt+1 = R0Nt

Multiplication Rate (R0) Constant If R0 > 1, the population increases geometrically without limit. If R0 < 1 then the population decreases to extinction. The greater R0 is the faster the population increases: Geometric Growth

Multiplication Rate (R0) Dependent on Population Size Carrying Capacity – the maximum population size that a particular environment is able to maintain for a given period. At population sizes greater than the carrying capacity, the population decreases At population sizes less than the carrying capacity, the population increases At population sizes = the carrying capacity, the population is stable Equilibrium Point – the population density that = the carrying capacity.

Net Reproductive rate (R0) as a function of population density: Y = mX + b Y = b – m(X) Intercept N = 100, then R0 = 1.0 population stable N > 100, then R0 < 1.0 population decreases N < 100, then R0 > 1.0 population increases Remember, at R0 = 1.0 birth rates = death rates

Growth With Overlapping Generations Previous examples were for species that live for a year, reproduce then die. For populations that have a continuous breeding season, or prolonged reproductive period, we can describe population growth more easily with differential equations.

Multiplication Rate Constant In a given population, suppose the probability of reproducing (b) is equal to the probability of dying (d). Instantaneous rate of population growth = r = b – d Then dN/dt = (b – d)N = rN Population grows geometrically

Multiplication Rate Dependent on Population Size dN dt = rN K - N K Where: N = population size t = time r = intrinsic capacity for increase K = maximal value of N (‘carrying capacity’)

dN K - N = rN dt K K r Pop. Size (K-N)/K Growth Rate 1.0 1 99/100 0.99 50 50/100 25.00 75 25/100 18.75 95 5/100 4.75 99 1/100 100 0/100 0.00 dN dt = rN K - N K K

Logistic Growth

Theoretical Growth Forms

Population Fluctuations Irruption – a boom in numbers followed by a bust Unpredictable, but usually happen when weather, food, and shelter are all ideal

Population Cycles Population increase and decrease follow a multiple year cycle Usually predator prey cycles, but not always

Modeling Population Cycles

Population Level Pulsing

Density Independent / Dependent Factors Physical factors such as unpredictable weather, water currents, chemical limiting conditions, or pollution can affect the population no matter the size Biotic factors such as competition, parasites, and predation often work as a density dependent factor (more important at higher densities)

Metapopulations Subpopulations occupying discrete patches of suitable habitat separated by unsuitable habitat (except dispersal corridors) Source vs. sink

r vs K selection r – intrinsic rate of increase K – carrying capacity r-selected species have evolved to put a lot of energy into reproduction and growth K – carrying capacity K –selected species have evolved to put a lot of energy into maintenance

r vs K selection