《商务英语》精品课程 概 述 图片补充说明 Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College 课程内容教学队伍教学方法和手段实践教学教学效果课程特点政策支持.


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Presentation transcript:

《商务英语》精品课程 概 述 图片补充说明 Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College 课程内容教学队伍教学方法和手段实践教学教学效果课程特点政策支持

中央广播电视大学制作: 经贸大学 国际交流学院 张静 讲授: 视 频 描 述: 本课程适合已掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇的商务人士,或 者是英语水平较高,但口语水平较差人士。将和外商谈生意时可 能碰到的情况一网打尽,内容包括迎接客户、如何招待客户、推 销产品、陪客户参观工厂、解决纠纷、顺利签约、完成交易、国 外出差、订机票、旅店、途中处理突发事件等最常用的商务术语 与词汇以及贸易实务常识、欧美国情、基本礼仪,让学员成为博 闻多礼,潜力无限的经理人才。 一、《商务英语口语》视频教学内容

《商务英语口语教程》 15 、 UNIT 10 修改计划安排 16 、 UNIT 11 分析竞争对手 17 、 UNIT 12 商务信件和发布信息 18 、 UNIT 13 ( 1 )出公差 19 、 UNIT 13 ( 2 )出公差 20 、 UNIT 14 ( 1 )展示新产品 21 、 UNIT 14 ( 2 )展示新产品 22 、 UNIT 15 ( 1 )招待来宾 23 、 UNIT 15 ( 2 )招待来宾 24 、 UNIT 16 产品投诉 25 、 UNIT 17 比较产品和价格 26 、 UNIT 18 价格谈判 27 、 UNIT 19 交货谈判 28 、 UNIT 20 达成交易 1 、 UNIT 1 自我介绍 2 、 UNIT 2 打电话 3 、 UNIT 3 约 会 4 、 UNIT 4 接待来宾 5 、 UNIT 5 ( 1 )产品介绍 6 、 UNIT 5 ( 2 )产品介绍 7 、 UNIT 6 ( 1 )安排旅游 8 、 UNIT 6 ( 2 )安排旅游 9 、 UNIT 7 ( 1 )住旅馆 10 、 UNIT 7 ( 2 )住旅馆 11 、 UNIT 8 ( 1 )带客人参观公司 12 、 UNIT 8 ( 2 )带客人参观公司 13 、 UNIT 9 ( 1 )解释产品工作原理 14 、 UNIT 9 ( 2 )解释产品工作原理 情景教学视频内容

二、《新编商务英语精读》课本: 第一册的教学内容,有关商务基本概念、营销、 职业、工作、饮食习惯、宝石首饰、形体语言、电 话、航空旅游等; 第二册的教学内容,涉及体育和商务、所有制、 时尚、消费者满意度、教育、管理、面试、商标、 成功的企业家、成功的企业等方面的文化知识和英 语词汇。

Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive Reading Book One A 各单元课文及练习的封面

New Business English Intensive Reading Book One A Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College

1 Essentials of BusinessEssentials of Business 2 MarketingMarketing3 CareerCareer 4 Jobs and OccupationsJobs and Occupations 5 Eating HabitsEating Habits

Unit One --- Reading I The Nature of Business Warm--up Text Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Complete the following statements with the words or expressions you have learned in this text. IV. Give the English or phrases according to the meanings provided. V. Put the following expression from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. VI. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VII. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model. Exercises

Unit Two --- Reading I Marketing and Promotion Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Ⅲ.Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Three --- Reading I The Modern Servant---Nanny Warm—up Text Translation Notes New WordsNew Words ExamplesExamples ExercisesExercises Extended ActivitiesExtended Activities

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Ⅲ.Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Four --- Reading I Personal Progress and Job-hopping Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Five --- Reading I Eating Habit New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities Warm—up Text Translation Notes

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive Reading Book One B

New Business English Intensive Reading Book One B Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College

10 Air TravelAir Travel 8 MannersManners6 JewelryJewelry 9 Telephone CallsTelephone Calls 7 Body LanguageBody Language

Warm—up Text Translation Notes New Word Examples Exercises Extended ActivitiesExtended Activities Unit Six --- Reading I Diamond-- cutter Ephraim

Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model. Exercises

Unit Seven --- Reading I Body Language: Ownership Gestures Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

Exercises Ⅰ.Read the text carefully and discuss the following questions: Ⅱ.Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Ⅲ.Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Eight --- Reading I A World Guide to Good Manners Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer for the following questions. Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model. Exercises

Unit Nine --- Reading I Miss Manners Wrings the Bell Extended Activities Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Examples Exercises

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Ⅲ. Give the English words of phrases according to the meanings provide. Ⅳ. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Ten --- Reading I Getting to the Airport Exercises Extended Activities Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples

Exercises Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. Ⅳ. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive Reading Book Two A

New Business English Intensive Reading Book Two A Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College

1 Sports and BusinessSports and Business5 EducationEducation3 FashionFashion 4 Consumer SatisfactionConsumer Satisfaction2 OwnershipOwnership

Unit One --- Reading I Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant ( I ) Warm--up Text Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Two --- Reading I Types of Business Ownership Warm—up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model. Exercises

Unit Three --- Reading I Fashion New Words Examples Warm—up Text Translation Notes Exercises Extended Activities

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. III. Give the English words for the meanings provided.. Give the English words for the meanings provided. IV. Put the proper forms of the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences.. Put the proper forms of the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined parts with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined parts with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Warm—up Text Translation Notes New WordsNew Words ExamplesExamples ExercisesExercises Extended ActivitiesExtended Activities Unit Four --- Reading I Bargains OK? Too dear!

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.Rewrite the following sentences and replace the under lined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Five --- Reading I Managing Your Study Time New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities Warm—up Text Translation Notes

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive Reading Book Two B

New Business English Intensive Reading Book Two B Hubei Three Gorges Vocational and Technical College

6 ManagementManagement9 Successful BusinessmenSuccessful Businessmen 8 TrademarkTrademark7 InterviewInterview10 Successful BusinessSuccessful Business

Warm—up Text Translation Notes New Word Examples Exercises Extended Activities Unit Six --- Reading I Areas of Management

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities Unit Seven --- Reading I How to Shine at a Job Interview

Exercises I. Read the text carefully and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Eight --- Reading I What Is a Trademark? Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities

I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer for the following questions.. Choose the best answer for the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model. Exercises

Unit Nine Successful Businessman Warm--up Text Translation Notes New Words Examples Exercises Extended Activities 马云 --- 阿里巴巴 牛根生 --- 蒙牛集团 俞敏洪 -- 新东方 史玉柱 — 巨人集团

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. III. Give the English words of phrases according to the meanings provide.. Give the English words of phrases according to the meanings provide. IV. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.

Unit Ten --- Reading I Nokia: Voice from Finland Notes Exercises Extended Activities Warm--up Text Translation New Words Examples

Exercises I. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions. II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. III. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided. IV. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary. V. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text. VI. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.