第六週:現在進行式 (a) Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she is taking a shower. (b) It’s noon. I am eating lunch at the cafeteria right now. (c) Jimmy.


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Presentation transcript:

第六週:現在進行式 (a) Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she is taking a shower. (b) It’s noon. I am eating lunch at the cafeteria right now. (c) Jimmy and Susie are babies. They are crying. I can hear them right now. Maybe they are hungry. 現在進行式表示某活動此刻 正在進行 ( 出現或發生中 ) 當 說話者說此句子時,所述事 件亦同時進行,此事件開始 於過去、進行於現在,且可 能持續到未來。 -ing 形式: (a) 去 -e 例: take → taking (b) 單音節子母子 例: stop → stopping (c) 雙音節,且重音在第二音 節,必須重複子音字母 例: prefer → preferring (d) 動詞字尾是 -ie ,將 -ie 改成 -y 例: die→dying

直述句: I am working. {You-We-They} are working {He-She-It} is working. 否定句: I am working. {You-We-They} are working {He-She-It} is working. 疑問句: I am working. {You-We-They} are working {He-She-It} is working.

The Internet Today, with the easy access to the Internet, searching for information has never been easier. It doesn’t matter if you (A) are look for information for a school paper, or simply looking for someone’s phone number. People all over the world can use the Internet to (B) finding information. 錯誤範例:

The Internet has also changed the way we communicate forever. The world is (C) goesing to be a place full with Internet. For example, there are instant messenger, , Twitter, etc.. Which one (D) are you preferring using? Most notably, and the most widely used, is . allows us to write to our friends and receive letters from anyone in the world who has access to a computer and telephone line. In addition, we can send and receive our mail instantly across the global rather than sometimes waiting weeks for a letter to arrive.

And now, with heated competition among computer manufacturers, buying and using a computer is easy and cheap. Many people are (E) takeing this difficult job to improve the functions of computer. In fact, some companies even give you free access to the Internet and make their money from advertisers instead of you. Even though we communicate differently from our parents, you can be sure that it will be much different for our children, too.

(A) 將 look 改成 looking 。此處為現在進行式, 公式為 be+Ving ,因此要將 look 加上 ing 。 (B) 將 finding 改成 find 。此字在 to 的後面,此 處的 to 為不定詞而非介係詞。不定詞後面的 動詞要接原形動詞 (to+V) ,因此此處要用原 形動詞 find ,將 ing 去掉。 (C) 將 goesing 改成 going 。 go 的進行式是直接 加上 ing 而非屬於文法時間 (a)(b)(c)(d) 中的任 何變化形式。 修改重點:

(D) 將 are 改成 do ,另外 preferring 要將 ing 去掉,成為 prefer 。因為此篇文章所 形容的是一般事實的陳述,而非此刻 正在進行的活動,因此不用進行式, 而要用現在簡單式。 (E) 將 takeing 改成 taking 。 take 這個字 的 ing 形式:去 -e take → taking

The Internet Today, with the easy access to the Internet, searching for information has never been easier. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for information for a school paper, or simply looking for someone’s phone number. People all over the world can use the Internet to find information. 修改後範例:

The Internet has also changed the way we communicate forever. The world is going to be a place full with Internet. For example, there are instant messenger, , Twitter, etc.. Which one do you prefer using? Most notably and the most widely used, is . allows us to write to our friends and receive letters from anyone in the world who has access to a computer and telephone line. In addition, we can send and receive our mail instantly across the global rather than sometimes waiting weeks for a letter to arrive.

And now, with heated competition among computer manufacturers, buying and using a computer is easy and cheap. Many people are taking this difficult job to improve the functions of computer. In fact, some companies even give you free access to the Internet and make their money from advertisers instead of you. Even though we communicate differently from our parents, you can be sure that it will be much different for our children, too.