4 th Grade Expository Social Studies Melissa Williams May, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

4 th Grade Expository Social Studies Melissa Williams May, 2007

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Students assigned topics 3 genres: Narrative, Expository, Informational allowed to write 120 minutes Given during March

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Prepared for all genres Topics released for practice

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Students scored on more than one domain 4 domains: Ideas, Organization, Style, and Conventions Detailed Information on writing

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… 2 raters per paper Each domain assigned grade Domains combined to obtain total score School and parents get a copy of scores School copy is placed in record

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Domain 1: Ideas How well the writer establishes and maintains the idea and main points

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Domain 2: Organization The order ideas are arranged Easy to follow/understand

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Domain 3: Style Writer’s control of language Engaging word choice

Grade Five (5) Writing Assessment Description Cont… Domain 4: Conventions Writer’s control of sentence formation, usage, and mechanics

Pre-assessment Prompt To see what the students know To see where the student is academically To see how well the students use the Writing Process

Prewriting Teacher’s instructional needs: Whole group for initial instruction/practice activity Individual after initial instruction

Prewriting cont… Students instructional needs Developmental: Special instruction Standards change Low/high

Prewriting cont… Students instructional needs Cultural: Limited English Race-cultural differences Comfortable Classrooms

Prewriting cont… Students instructional needs Cultural cont…: Know ethnic background of students Help with English Language rules

Prewriting cont… Students instructional needs Linguistic: Dialects Socioeconomics of school/students

Instructional Procedures Genre: Expository Informational writing Writing to learn Share what is learned Various Forms

Instructional Procedures Genre: Expository cont… Patterns Description Sequence Comparison Cause & Effect Problem & Solution

Instructional Procedures Genre: Expository cont… Pattern cues Sequence-First, second, third, etc. Comparison-Different, in contrast, alike, etc.

Instructional Procedures Genre: Expository cont… Pattern cues cont… Cause & Effect-Because, if then, reasons why, etc. Problem & Solution-The problem is, the puzzle is, solve, & question…answer

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: Prewriting Getting ready to write Choose topic Choose audience Reason to write Organize

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: Prewriting cont… Organize cont… Graphic organizers

Assessment Report Individual Cite Sources

Accommodations Cultural Make sure rubric is understandable Classroom is comfortable environment

Accommodations Linguistic: Allow another student to read Developmental Read info to student Provide info at level Tape info being read

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: Drafting Complete sentences Do not worry about spelling Paragraphs Idea support

Assessment Sloppy Copy “X” on every other line 5 paragraphs

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: Revising Re read rough draft add, substitute, delete and move words or phrases peers make suggestions Use revision marks

Assessment Stage of writing: Revising Make changes you feel best Peer suggestions

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: editing Final changes Make draft readable Peers suggestions Use proofreader/revision marks

Assessment Stage of writing: editing Make changes Use peer suggestions Author final say in changes

Instructional Procedures Stage of writing: publishing Last stage of process Recopy, making corrections Best handwriting

Assessment Stage of writing: publishing Final Copy Make all changes Best Handwriting