外研版高中三年级 ( 第 9 册 ) Module4 The World’s Top Ten Languages.


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Presentation transcript:

外研版高中三年级 ( 第 9 册 ) Module4 The World’s Top Ten Languages

The world language is colorful. Do you know the World’s top ten languages? 1. What do you think the numbers after the names of the languages mean ? ( a) the number of people who live in a country where the language is spoken? ( b) the number of people who speak the language worldwide? 2. Which of the names of the languages are also nationalities? The key: 1. ( b) 2. 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 Look through the title of each part. And then answer activity 1.

1. The western name for Putonghua ____________. ( a) is the translation of the Chinese word for magistrate. (b) indicated that the language was used by imperial mandarins. (c) was used in the 19 th century million is the total number of people who speak English ___________. ( a) as a first language ( b) as a first or second language ( c) as a foreign language ( b )

3. Hindustani will never become the first world language because ________________. ( a) the population of India will never overtake the population of China. (b) it includes a huge number of dialects. ( c) too many people speak English in India. 4. There are speakers of Arabic in non-Arabic because______________. ( a ) there are millions of Muslims North Africa and the Middle East. ( b) it’s one of the world’s oldest languages ( c) it’s the language of Muslims. ( c )

5. Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese______. ( a) have their roots in the same language ( b) are more or less the same language ( c) have a few similar words. 6. The use of Portuguese expanded __________. ( a) because explorers used it ( b) when it became the official language of Brazil ( c) after Portugal independent ( a )

7.The percentage of Bengali speakers in Bangladesh ___________. ( a ) is greater than the percentage of Bengali ( b) is less than the percentage of Bengali speakers in India. ( c) is less than the percentage of its speakers in various other countries. 8. The three language spoken in the Caribbean are __________. ( a) Spanish, Arabic and English ( b) French, Spanish and English ( c) French, English and Portuguese. ( c )

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. The total of 750 million English speakers (1)_____________ people who speaker it ad a first or second language but not people who speak it as a foreign language. In some countries, English has (2)_____________, which usually means that business is done in English. (3) ____________, the use of English has (4) ___________ even more because 80% of Internet websites are in English. establish expand furthermore include overtake romantic roots special status. include special status Furthermore expanded

establish expand furthermore include overtake romantic roots special status. Unlike French, English doesn’t have its (5) ___________ in Latin, although there are a lot of English words which come from Latin. English is not as (6) ____________ a language as French, but it has (7) _________________ itself as the world’s main language of international communication however, the number of English speakers probably won’t (8) ___________the number of Speakers of putonghua. roots romantic established overtake

. 1.Chinese Mandarin, or putonghua, to give its real name, is spoken by the vast majority of the population of China. 绝大多数的中国人都讲官方标准语言, 或者 确切地说, 讲普通话。 2 . It is estimated that more than 375 million people speak English as a first language, with possibly another 375 million speaking it as a second language. 据估计, 超过 3.75 亿人把英语作为第一语言, 而大约另外 3.75 亿人把它作为第二语言。

3 . Apart from the UK and the USA, there are native people speakers in a great number of countries of the world, including Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and many islands in the Caribbean Sea. 除了英国和美国以外, 全世界还有很多国家把 英语作为母语, 包括澳大利亚。南非、加拿大、 新西兰以及加勒比海的很多岛国。 apart from 除了 …… 之外 There was nobody on the ship apart from the captain.

4.It is predicted that the population of India could one day overtake the population of China, but the importance of English in India would prevent Hindustani from becoming the most spoken language of the world. 据预测,将来印度的入口将超过中国,但英语在 印度的重要性使得印度斯坦语无法成为世界上讲 得最多得语言。 5. Furthermore, because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Muslims in other countries speak it as well. 而且, 由于《古兰经》是用阿拉伯语写的,其他 国家数以百万计的穆斯林也讲阿拉伯语。

6.For instance, about 100,000 Bengali speakers lived and work in the Middle East. 例如,大约 10 万讲孟加拉语的人生活和工作在中东。 7.Indonesian is actually one of many dialects of Malay, but they’re all more or less based on the same root language. 印度尼西亚语实际上是马来语的众多发言方言之 一,但这些方言几乎都起源于同一种语言。 more or less 几乎,或多或少