Decimals Decimals are a type of fractional number


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Presentation transcript:

Decimals Decimals are a type of fractional number The denominator is always a power of 10 A decimal point is used to show that it is less than 1 The decimal 0.5 represents the fraction 5/10 The decimal 0.25 represents the fraction 25/100 What decimal is represented by the fraction 461/1000? 0.461

Significant Digits or Figures Significant digits are the most important parts of the number They tell you how precise a number or measurement is They are the digits after the decimal point and after any zeros Trailing zeros count as significant digits 0.000567 4 3 significant digits

Positions Positions tell us how much each digit is worth, like they do for whole numbers They are the number of spaces each digit is behind the decimal point 0 . 0 0 0 0 tenths ten thousandths hundredths thousandths

Addition Line up the decimal points to make sure everything is in the correct column Add like you would integers 0.587 0.036 + 0.587 + 0.036 = 0.623

Subtraction Line up the decimal points to make sure everything is in the correct column Subtract like you would integers 0.587 0.036 - 0.587 - 0.036 = 0.551

Multiplication Move the decimal point of the first number to the left one space for each position behind the decimal point of the second number Multiply that new number by the whole number value of the second number (ignore decimal point) Make sure to fill in any missing zeros 0.07 x 0.3 = 0 07 x 3 = 0.021 One position behind decimal

Division Like multiplication, but move the decimal point of the first number to the right one place for each position behind the decimal point of the second number Divide that new number by the whole number value of the second number (ignore decimal point) 0.08 ÷ 0.4 = 0 8 ÷ 4 = 0.2 One position behind decimal

Review Decimals are fractional numbers where the denominators are powers of 10 Significant digits tell you how precise the number is Decimals add and subtract like integers Multiplying two decimals makes a smaller decimal Dividing two decimals makes a larger number