Bell-Ringer 3-24-08 What do you think the “real world” will be like? Do you want a career? Explain.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell-Ringer What do you think the “real world” will be like? Do you want a career? Explain.

Unit 7: The Real World: Colleges and Careers

What’s the difference between a career, an occupation, and a job? ► Career  The general direction of one’s life as related to work, a long-term path ► EX: career areas of agriculture and education ► Occupation  An individual’s work “title” associated with specific education and training ► EX: teacher (agriculture, biology, general science) ► Job  A stepping stone along the path, may be short-term ► EX: substitute, part time junior college teacher, agri-research intern, assistant soybean breeder, soil science lab assistant, teen camp counselor

► Return tests, papers, update GRS

Bell-Ringer Are you more motivated when a goal is hard or easy? Why?


How do we achieve a vision? GOAL: Something someone wants to achieve - Webster’s Dictionary - Webster’s Dictionary HS 44 TM A

Benefits of setting goals? 1. Goals provide us with a sense of direction. 2. Goals help us identify what is important in life. 3. Goals help us monitor our progress 4. Goals motivate us, because we feel good when we achieve them.

Time Frames ► Short-term: goals that can be accomplished in less than one year ► Intermediate (mid-term): goals that can be accomplished between one and three years ► Long-term: goals that can be accomplished in over three years

► I will clean out the lost and found on Friday. Please remove your stuff.

Bell-Ringer When setting goals for college/careers, what’s the most important thing to keep in mind?

Life Areas and Examples ►P►P►P►Physical EEEExamples: body image, health, personal hygiene ►S►S►S►Spiritual EEEExamples: religious expression, morals, faith ►J►J►J►Job/Career EEEExamples: SAE, summer jobs, long-term career plans ►F►F►F►Family/Friends EEEExamples: relationships, friendships ►E►E►E►Education EEEExamples: grades, honors, scholarships


Bell-Ringer Where do you see yourself during the fall of 2011? Be as specific as you can.

The American Dream


Degrees ► Associate’s Degree  2 years  AA (associate of arts)  AS (associate of science) ► Bachelor’s Degree  4 years  BA (bachelor of arts)  BS (bachelor of science) Notes

1. U nder what circumstances is it a good idea to get an Associate’s degree? Disadvantages? 2. W hat is the most important thing to consider when getting an Associate’s degree? 3. H ow do you decide if a 4-year degree is “enough”? 4. W hat are the advantages of going straight from CHSAS to a 4-year college/university? 5. W hat should you NOT major in? College Degree Questions

Quiz tomorrow on: ► Career vs. Occupation vs. Job ► Benefits of goals ► Types (time-frames) of goals ► Life areas for goals ► SMART goals ► College degrees

► Remember to check the lost and found

Bell-Ringer Study for quiz

Degrees, cont. ► Master’s Degree  6 years  MS (Master of Science)  MA (Master of Art) ► Doctoral (Doctorate) Degree  8 years  PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)  DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)  MD (Doctor of Medicine)  Ed D (Doctor of Education) Notes

1. What are the advantages of getting a master’s degree “right away”? 2. What are the advantages of working and then going back to school? 3. What is a thesis? 4. How and when should one begin to prepare for a doctoral degree? 5. What is a dissertation? College Degree Questions

► End of quarter is Friday, April 11 th ► Brookfield Zoo Trip is Tuesday, April 15th ► Officer applications are due on Wednesday, April 16 th (report card pick-up) ► Greenhand test is Tuesday, April 22nd

Bell-Ringer The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life. - Plato Agree? Disagree? Why?

Types of Higher Education ►C►C►C►Community (junior) Colleges CCCConfer associate degrees EEEExamples: Moraine Valley, Kennedy-King, Daley ►C►C►C►Colleges and Universities CCCConfer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate’s PPPPrivate - Ivy League ►H►H►H►Harvard, Stanford, Yale, etc. PPPPrivate - Religious ►L►L►L►Loyola University, DePaul University, Trinity Christian College

►P►P►P►Public - State colleges and universities (Normal Schools) IIIIllinois State University, Northern Illinois University, etc. ►P►P►P►Public - Land-Grant Universities (LGU) MMMMorrill Act of 1862 UUUUniversity of Illinois, Michigan State, Texas A&M, OSU ►P►P►P►Public - Historically Black Land-Grant Universities (HBLGU) MMMMorrill Act of 1890 TTTTuskegee, North Carolina A&T, Alabama A&M

Bell-Ringer What things should you consider when choosing a college?

► Size ► Type ► Location? City? Small town? Close to home? ► $$$ ► Required GPA and ACT ► Type of students ► Your major? ► Athletics? Programs? Activities?

College Rotation ► 6 groups ► Rotate brochures and questions ► Write name of school(s), then look through brochures to answer questions for each one (do not have to write question). Everyone turns in a paper.  EX: ► UAPB and NCAT  1.  2.  3.  4.  5. ► UIUC  1.  2.  3.  4. 5555