the Did you see the dog?
of I saw two of them.
and I saw Bob and Betty.
a I saw a cat.
to Jack went to the store.
in Tom is in the house.
is Mr. Peterson is here.
you Are you going home?
that Did you see that bird?
it I put it on the table.
he He took my bike!
was Ed was late for school.
for Sandy made this for you.
on The cat is on the table.
are Jack and Jill are cute.
as He was as fast as a mouse.
with Mike was with his mom.
his I saw his sister.
Did you say they were here?
I I saw them at the school.
at Jill was at work.
Fred will be your friend.
this Is this book yours?
have Jake will have some fun.
from This note is from Bill.
or Tom or Nick will sing.
one I only saw one cow.
had Pat had one car.
by Ann went by the shop.
words I can read all the words.
The food is good but too sweet.
not I am not happy.
what What did he say?
all I saw all the dogs.
were They were all here.
we We love our new teacher.
when When are you going home?
your Is this your book?
can You can do this!
said Mom said, I love you”.
there Tom is over there.
use Jack can use a pen.
an Pat ate an apple.
each I gave each a pen.
which Which way did he go?
she I saw Beth. She is nice.
do I will do what mom said.
how How do you do this?
Dad saw their room at school.
if If I am hungry, I eat.
will Will you be my friend?
up Which way is up?
other Is this your other cat?
about I know a lot about frogs.
out Fred was out of the room.
many You have many friends.
I went to school and then I went home.
them I saw them at school.
these Are these your books?
so Bob said, “So what”!
I have some new dogs at home.
Did you see her new dress?
would How would you do this?
make Don’t make him go.
like Do you like to run?
him Do you like him?
into Please go into the room.
time It is now time to go.
Meg has a new baby sister.
I will look into the room.
Jack has two fish at home.
I saw more ants on the ground.
I will write a note to Mom.
go Jill will go to see Jack.
see Did you see that truck?
number I like the number ten.
no Dad said, “No”!
way Do you know the way home?
could Jack could jump high.
I saw two people on the ground.
my I like my dog.
than I am taller than you.
first Ted was first in line.
Bob likes to play in the water.
been I have been to school.
called I called my friend.
Who came to school last night?
oil I like oil on my salad.
Fran will sit on the table.
now Mom said, “Go to bed now”!
Did you find your lost dog?
long How long is your pen?
down Jill fell down the hill.
What day are you going to come over?
did I did see you at school.
get Did you get a new bird?
come I will come to your room.
made Jack made you a card.
may I said, “May I go to bed”?
I will eat part of the cake.
over Tad jumped over the man.
new Brad has a new home.
sound Did you hear that sound?
take Jake will take a break.
I was the only one at school.
little My dog is very little.
work Dad has to go to work.
know Do you know the new girl?
place I will sit in this place.
Jason is only six years old.
Do you live in Philadelphia?
me Do you like me?
back Jack is back from lunch.
Ted will give you his pen.
most Pat has the most sound.
Don is very happy at school.
after Mom will come after you.
She had two things in her bag.
our This is our classroom.
Brad said, “Just take your time”.
name My name is Nan.
good This case is very good.
Can you read this sentence?
man My dad is a man.
think I use my brain to think.
say Did you say hello to him?
I ate a great big ice cream.
where Where did the dog go?
help I will help you get out.
The ball went through the window.
much I love you very much.
Jill will go before Jack.
I was in the back of the line.
Meg hurt her right leg at school.
too My hat is too big for me.
Do you know what this sentence means?
old How old is your mom?
any I can not get any help.
Pam and Nan have the same hat.
I will tell Jack I like him.
boy The new boy was little.
The dog will follow the fat cat.
Ted came home from school.
want Do you want some cake?
Please show me how to do this.
Tom is also going to the show.
Let the ball go around the people.
Dad will fill out the form.
Tod has three pens in his bag.
Does ball sound like small?
Dot will set the table for lunch.
I will put the plate on the table.
It is the end of school for today.
Does Tim like to eat cake?
Tim will have another slice of cake.
well How well do you know him?
Dot has a large number of pigs on the farm.
I must go to school today.
big Mack has a big pencil.
The number two is an even number.
such Pat is such a happy boy.
I said, “Because I love you”.
My teacher said, “Please turn around”.
here I will sit right here.
why Why is the cat on the bed?
I will ask mom for some lunch.
Jed went to school today.
men Two men went up the tree.
Did you read the book? Yes, I read the book.
Rob said, “I need some help.”
land This land is my land.
That is a different sentence.
home I must go home today.
us Tom will help us.
I can move to the new place.
try Tim wants you to try.
What kind of food is this?
I will hand in my sentences.
I will draw a picture of you.
I will draw the picture again.
I will change the picture for you.
Take the cat off the table!
Fred likes to play ball with Beth.
Do you like to spell new words?
The balloon went up into the air.
away Jill ran away from Jack.
animal My cat is an animal.
The animal ran into the house.
point It is not nice to point.
I can turn the page in my new book.
letter Tom wrote me a letter.
Betty loves her mother very much.
answer Do you know the answer?
found Bill found his lost dog.
I will study my spelling words.
Are you still going to the park today?
learn Nat will help me learn.
You should say thank you.
Do you live in North America?
world The world is very big.
between I am between Tom and Fay.
Fay can add 2+2 again and again.
Tom will read about a plant.
Fay will write about some good food.
I went near the house to take a picture.
Mother will give every boy a pen.
Tom went below the water first.
country America is a country.
I own that plant over there.
How high can you jump this time?
Tom will place a plant into the earth.
Tom and Fay live near our school.
Tom will start his day at school.
Tom was not first. He was last.
Fay is high up in the tree.
My mother will meet our father at school.
My father said we could keep the cat.
The boy will never follow the animal.
I can see my house with me eyes.
city I live in the large city.
Tom thought about his new house.
I thought Tom was under the tree.
Is do not the same as don’t?
I first went right and then went left.
Fay will turn the light on.
Father will tell us a story at school.
Mother has an animal on her head.
Tom said, “You sit while I think about what to do”.
I will read a few words at school.
I saw father at the house.
The next boy in line is Tom.
Fay will begin school this day.
Mother will go along with father.
The men seem to know how to add.
Father saw something under the house.
The story was too hard to read.
close Tom will close his eyes.
Now Tom will open his eyes.
That is a good example of open and close.
I might see father at the house.
Let us study our words together.
Tom and Fay are both good people.
I will always love my mother.
Tom can run to his house and back.
Mother and Father often go to school.
Tom, Fay and I made a little group.
The plant still had some life in it.
got Fay got close to Father.
Tom will write on this paper.
I saw those people at my school.
The people live in a white house.
My mother said something important.
Fay had a white toy car at home.
Tom and Fay will walk to school.
The children are all at home.
Mother will walk a mile to the school.
The food fell between my two feet.
The animal went by the side of the tree.
The school is not open at night.
I will run until I get to the tree.
Tom read the story four times.
Mother took the children to school.
The house was near the sea.
Father began to walk to the city.
The plant will grow in the sun.
I saw a big river in their country.
I went near the river once and fell.
I live in a state in America.
Let us carry the food together.
I will use my eyes to read my book.
I will ask Fay to stop under the tree.
I can hear that sound again!
The animal had two eyes on its face.
Mother went without her children.
I don’t have enough food at home.
I was second in the line at school.
Fay was often late for school.
Tom will miss all the children at school.
Did you eat all of the food?
Tom has an important idea for mother.
Tom will watch the show at night.
Fay will walk up the high mountains.
Tom almost fell down the mountain.
The river in the country is far away.
I see something above that one house.
The picture of the Indian was in the book.
The picture was of a real Indian.
I sometimes miss all of the children at school.
Fay got the new girl a book for school.
Mother will let you read a story.
Father began to cut the white paper.
The people will write a new song.
Tom will make a list on that paper.
Fay saw Mother leave the new school.
I miss my family when I am at school.
I will soon see my family at home.
Father will talk to Tom about the book.
My mother is a very young girl.
Tom said, “I don’t think it’s a good song”.
It’s hard being good all the time.
The fish has a black body.
music I like music in the car.
The color of my car is red.
stand I can not stand up tall.
I like to have fun in the sun.
You need to ask two questions.
The fish is black and white.
The area where I am is big.
mark Mark the spot with an X.
The dog is black and white.
I have a young horse that is two.
There are two birds in the tree.
There is a problem with my horse.
I can complete the paper.
My room is my area to play.
I knew that he was a problem.
I will get my hat since it is cold.
Will I ever complete my work?
I want a piece of the fish to eat.
I told you that I will get you a cat.
I usually do my work at school.
I didn’t color your paper for you.
My friends didn’t complete the work.
The work is usually easy to complete.
I heard him say the work was easy to complete.
I have to order the music.
The red problems are easy.
The door is red, white, and black.
I am sure I heard the music.
become It will become easy.
I am at the top of the list.
ship I have a red toy ship.
The ship will take us across the river.
I will complete the problem in school today.
During school I was cold.
short Today is a short day.
A bird is a better pet than a fish.
I am better than the best.
I am good, however, you are the best.
low Two is a low number.
hours I work two hours a day.
I have a black and white cat.
I need many new products.
I do not know what happened to Tom.
The whole thing happened today.
I will measure and cut two feet.
I remember when I was young.
It happened very early in the day.
Early in the day. The waves are big.
The waves were so big that they reached the people.
listen I listen to the waves.
There is a lot of wind today.
The rock was big and hard.
I want to go to space one day.
The rock covered the mark.
The cat is not as fast as the dog.
Several rocks covered the area.
I can hold my dog and my cat.
He told himself that he was fast.
I ran toward my best friends.
I have five birds in my tree.
I took a step toward the horse.
In the morning, the waves are fast.
I passed five red products to my left.
The letter “A” is a vowel.
true The true color is red.
There are two hundred birds.
Pat was against his friends.
Red white red white is a pattern.
What is the next numeral?
table I sat at the table to eat.
I went toward the north side.
I slowly went to across the rock.
I like to make money at work.
I know where north is on the map.
The farm had a horse, a bird, a dog, and a cat.
I pulled my friends with me.
I can draw a horse and color it white.
voice I lost my voice today.
Have you seen my dog or cat?
In the morning it is cold out.
I was so sad that I cried today.
I had a plan to complete the problems today.
Did you notice that I got a new car?
The farm is south on the map.
I can sing the music if you want.
I have a lot of questions about the war.
The rock fell and hit the ground.
I will fall to the ground.
king The king has a red hat.
I was cold today when I went to town.
I’ll south across the room.
unit I live in the top unit.
I figure I’ll be done work early.
I am certain that I will be in town today.
The field is a big area to play on.
I will travel south in the direction of my friends.
The wood was hard and cold.
fire I need wood for the fire.
upon I sat upon the hard wood.
I am done my work for today.
I did my English work for school.
I took the long black road.
Half of the road was white.
I have ten more lists to go.
I saw a fly half way down the road.
I gave the school my English book.
I have a box of books to give you.
I finally gave the box to Mom.
I could not wait until the show and it is finally today!
If you say something that is true, it is also correct.
I said, “Oh yes, I will go with you”!
I told my mom to walk quickly because I do not want to wait.
I am finally the person at the top of the list.
I quickly became friends with Sam.
I had shown you the correct words.
In five minutes I will go to work.
The man is strong and can carry a lot of wood.
verb The word “run” is a verb.
I can see five stars in the sky.
I sat in front of my friends.
I feel strong when I carry fire wood for Dad.
Telling a fact is the same as telling something that is true.
I will measure and then cut five inches of paper.
I will run across the street to my friends.
I decided to move up to the front.
How many verbs does the sentence contain?
I decided to take an English course today.
I can only see the surface of the table.
I can produce two more if you want.
I work in a very tall building in the city.
I can see the surface of the ocean.
I sit in the front of the English class.
I will write you a note and send it to you.
I had a lot of work to do, but I did nothing all day.
I do not feel well, so I must rest.
I had carefully shown the bird to my mother.
The scientists said, “Look what we can do”.
I went inside the English class at school.
The wheels on the bus were big and black.
Stay inside the school until I come get you.
The whole field was green.
I should have known it was a long class.
On the island there was an ocean, birds, and a big rock.
In one week I will fly to the island with my friends.
In less than one week I will turn five.
The machine is green and red.
The base of the machine is big.
One week ago I was only two.
I stood five inches from Tim.
plane I like to fly in a plane.
Every scientist has a system.
I am behind in my school work.
I ran so fast and I did not stop.
The rock was round and hard.
The boat went in to the ocean.
The game was hard to play.
You can not force him to run.
I brought my dog in for show and tell.
Do you understand English?
warm The ocean was warm.
We have two things in common.
I will bring you a fun game to play.
Can you explain the game to me?
The dry field had plants.
The game looks fun, though, I do not know how to play.
Is English your only language?
What shape is the building?
How deep is the ocean? I can only see the surface.
There are thousands of rocks in the ocean.
I said, “Yes, you can see the fish”.
The ocean is clear and I can see fish.
Did you only complete one equation?
Did you complete the work yet?
Did you find the government building?
The building is filled with people.
Does the government building have heat?
The surface is full of birds.
hot The heat is on so I am hot.
Did you check if you have your school work with you?
What is the shape of the object?
am Do you see how hot I am?
What is the number one rule?
You are among your friends.
The word “ball” is a noun.
The government has a lot of power.
cannot I cannot fly a plane.
I am not able to see the top.
There are six minutes left in the day.
What size wheels do you need?
The deep ocean looks very dark.
What is the shape of the ball?
What kind of material is your hat made of?
There is a special machine that does that work.
The machine is very heavy.
I feel fine today, though, I am hot.
I have one pair of love birds.
The shape of the box is a circle.
Will you include me in the game?
Who built that big building?
I can’t go to your house today.
Do it matter to you what we do?
The shape of the machine was square.
The word machine has two syllables.
perhaps Perhaps we can go today.
I will take care of the bill.
I felt the ocean and it was hot.
I suddenly felt my body get cold.
I can’t take the test today.
The plane will fly in the direction of your house.
I told her to sit in the center.
Farmers work on the farm.
Are you ready to take the test?
I can’t do anything that I want to do.
divided I divided 4 by 2 and I got 2.
In general, cats and dogs do not get along.
You have a lot of energy for a young boy.
English is my favorite subject in school.
Europe is a country that is far away.
The moon is so far away, though we can see it.
Color the square region red.
Did you return the book yet?
Do you believe that I can’t do it?
I like to sing and dance with friends.
We are members of a group that dance.
I picked the members in my dance class.
The work was simple to complete.
We have a lot of cells in our body.
I have to paint my room today.
mind I have to make up my mind.
I said to Mother, “I love you”!
I was the cause of the problem.
rain The rain came down hard.
I am out of shape and I need to exercise.
The birds in the tree lay eggs.
You can take a train or a plane.
The train was the color blue.
I wish I had I had some eggs to eat.
I had to drop a class in school.
The eggs developed into birds.
Through the window, I could see the train.
What is the difference between two inches and two feet?
What is the distance from school to our house?
Do you know what the shape of a heart is?
What is the distance to get from your site to my site?
sum The sum of 2 + 2 = 4.
In the summer, I get very hot!
Will you hang my work on the wall?
In the forest there is a lot of big trees.
I will probably be cold in the forest.
legs I have two legs.
I sat for the show and it was five hours long.
I can’t wait to eat the main course!
I like the summer better than the winter.
The book is three inches wide.
Did you turn in your written work today?
The length of the pencil is five inches.
The reason I go to school is to learn.
The reason I kept the dog was because I love her.
I have an interest in birds and fish.
I have two arms and two legs.
My brother is five years old.
I run and my brother runs so we will have a race today.
I bought my friend a present.
Your have beautiful children.
The new store looks beautiful.
I got a new job at the new store.
I sat on the edge of the wall.
Yesterday was the past, today is the present.
Will you sign your name to the list?
The record can play music.
I finished all of the written work for school.
I discovered that I have an interest in dance class.
Mom said we were being too wild in the house.
I am happy when I am with people that I love.
I sat beside my friends in class.
Before I knew it, my friends were gone.
There were two birds in the sky.
The grass on the field was dry.
There are over one million fish in the ocean.
I need to travel west in the direction of the school building.
Birds lay eggs in their nest in the tree.
The weather is nice today, I can see the sun.
I can see the root under the tree.
What instruments do you know how to play?
Do you want to meet my friends?
I was the third person on the list.
In a few months school will be over.
I have one written paragraph.
I have raised two children.
Red, white and blue represent America.
My arms and legs felt soft.
I do not know whether I should to my friends or stay at my house.
Tim gave me a lot of new clothes.
I bought Mom flowers today.
What shall I do today after school?
My teacher is very nice to our class.
I held on to his arm as I sat beside him.
I can’t describe how tall the building is.
Shall I drive or do you want to?
I said, “You can’t cross the street alone”!
I said, “Do not speak to me like that”!
I can’t solve the problem on my own.
What shape and color does it appear to be?
The machine is made of metal.
My mother and father have one son.
I will either take a plane or a train.
If it is cold enough, water will turn into ice.
I can’t sleep at night when I am cold.
The Indians lived in a village.
There are a number of factors.
Being wild in school will result in time out.
I once jumped rope for exercise.
In the winter, when the weather is cold enough, it can snow.
I will ride the train to visit my friends.
Who will take care of you if I cannot?
The floor is too hard to lay on.
There is snow at the top of the hill.
He pushed his way to the front of the line.
My friend had has a baby boy.
I will buy the baby a new toy.
I can’t remember what happened a century ago.
It is cold enough outside for the ocean to turn to ice.
I love everything about my Mom.
The baby bird is only five inches tall.
I already have everything I want.
You want to travel north instead of south.
“I love you” is a phrase often used.
A tree needs soil to grow.
The bed is soft and nice to lay on.
Did you make a copy of the list?
Do you have any free time today?
I hope that you will come with me.
Spring is my favorite time of the year.
Do you have a case to put your toys in?
I laughed with my friends all day.
The people who live in our state also live in our nation.
My friends are quite funny.
You are not the type of boy who would hurt your friends.
They do not need help; they can do the work themselves.
What is the temperature outside when water turns to ice?
The sun is very bright today and as a result, it is very hot.
I am in the lead; I have completed the most problems.
Everyone likes to be outside sometimes.
There is more than one method that can be used to solve the problems.
Which section of the book have you read up to?
lake There is a lake not too far from my house and I go there in the summer.
Everyone needs to have iron in their body.
Within your body there are over a million cells.
We use the dictionary a lot in English class at school.
What color hair do you have? I have black hair.
You do not look your age at all.
We do not have the amount of space we need.
We used a scale in school today.
A scale will tell you how many pounds you have.
although Your dog looks like he would be five pounds, although, the scale says he is only two pounds.
I need to know how many eggs there are per case.
All of the machines are broken because they fell.
I need to see you for a moment. It will be quick.
The birds eggs are so tiny that I can’t see them.
Is it possible that he left already?
I found a tiny piece of gold outside and I kept it.
What do you like better, milk or water?
You are so quiet that I did not know you were here.
Is it natural for me to feel sad?
lot I have a lot of hair!
I can see a stone from the surface of the lake.
You must not act wild when you are in school.
Can you build a building? I can’t.
I am in the middle of the list and you are at the top.
You run at a very good speed!
Can you count to one million?
The letter “T” is a consonant, but the letter “E” is a vowel.
Can someone help me build this?
You can sail from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
I rolled the ball over to Mother.
The bear was soft and had a lot of hair.
I wonder what time the sun will come out.
Someone gave the boy a toy bear and then he smiled.
I can’t see where you are from this angle.
One half is a fraction of a whole.
I want to travel to Africa. Do you want to come?
The big bear was killed today.
Can you play a melody for me?
I couldn’t see the bottom of the lake.
I want to take a trip to Africa this summer.
When I was leaving the village, I fell into a hole.
Those who are poor do not have enough money to come on the trip.
Let’s take a trip to see the Indians.
I do not want to fight with you.
Did you already know or did I surprise you?
What language do you speak? English or French?
If someone was killed that means they died.
Did you beat everyone at the game?
Sleep is exactly what I need.
How long did you remain in the hole before someone helped you get out?
How will you dress for the party?
cat Do you want a cat or a dog?
I couldn’t go to school when my pop died because I was too sad.
My fingers are very cold.
There is a long row of flowers in the field.
Are there at least five boys?
I run fast. Catch me if you can.
I climbed the tree so I could see the birds.
Who wrote my name on the list? I know I did not sign it.
I shouted, “Who killed the cat”?
The boy continued to explain that it was him who killed the cat.
Couldn’t the cat climb the tree itself?
Did everyone else leave already?
The plains look like dry fields.
I need to put gas in the car because last time I didn’t, the car died.
England Those who live in England speak the English language. Do you want to take a trip to England?
The wood is burning in the hot fire.
Did you design the building or did Pat?
Since I like to dance, I joined the dance group at school.
I think my foot is broken.
It is a law that children must go to school.
Everyone should have two ears and two eyes.
The glass fell and now it is broken.
You’re off from school today.
The boy’s foot grew and he is now a five.
My skin is red from the sun.
We will fly and the plane will land in the valley.
I have five cents and you only have two cents. I have more.
Did you find the key to my house?
The president works for the government.
I have brown hair and she has black hair.
You’re in trouble at school because you were being too wild.
It feels too cool to be a summer day.
I see one big cloud in the sky next to the sun.
I lost my friend when he died last year. I am sad.
I sent the letter to the president today.
+ and – are symbols I use in school.
I don’t know what to wear to the party.
If you’re bad, you will get in trouble.
Did you save a piece of that for me?
The only way to find out is to run an experiment and see the results.
The engine in my car is broken. I have to take the bus to work.
I don’t like to be home alone. I like when my friends are over.
Which do you like better, drawing or English class?
east Do you want to take a trip to the North, the South, the East or the West?
I can’t choose between black or brown for the design.
I only have a single egg, I do not have many eggs.
I want to touch a cloud but I can’t.
I do not have enough information to complete the drawing.
He is old enough to express himself.
I have a mouth, two eyes, and two ears.
In the back of our house we have a big yard.
equal If I have two cents and you have two cents we have an equal amount of money.
A decimal is a symbol we use in school.
You need to express yourself.
The president is in control of our country.
Practice the music before you play it for everyone.
I have to do an experiment and then write up a report for school.
After school I will just go straight home.
I love to watch the sun rise in the morning.
“I love to go to school” is a statement.
Do my ears look like they stick out?
I have a new dress that I will wear to my party.
I have seeds which I will plant to grow a tree.
I suppose we should go to the party.
The woman told me to stay straight on 95 north.
I love in the west coast, but I want to move to the east coast.
I have to run to the bank quickly.
A period is a symbol that we use in school.
I need some wire to get the tree home.
I can’t pay the bill unless my mom can wire me the money.
My son must clean his room before he can go to the party.
If we are going to have friends visit, we have to clean the house.
I ate every bit of the food at the house.
Whose party are you going to today?
I just received the letter that you sent.
Within the garden there are a lot of flowers and plants.
please Can you please save me all of the information that you use for the report?
The woman in the store was very strange.
I caught her in the back yard with the stick.
I climbed the tree but I didn’t make it to the top. I fell.
I joined the dance team at school.
God Do you believe in God?
I asked the captain of the train how much time we had left.
We took a direct trip to Africa. We did not stop at all.
I got a new ring to wear on my ring finger from my friend Pat.
Did you serve food at the party?
My child has trouble with different symbols.
The desert is dry. It is also brown and green.
i will increase my money by doing more work.
In one year, the report will be history.
The cost of cars will increase a lot in five years.
Maybe we will take a trip to the desert in the winter.
If they get into trouble again, their business will be history.
If the boys do not act right, I will separate them from each other.
Did the glass break when it fell?
My uncle likes to learn about history and war.
Do you want to go hunting in the woods?
Do the words flow together?
The lady in the store had long red hair and a blue shirt.
The students will visit the president this summer.
the student was drawing a human being.
My favorite subject is art because I like to spend time drawing.
feeling I have a feeling Tom will not be in school today because he fell in his yard and broke his leg.
Did you see our supply of firewood?
I saw a cat in the corner of the house.
There was a lot of snow outside and our electric went out.
There were a lot of insects outside in the yard.
We grow a lot of crops in the summer.
You do not need to raise your tone when you talk to me.
When I was acting wild, I hit my leg on the corner of the table.
I could see the sand at the bottom of the ocean.
I will call the doctor if your leg does not get better.
I can provide the food for the party.
I like school, thus, I will do my work.
I won’t let you hurt my friends.
I will cook food for you and your friends.
I have a lot of bones in my body and so do you.
Do you want to go to the mall today?
Do you want to play a board game?
I like the look of modern day homes.
Watchdog is a compound word.
That glass is not yours, it is mine.
It wasn’t me who broke the glass.
Can you fit your whole body through the window?
The addition symbol looks like a cross (+).
Does that board game belong to Todd?
Is it safe to cross the street now?
There are soldiers who are at war.
Can you guess which hat is mine?
Every room in my house was silent.
Do you want to trade board games just for today?
I would rather go over your house than stay at mine today.
You can’t compare the two boys because they are so different.
There was such a big crowd so I couldn’t see anything at all.
Would you rather write a poem or draw something?
I enjoy playing board games with my friends.
There are many different elements.
Can you indicate which poem you wrote?
I love every color except brown.
I don’t expect you to have school every day. You have two days off.
The table has a flat surface.
Everyone is going except for the seven of you.
This is an interesting drawing. It’s very different.
I can sense the winter is coming. I smell fires.
Do you have any string or wire?
You can blow the sand off your body.
That lady is famous for her drawings. Everyone knows who she is.
I can sense that the value of that picture is a lot of money.
Every bird has a pair of wings to fly with.
I can tell by the birds movement that it’s leg is broken.
I want to take a trip to the North Pole.
Taking a trip with friends is so exciting.
There are three branches of government.
The ice outside is quite thick and cold.
There is blood coming out of my finger.
You should never lie to people.
There is a spot of blood on your shirt.
Did you ring the bell when school was over?
He said, “Writing poems is a fun thing to do”!
Turn the music down! It is too loud!
Would you consider a trip to Africa?
He suggested we start to plan the trip today.
This shirt is too thin to wear in the winter because I will get cold.
Would you like to try a different position?
Have you entered yourself in the race?
Do you like to eat fruit? It is good for you.
The tree is tied to the car with wire and string.
I feel rich because I just won money.
I won one million dollars and now I am rich!
Did you write the letter and send it yet?
The snow is such a good sight to see.
That man is the chief of the Indians.
I have some friends who are Japanese.
The thin stream of water flows through the field.
We can’t see the planets because they are too far away.
I have heard you play music and you have a lot of rhythm.
There are eight insects in the corner.
In science class we learn about the planets.
Science and English are major subjects in school.
In science we do experiments and then observe the results.
We need a whole tube water for this experiment.
Is it necessary to use the whole tube or can we just use half?
The cat is big! It’s weight is seven pounds.
Do you like to eat meat? I don’t.
I lifted the cat off of the table.
There is a whole process we go through to do an experiment.
My friend in the army had to go to war.
When it is cold outside I wear a hat.
That yard is not our property. We can’t play on it.
Is there any particular side you would rather sit on? I don’t care.
Would you rather swim in the ocean, the river, or the steam?
There are four different terms in the school year.
My current job is fun! I hope my next one is too.
park You can park outside my house if you want or you can park across the street.
I am trying to sell my car. Do you know who would buy it from me?
I can’t see over my shoulder.
My job is one of the best in the industry.
Do you know how to do your own wash?
I only live one block away from you.
spread The teacher said, “Spread out so that you are separated from each other”.
They raise cattle on their farm.
wife That lady is Sam’s wife.
I had to make a sharp left turn.
What company do you work for?
The radio plays some good music.
We’ll go to the mall after work if you want.
There is a lot of action in the war.
Do you know what your state capital is?
There are a lot of factories in the city.
Are you settled in your new house yet?
I want the yellow piece when we play the board game.
It isn’t cold enough outside for it to snow.
He is from the southern part of the country.
Do you own a truck or a car?
If you can bring a friend and I can’t, that isn’t fair.
I printed out a copy of the list for you to see.
I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.
You can go ahead and leave and I’ll meet you there.
There is a good chance it will snow today.
I was born before you, but after Jack.
i have to make it to the next level if I want to pass.
A triangle has equal three sides.
In science class we learn about molecules.
In France their main language is French.
repeated You repeated yourself two times already. You don’t have to repeat yourself again.
column The right column is where you write your name, the left column is for your age.
She lives in the western part of the state.
I go to church at least one time a week.
My sister repeated her dance move one more time so we could see her.
Everyone must have oxygen in order to live.
The plural word for cat is cats.
various There are various ways that you can show your sister that you love her.
My friends and I agreed that we would all go to church.
My sister and I wear the same hat but in opposite directions.
I think that my sister wears her hat in the wrong direction.
I had to make a chart with five columns and bring it in to school.
prepared Are you prepared for science class today or did you leave your work at home again?
Your sister has very pretty hair.
We need to find a solution to our problem.
Is there any fresh fruit left? This piece looks old.
Did you shop for a new truck today?
Did you learn what a suffix is in English class yet?
I like to be outside, especially in the summer.
I want to shop for a new pair of shoes today.
actually You actually have a pretty good chance at going to France with your class.
My nose is red from being outside in the cold.
I am not afraid to go to the mall alone.
The man had no oxygen for an hour and as a result, he is dead.
I need to run to the store to get sugar.
The word fast is an adjective describing how you run.
A fig tree is my favorite thing to look at outside.
In the office there is a whole lot of paper.
The new truck that my dad got is huge!
The man was killed with a gun.
My hat is similar to yours, only yours is yellow and mine is red.
A gun was the cause of his death.
I finally got the best score in the class.
Did you move forward on the game board?
My legs hurt so I stretched them out.
My trip to France was a great experience.
I rose from the bottom of the ocean and came up through the surface.
Will your mom allow your sister to go on the school trip?
Do you have a fear of death? I do.
The workers all have their own trucks.
Washington A trip to Washington would be a good experience for the children in school.
Do you speak Greek, English, or French?
All of the women at work wear similar clothes.
I bought my sister a fresh pair of shoes for the office party.
led I led the class back into the school after we went outside for a break.
The workers will march around the office.
My uncle lives in the northern part of the country.
I do not know how to create the chart.
I am British and English.
It is rather difficult to create this chart.
I can’t find shoes that match my clothes.
Did you win the board game?
He doesn’t win the difficult matches.
The factories make steel for us to use.
Did your uncle total his car when he hit the other car?
Do you want to deal the cards so that we can begin to play?
I can’t determine whether or not the solution is correct.
evening This morning I was being wild, but I will be settled down by this evening.
I used a hoe to clean up the garden in our yard.
I tied the flowers together with some rope, some wire and some string.
My clothes are made out of cotton, which grows on a farm in the South.
The best type of fresh fruit is an apple.
I need a lot of details if the experience is going to be repeated.
I ate the whole entire apple until there was nothing left.
Corn can grow on farms in the South.
We used many different substances in the experiment.
My sense of smell is very good.
tools There are many tools you can use on the farm. A hoe is just one of them.
conditions Depending on the weather conditions, maybe we can go outside at school today.
How many cows do you have on your farm?
How many times did you run around the track this evening?
I arrived at the finish line in only seven minutes.
My company’s office is located in the back of the building.
I said, “Sir, do you know what time it is by any chance”?
My seat has cat hair all over it!
Would you rather do division or addition?
Your actions have an effect on the whole class.
Did you underline the word “oxygen” in the sentence?
Can you just view the drawings rather than read the whole book?
police The police are outside the school because there was a fight between two boys.
I consider Sam on of my best friends.
There are a dozen eggs in one case.
When it is hot outside, I love to play baseball with my friends.
Rubber is made from part of a rubber tree.
symbol We use a + symbol to do addition problems and a ÷ symbol to complete division problems.
My mother and father support me in everything that I do.
Sleep is exactly what I need.
My job is one of the best in the industry.
They’re two of my favorite things to do.
Your shoes are beneath the table.
I have a friend who can always make me laugh no matter how sad I am.
The groceries are heavy. I need help taking them into the house.
An apple seems like it is the most popular fruit.
I thank God every day for my family and friends.
I only have one quarter and that is not enough to buy groceries.
I climbed the tree so I could see the birds.
I will continue to experience great things.
I love to make potatoes and corn.
Did you receive the letter I sent you?
Did you design the building or did Pat?
Do you know who the president of our country is?
The police could charge you for fighting in school.
I made a mistake by not doing my work.
The hospital is not a fun place to be.
How long did you remain in the hole before someone helped you get out?
The service costs one quarter per minute.
increase The number of women in the group will increase this year. There used to be five and now there will be seven.
The number of students in the school continues to increase each year.
There were a lot of insects outside in the yard.
Did you write the return address on the letter you want to send?
You must sign the letter sincerely and then write your name.
I need seven dollars to buy the toy I want.
Does that black and white hat belong to you?
Do you want one bottle of water or two?
How long is the flight to France?
Did you forget to prepare for school?
I ride my bicycle to school every day because I do not have a car.
If I tell you something can you keep it a secret and not tell anyone?
My uncle was a soldier who fought in the war.
You were so silent when you came in that I didn’t even hear you.
The structure of the building is very different.
He is the same height as Sam.
What did you observe from the experiment?
Make sure you indicate which one it is that you want.
The train runs on the railroad.
I need a knife to cut my meat.
When and where are you getting married?
I suggested, “Why don’t you get married in the city”?
I entered through the door in the back yard.
Did you see the hat that I want in the magazine?
Tom and I agreed to get married in France.
My uncle will turn fifty years old in a few days.
I can’t escape from school without being caught by the police.
Jack threw the ball through the window in the yard.
We can’t see the other planets because we are too far away.
It is dangerous to play near the railroad.
I have an event to go to with my friends this evening.
I am the line leader for my science class.
We don’t want war; we want peace.
I have a spelling test today in English class.
I have to read a chapter or two of my book before class this evening.
I can’t wait to go swimming in the ocean this summer.
Have you had the opportunity to meet the president?
When I heard that Nan died, I immediately began to cry.
My favorite thing to do when I’m not in school is to ride my bicycle.
Are you settled into your new home yet?
I like to talk on the telephone in the evenings.
Can you please repeat that because I did not hear you.
Did you prepare for your dance class today?
Mom said, “Get over here this instance”!
What avenue do you live on?
Did you read the newspaper today?
actually You actually have a pretty good chance and going on the trip to France with your class.
I am the top employee at my company so I have a big office.
My company is under review by the government.
Can you convince Dad to take us to Africa?
Are we allowed to go on the school trip?
Nobody knows the secret except you and I.
Do you know what the climate is like in the winter?
If you exercise, you will have bigger muscles.
Most people who model in magazines are pretty.
I need details of how to do so if I am going to repeat the experiment.
Did you have your coffee yes this morning?
I said, “Yes, I am serious about getting married”.
I will be ready to go whenever you get here.
We learned about a right angle in school today.
Two adjectives to describe the feather would be soft and yellow.
I am determined to finish all of my work this evening.
We often times use a dictionary in English class.
Today is just another ordinary day with nothing going on.
I have an extra potato if you forgot to bring food today.
I told the boy, “You can’t be too rough with the cat”.
We went to the school library in English class.
What condition is the book in? It is new or used?
I arrived at school before anyone else did.
My company’s office is located in the back of the building.
There is a new reading program at our school.
Do you have an extra pencil that I can use?
I bit my tongue and made it bleed!
Could you tell me what the title of the book is?
Tom is not my friend, he is my enemy.
Did you park your car in the garage?
Did you lose your car at the mall?
Potatoes and corn are vegetables.
I like to try out different styles.
Do your parents care how you style your hair?
All children need to go to school and get a good education.
Every child is required to attend school.
political My dad knows a lot of political people because he words for the government.
Do you want to have a son or a daughter?
Every individual has a right a free education.
Have you made any progress yet?
We do not need to go separately, we can go altogether.
There are many activities that you can do to keep yourself busy.
On which article did you do your report?
A lot of equipment was used to build that building.
discuss Did you discuss going to the party with your parents? What did they say?
Vegetables are a healthy thing to eat.
She told me, “You are perfect for the job”!
I do not recognize you. Have we met before?
I go to the mall rather frequently.
Who is your favorite character?
I don’t want to share personal information so I keep it secret.
I can’t find my shoe. How could it just disappear?
This year was a success! We did very well!
traffic I may be late because there is a lot of traffic on the road that takes me there.
Did you make it to work on time yesterday? I was late.
We are in a difficult situation.
I didn’t realize that I left you there yesterday.
Did you call me on the telephone yesterday and leave me a message?
Did you recently buy a new car? I have never seen that one before.
Did you sign on your account or mine?
Sam likes to do things that are physical, like exercise.
Todd is my neighbor on the other side.
I am excited to go on my trip to France.
Please whisper because I don’t want everyone to hear.
available I came by the school to talk to you yesterday but you were not available.
Are you going to begin college this winter?
We bought new furniture for our house.
We bought leather furniture for our home.
husband Once Tom and I get married, he will be my husband and I will be his wife.
The principal from my son and daughter’s school called home today.
I need to take medicine for my ears.
You did an excellent job at work yesterday!
After the operation, I will still need medicine.
Are you part of the city council?
My uncle is the author of your favorite book.
Mother asked me to organize my room for her.
I sensed concern when the principal called home about my daughter.
My dad is having a barbecue in the yard of his house.
I was in a car accident and broke my leg.
You will need to take medication because of the disease you have.
I need different color construction paper for my project.
The motor on the back of the boat is dangerous. Don’t touch it.
How will the snow affect the construction workers outside?
conversation The principal and I had a conversation about you yesterday on the telephone.
The police have evidence that you were there during the accident.
You are a citizen of your country and I am a citizen of mine.
We need to help keep our environment clean.
influence Your parents have a lot of influence over the things you do as a child.
There was a big audience at the school to watch the show.
Did school cancel class because of the ice outside?
I just bought furniture for my new apartment.
I did much worse this year than I did last year.
A train, plane, and car are all different types of transportation.
The street is full of ice because the water has frozen.
We need to clean up the waste that is left in our environment.
I have a couple pieces of paper left if you still need them.
What is the function of that machine?
Can I connect my telephone to this wall?
What do you project will happen next?
The man said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife”!
I offered my friends a ride home, but they had one already.
How many jobs did you apply for?
Did you improve from last year at all?
My stomach is full because I ate too much potato!
Did you collect money when you passed “go”?
Your parents can prevent you from going on the class trip.
The young boy has a lot of courage to climb a tree that tall.
I asked, “How did the accident occur”?
What foreign languages do you speak?
I have a high quality car that runs well.
I feel terrible about the accident.
What instrument will you play in the show this year?
I want to balance the eggs on their bottoms so they don’t break.
I do not have the ability to exercise like I did when I was young.
I want to arrange the hats by color.
The music we will play at the show has a good rhythm.
avoid I want to avoid the malls because I do not like it when there is a big crowd.
I have to do my daily work before I can leave the house.
Can you identify who the cause of the accident was? identity Can you identify who the cause of the accident was?
standard I like to do things the standard way rather than trying to be different.
Can you combine potatoes and corn to make a vegetable plate?
I have attached the directions to the letter I sent you.
Did I frighten you when I entered your office?
When I go to a party, I am very social. I talk to everyone there.
My dad works in a factory where he makes paper.
Did you get your license to drive a car yet?
What do you recommend I do with my free time?