We stive for unity and happiness worldwide, starting on a neighborhood level.


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Presentation transcript:

We stive for unity and happiness worldwide, starting on a neighborhood level.

Team Meme is on a mission to help the youth of The United States of America understand that love and peace are the only way!

Types of Bullying Physical Bullying Cyberbullying Verbal bullying Indirect Bullying and Social Alienation

What can you do when you’re being bullied? Don't get into a physical fight with a bully or try to retaliate Don't believe the insults about you Don't ignore the bullying Don't waste time in place where a bully might target you, including physical locations as well as online Don't believe you deserve to get picked on. Do write down how you feel Do learn to say and believe good things about yourself and your personality Do speak confidently to the bully Do walk or run away if a bully tries to hurt you

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Why do people bully? People can direct frustrations and difficulty at home or in class to you by bullying. Lack of attention from friends, parents or teachers can make a person bully you, just to feel popular and seen as ‘tough’ or ‘cool’ and in charge. Some people also do that because they are victims themselves. (Today)

I spent my entire childhood being told that high school would be the best years of my life, the “glory days” is what everyone called them. I had a lot of older cousins and they loved high school, they played sports and had a lot of friends and stayed in one place for all of their schooling years-they were never moved around. I moved a lot as a kid, for 10 years we didn’t live in a house longer than a year so I learned to socialize and talk to people in school but not to get too close because we weren’t going to be there for long, why make it harder to say goodbye?

Then I started high school and my parents decided to stay in one place and I had to learn very quickly how to make actual friends in a school full of strangers that all looked a little different than I did and acted very different than I did. I learned the hard way choosing what is right and choosing what is easy are two very very different things. And so I spent the next 4 years being called names, being made fun of because I was different.

Did you know that there are about 282,000 kids every month that report being attacked in schools throughout the nation each month? And that an estimated 15% of all students that don’t go to school report it to being out of fear of being bullied while at school? 71% of students report that bullying is an on- going problem and along those same lines, about one out of every ten students drops out or changes schools because of repeated bullying. (Bullying Statistics)

I was mocked because I stood up for what I believe in, and I think that I turned out okay because of that. But most kids are mocked for different reasons, like what they are wearing, how they cut their hair or even their weight. For a lot of high school kids those are things they can’t change, or if they could they don’t have the opportunity to because they are fighting other battles at home that most of us couldn’t even imagine.

So next time you open your mouth to make fun of someone, stop and think for just 2 seconds, “Do I have any idea what they are going through? Do I have any right to make them feel small in order to make myself feel big?” Bullying Statistics, Published online ying-statistics-2010.html ying-statistics-2010.html

I’m just a baby but I still know my facts about bullying, did you know…? 86% of students said, “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools. (Downs) 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying (Downs) American schools harbor approximately 2.1 million bullies and 2.7 million of their victims. Dan Olweus, National School Safety Center. (Downs) These numbers are large for someone as small as me to understand but you probably understand them.

The older I get the more I understand that bullying is not ok. It has bad effects on the person on the receiving end of the bullying as well as on the bully’s side of things. Some of the effects of being bullied include Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood. (Bullying) Health complaints (Bullying) Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school. (Bullying) A very small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history of being bullied. (Bullying) We need to fight this horrible activity and replace it with something a little more productive. If we all work together to stop bullying and accept everyone for who they are there would be less problems such as teen suicide, violence in schools, and poor self esteem in teens.

My mom always tries to teach me not to bully other babies and I try my hardest to not be a bully because there are bad effects on the bully as well as the victims. Here are some examples Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults (Bullying) Get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school (Bullying) Engage in early sexual activity (Bullying) Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults (Bullying) Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults (Bullying) These are some pretty negative effects. Bullying has a lot of bad effects and the bully. And there are some life-long problems on this list.

The truth about bullying isn’t cool. Nobody wants to be torn down at school or feel like they aren’t safe. And no one should have to go through the hardships that bullying leaves behind. And some of the sad truths about bullies, they don’t always know that they are being bullies. Talk to them. Its Time to stand up and push against the bullying. Don’t be violent or encourage violent behaviors but don’t let yourself fall into being bullied. If you see bullying happening tell someone like a teacher or a parent. We need to work together to stop bullying, it is possible.