Real Robots!! By: Chris Gardiner
Transformer Robot This robot is a toy car it car transform into a toy car. He can drive up too 6mph with about 1.5inchs of road clearance. He can also walk up too 6mph It can move his arms n finer He is also 3 foot long sports car It is 77 lb
Self Driving Car Google has created a self driving robot car They have already tested it and logged over 300,000 miles without an accidents It was controlled solely by its computer They exspect these cars too be out on the market as soon as 2017
Space Probe It is a space craft with no humans aboard Its purpose of being made it too go too planets that are too hostile for human survival like Venus, and Jupiter
Military Drones Fighter drones cost less Plus its easier too use then too train a human fighter flyer Fighter Drones only cost $12 million each…(Gasp) The F-22 cost about ten times that amount The main purpose of these drone are too go fight our wars without harming any of our men The drones are meant too save more Americans lives then too loose them