Let’s Choose a Career Tips to selecting the best job for you.
Choosing a career can be an overwhelming experience. Don’t underestimate the importance of this process. This tutorial is designed to give you general guidelines to follow in determining the career choice that is right for you. OVERVIEW EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
First step in selecting a career is knowing who you are. What are your values? What are your skills? What interests you? What are your strengths/weaknesses? Take a series of online self-assessment to discover how you will react in certain situations and what you enjoy doing. Assessments are tools to be used as a guideline. Who Are You? EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Careeronestop ments/FindAssessments.aspx ments/FindAssessments.aspx About.com: Career Planning Similarminds.com Online Assessment Tools EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Now that you have taken an assessment or two (or more), the research begins. You will need to research the career recommendations to determine your best fit. Factors to consider may include: Job descriptions Educational and training requirements Salary range Employment statistics and job outlook Does this job involve things I enjoy? Does it play to my strengths? Research EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Careeronestop: Occupational search and profiles ext=occ_rep&level=&optstatus= &id=1&nodeid=2&soccode=& stfips=&jobfamhttp:// ext=occ_rep&level=&optstatus= &id=1&nodeid=2&soccode=& stfips=&jobfam= Career Briefs : Occupational Information MyPlan.com: Career database and video library Occupational Profiles EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Set a short term career goal. Use the statement below as a guideline: Within the next year this is what I'd like to accomplish as far as my career is concerned: Career Goals EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Does your career choice require additional training or certifications? Set a goal using the statement below: This is what I'd like to have completed as far as education and training is concerned, i.e. taking a six month course, applying to college or graduate school: Education and Training Goals EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Don’t let salary control your career choice Don’t let someone else tell you what career is best for you Don’t let a “Hot Career” list dictate or limit your career choice Don’t think you will be satisfied with any job Don’t be afraid to change careers - your skills are transferable What not to do EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
Congratulations! Your on the road to having a career and not just a job. Visit our tutorials on resume essentials and business etiquette to help you further prepare for a promising future. Next Steps EmployReward Solutions, Inc.
100 Best Jobs for Lazy Bones Ten Myths About Choosing a Career Choosing a Career or Vocational School Career Exploration Explore Career Options Career Briefs: Occupational Information References EmployReward Solutions, Inc.