SDO/AIA science plan: prioritization and implementation: Five Objectives in 10 steps [session no.]1 V: C5: Coronal Seismology Chair(s): Ed Deluca, Bart.


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Presentation transcript:

SDO/AIA science plan: prioritization and implementation: Five Objectives in 10 steps [session no.]1 V: C5: Coronal Seismology Chair(s): Ed Deluca, Bart De Pontieu Status: Draft 1.4

[session no.]2 Guidelines to group leads Assess the task definitions in appendix A (‘AIA Science Plan’) in the 2004 Concept Study Report (CSR). In particular: Science/task descriptions in Ch. A1.1 Summaries in Table A2 Identify required changes from, and additions to, the ‘AIA Science Plan’ Evaluate the status of that plan, and formulate changes, if needed. You may add as many pages to this document as you need, but: Add pages under the same headings: please, do not change the roman numerals in the page titles, please add ‘a, b, c, d, …’ Resources: AIA home: AIA CSR summary: CSR: Proposal:

[session no.]3 Schedule 17 November 2005: draft sheets I, II to teams, requesting input for sheets III and IV 24 November 2005: completed sheets I-IV for review to teams, requesting input for sheets V-VI 8 December 2005: team input received for sheets V-VI 19 December 2005: draft of sheets VII-VIII to teams 9 January 2006: team comments received for sheets VII-VIII 6 February 2006: draft ‘Science plans’ on meeting website, with sheets IX-X filled out by team leads (or teams after telecons) February 2006: discussions during science team meeting discuss and complete pages IX-X. 17 February: completed ‘Science plans’ on line.

[session no.]4 II: Science questions and tasks Primary scientific questions: The variety of oscillation modes observed with SOHO/TRACE in the TR and corona have opened up the new field of coronal seismology. By studying the properties, excitation, propagation and decay of these oscillations/waves, we can reveal fundamental physical properties of the TR/corona that cannot be accessed as well or at all otherwise, such as magnetic field, density, temperature, viscosity, sub-resolution structuring,... SDO/AIA science tasks: Task 5A: Defining the characteristics of transverse, longitudinal and newly discovered waves: excitation, propagation, decay Task 5B: Defining the characteristics of global coronal waves: excitation, propagation, decay Task 5C: Probing large scale coronal magnetic structure and topology Task 5D: Probing the small scale plasma structure and microphysics

[session no.]5 III: Science context Expected advances in prior to SDO: Automated recognition software to detect global, longitudinal and transverse waves,… Detection of previously undetected wave modes (Solar-B), e.g., torsional modes Propagation of waves from lower atmosphere into corona: Solar-B, MHD modeling Significant improvement in coronal field extrapolations (see topic I), highly useful for studies of wave propagation, independent field determination, loop lengths, etc… Incorporation of 3D effects, e.g., magnetic curvature, sub-resolution structuring in current models Improved understanding of the global coronal wave phenomenon Determination of observable parameters from theoretical models

[session no.]6 III: Science context Anticipated SDO contributions: AIA cadence extends parameter space to higher frequencies (4-10 x TRACE, up to 0.25 Hz) Improved detection rate of all wave types, including previously undiscovered wave modes, because of large FOV, multi-thermal coverage, better S/N More accurate coronal seismology through AIA multi-thermal coverage: better estimates of densities and loop lengths (through field extrapolation codes), probing of sub-resolution structuring Better understanding of triggering, propagation and damping of transverse oscillations through combined SDO and Solar-B spectroscopic and vector magnetic data Improved knowledge of coronal field topology/structure through observations of global EIT/AIA waves and 3D modeling Better understanding of damping and propagation of longitudinal waves (e.g., phase mixing) through multi-wavelength AIA data, and of triggering and damping of longitudinal waves on high-temperature (>5 MK) loops through AIA and Solar-B/EIS data Oscillations in prominences (He II 304 A) and coupling to coronal volume

[session no.]7 IV: Science investigation Hurdles, bottlenecks, uncertainties: Analytic models need to be improved to include 3D effects Analytic models need to be augmented by detailed 2/3D MHD codes 3D MHD codes need to include photospheric convection, non-LTE chromospheric radiative losses and a realistic corona to study the coupling to lower atmosphere Need automated detection software for longitudinal/transverse waves and their triggers Automated global wave detection needs to be improved How can multi-thermal AIA data be used to restrain electron densities (crucial for many types of coronal seismology)? How reliable are density measurements from Solar B EIS? NLFFF codes need to be improved (faster, more accurate) and coupled to codes which determine the magnetic field topology. Boundary conditions for field extrapolations need to be improved. How do we incorporate chromospheric fields and loop morphology into extrapolation codes? How do we use the coronal field models to determine field topology and constrain loop lengths? Reliable loop tracing software needs to be developed. (Topic I) How do we use STEREO to improve our understanding of loop geometries/lengths? Full disk, high cadence (30 s) H  images needed to study Moreton waves simultaneously with EIT/AIA waves, also for prominence/filament oscillations and propagation from lower atmosphere into corona.

[session no.]8 V: Implementation: general What do we need to make progress on the science questions in general ? TR&T: Automated wave and loop detection SR&T: 3D MHD codes need to include photospheric convection, non-LTE chromospheric radiative losses and a realistic corona to study the coupling to lower atmosphere SR&T: Analytic models need to be expanded to include 3D effects, e.g., micro- structuring, curvature, … Augment analytic models by comparing with simplified 2/3D MHD test models Bootstrap off topic I’s focus on field extrapolation/boundary loop recognition Working group/workshop on automated wave detection software Working group/workshop on wave propagation through lower atmospheric boundary: 3D MHD codes [observables, models, codes, resources, people …]: see working groups?

[session no.]9 VI: Implementation: AIA+HMI What do we need from and for SDO to make progress on our major science? Significant progress can be made with the standard AIA observing mode, as long as this mode includes 1600 and 1700 at a cadence of <=20 s. This is needed for travel time analysis which promises to allow detailed lower atmospheric seismology. High frequency domains can be explored by high cadence observations for limited fields of view and duration in a few select, high S/N passbands: 0.25 Hz is OK, it would be interesting to push this as much as possible Data products: database of “events” from automated software that finds significant oscillatory power in all coronal AIA data; full disk, high cadence H-alpha movies; density measurements (Solar B/EIS!); coronal field extrapolations

[session no.]10 VII: AIA (+HMI+EVE) data products SDO data:  Critical: 1600/1700 at 20 s cadence or better  Critical: automated software that finds significant oscillatory power and feeds info (where/when/periods) to a database  Desirable: magnetic field extrapolations on demand for subregions with significant oscillatory power Supporting data from other observatories:  Critical: density measurements from EIS of active regions that show promise for oscillatory disturbances  Critical: full disk H-alpha movies from ISOON at 30 s (?) cadence for Moreton/global waves  Desirable: loop lengths from STEREO for coronal seismology

[session no.]11 VIII: AIA (+HMI+EVE) data production Assessment of required resources/codes/etc: Pipeline: Oscillatory Power Search Software – goes through all data in realtime and looks for wave packets in each pixel. Flags significant packets, feeds info to database, and makes quicklook movies on web-pages. Analysis Software/Studies: may be worthwhile to develop fast/efficient software to do 1600/1700 travel time calculations on AIA data; also would be useful to have software to analyse global wave properties automatically (e.g., Hochedez) 3D MHD simulations: are being developed, independently from AIA/SDO Computational requirements: unclear at this stage, TBD during workshop Storage requirements: much less than raw dataset, TBD during workshop Access: web-site with sample movies and searchable database. Details TBD during future workshop (see, p. 13)

[session no.]12 IX: Business plan: Resources Pipeline: Oscillatory Power Search (OPS) software, will be studied by (at least) three different groups and prepared for workshop in 2007: McIntosh/De Pontieu, Hochedez et al., UK. Others welcome. Supporting: Global coronal (EIT) waves analysis software (Hochedez?), 1600/1700 travel time software (McIntosh/De Pontieu) Research: 3D MHD simulations (being developed independently, e.g., Oslo University)

[session no.]13 X: Business plan: Implementation Milestones/Testing/Target Dates Mid 2006: identify (large) TRACE dataset to be used as testbed for OPS software, and send to interested parties Late 2006/early 2007: workshop to discuss results, performance, how to refine OPS code(s), how to integrate into pipeline, what kind of data should be fed into database. Also discuss global waves software and travel time software, define what’s needed and who will be responsible for development of those codes. Late 2007: finish OPS code(s), work on code to automatically generate web-pages, mini-workshop to discuss global waves software and travel times software Early 2008: finish all codes/web-page software Communication: Workshop in early 2007, maybe around LWS meeting? Mini-workshop, maybe at SOHO meeting in Belgium?