Electron Interactions Electrons interact with charges in atoms. Electrons decelerateElectrons decelerate This radiation is called bremsstrahlung “braking radiation”“braking radiation” e e Z
Beta Range The range of an electron in matter varies. Energy dependent Material dependent The measure is often scaled to the density.
Ejected Photons Electron can be accelerated toward a metal target. Heated cathode to create electronsHeated cathode to create electrons High voltage to get high energy electronsHigh voltage to get high energy electrons V e I
X-Rays The photons come of with a spectrum of energy. Called x-rays Maximum corresponds to potential Peaks correspond to specific quantized energies in an atom.
Compton Scattering Photons scattering from atomic electrons are described by the Compton effect. Conservation of energy and momentumConservation of energy and momentum Special relativitySpecial relativity e ’’
Compton Effect The energy and momentum equations can be combined into one relationship. Compton equationCompton equation Frequency or wavelengthFrequency or wavelength e ’’
Compton Energy The wavelength shift is independent of energy. Only angle The energy of the photon depends on the angle. Max at 180° Recoil angle for electron related to photon energy transfer Small cot large Recoil near 90° next