Myers’ EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY (6th Ed) Chapter 14 Therapy Modified from: James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers.


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Presentation transcript:

Myers’ EXPLORING PSYCHOLOGY (6th Ed) Chapter 14 Therapy Modified from: James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers

Psychotherapy  Emotionally charged, confiding interaction between trained therapist & someone who suffers from psychological difficulties  Eclectic Approach  Approach to psychotherapy that, depending on client’s problems, uses techniques from various forms of therapy

Therapy: Psychoanalysis  Freud believed patient’s free associations, resistances, dreams & transferences (& therapist’s interpretations) released previously repressed feelings, allowing patient to gain self-insight  Use rapidly decreased in recent years  Resistance  Blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material

Therapy: Psychoanalysis  Interpretation  Analyst notes supposed dream meanings, resistances & other significant behaviors to promote insight  Transference  Patient transfers to analyst emotions linked with other relationships  e.g. love or hatred for parent

Humanistic Therapy  Client-Centered Therapy (Rogers)  Therapist uses techniques such as active listening within genuine, accepting, empathic environment to facilitate clients’ growth  Active Listening  Empathic listening in which listener echoes, restates, & clarifies

Behavior Therapy  Applies learning principles to elimination of unwanted behaviors  Counterconditioning  Based on classical conditioning  Conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors  Includes systematic desensitization & aversive conditioning

Behavior Therapy  Systematic Desensitization (type of Exposure therapy)

Behavior Therapy  Aversive Conditioning

Behavior Therapy  Token Economy  Operant conditioning procedure that rewards desired behavior  Patient exchanges token, earned for exhibiting desired behavior, for various privileges or treats

Cognitive Therapy  Teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking & acting  Based on assumption that thoughts intervene between events & emotional reactions  Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  Combines cognitive therapy (changing irrational/self-defeating thinking) with behavior therapy (changing behavior)

Group & Family Therapies  Group Therapy  Family Therapy  Treats family as system (no one is an island)  Views individual’s unwanted behaviors as influenced by or directed at other family members  Attempts to guide family members toward positive relationships & improved communication

Biomedical Therapies: Drug Therapies  Psychopharmacology  Study of effects of drugs on mind & behavior  Lithium  Chemical that provides effective drug therapy for mood swings of bipolar (manic-depressive) disorders

 The emptying of U.S. mental hospitals Biomedical Therapies: Drug Therapies

Biomedical Therapies: ECT & Psychosurgery  Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)  Therapy for severely depressed patients in which brief electric current is sent through anesthetized patient’s brain  Psychosurgery  Surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue in effort to change behavior  Lobotomy  Now-rare psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients

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