Warming Up 2. What kinds of verbal humour do you know? Verbal humour Jokes Funny stories Comedy Funny poems Crosstalk Puns.


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Charlie Chaplin tramp A small black hat A moustache A small jacket
Unit 3 A taste of English humour
Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor --- Reading.
Presentation transcript:

Warming Up 2. What kinds of verbal humour do you know? Verbal humour Jokes Funny stories Comedy Funny poems Crosstalk Puns

Reading 2. What is a punchline? Find the jokes’ punchlines. Punchline The words that form the climax of a joke

Reading Punchline

marx brothers  美国早期的喜剧演员中,除了卓别林 Charles Chaplin 、巴斯特 · 基顿 Buster Keaton 和劳埃德 Harold Lloyd 之外, Marx 兄弟也非常受欢迎。 他们也是最经典的喜剧之王,被称为无政府主义 四贱客,尽管他们只合作了十数部电影,但仍被 誉为影史最成功的喜剧团体之一,他们堪称无厘 头的鼻祖,热衷于塑造或癫狂或装傻充愣的人物, 表现荒诞不经的内容,并凭此独步 20 世纪 30 年 代的喜剧电影界。 今天,他们的喜剧看起来已 经过时了,但在 30 年代,他们给人们带来的惊喜 不亚于卓别林,凡是比较权威的电影史书籍,都 不会错过介绍这几个活宝。

爱德华 · 利尔  爱德华 · 利尔 Edward Lear( ), 英国著 名幽默漫画家.他画的鸟曾集册出版,但他主要 以写五行打油诗与打油诗( Nonsense verse ) 闻名  爱德华 · 利尔( )英国诗人兼画家, 一生奔波于欧洲各地,创作了大量绘画、诗歌和 音乐,尤其他绘制的多卷图文书(漫画配打油 诗),记录了他的旅行见闻,受于广泛好评,有 些作品还被改编成卡通电影。  《荒诞书》是作者最有影响的作品,上百幅 画描绘了作者旅行中所遇滑稽好笑的人和事笔法 幽默夸张,所配打没诗语言技巧高超,极具特色。

C harlie Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and died in He was a great silent movie stars. Modern Times, The Little Tramp, The gold Rush, City Light are his masterpieces. He was very popular in his time.

Listen to the tape then answer these three questions

1. Who is the main character of the text? What was he famous for? 2. How many famous film or characters are mentioned in the text? What are the names? The main character is Charlie Chaplin. He was famous for his nonverbal humour. There are two, The Little Tramp and The Gold Rush.

3. What ’ s the main idea of the text? A. The history of English humour. B. The films that Chaplin made. C. The humour Chaplin made in his films. D. The Gold Rush in California.

Talk about the parts of the text and their main idea

Parts of the text and their main ideas. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Paragraph 1-2 Chaplin’s style of acting. Paragraph 3-4 It tells us what he did to entertain people in the film “The Gold Rush”. Paragraph 5 He is considered as one of the most outstanding funny actors in the world.

Write down Charlie Chaplin’s career

Charlie Chaplin’s career: Charlie Chaplin Was born in ______ His job is _______ In 1972, he was given ________ Type of acting is _________ His charming character is __________ His costume: __________ Reasons of success: __________ He died in_____ in _______.

Charlie Chaplin’s career: Charlie Chaplin His job is an actor. Type of acting is mime and farce. He died in 1977 in Switzerland. Reasons of success: charming,social failure with a determination to overcome difficulties and always kind In 1972, he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work. His costume: large trousers, worn-out shoes and small round black hat. His charming character is The Little Tramp. Was born in 1889.

Put the sentences in the right order according to the film The Gold Rush.

Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. Chaplin and his friend washed sand and expect to pick up gold, but they failed. They were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes. They were caught in a small wooden house. Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe. Chaplin picked out the laces and ate


1.People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck because _________. A.they enjoy doing so. B.it makes people more worried about their life. C.it makes people more content with their life. D.there’s much fun in doing so. Questions for understanding:

2. The Little Tramp is well known because ____. A.Chaplin played a poor and homeless person. B.The character was social failure. C.Chaplin wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick. D.Chaplin play a role as a man who determined to overcome difficulties and was kind even when people were unkind to him.

4. Chaplin was given a special Oscar for ________. A.the characters he played in his films. B.the films he directed. C.the joy he gave us in his films. D.the contributions he made in films. 3. In the middle of 19 th century people went to California to look for. A. films B. gold C. entertainment D. water