Access & Repositories Sharing Information & Services Arnaldur F. Axfjörð Managing Director Admon Ltd. SARIS Conference at Grand Hotel April 29 th 2003
Huvudsaken... Le nouveaux magazine d'information du Bureau est disponible en ligne. Vous y trouverez, entre autres, des informations sur les langues minoritaires en général, sur la première conférence sur les langues moins répandues en Grèce, sur la situation du basque en Navarre, et des avis sur la diversité linguistique dans le processus d'élargissement de l’Union européenne. Við þurfum að geta miðlað upplýsingum, svo við notum það tungumál sem dugir til þess miðað við þann vettvang sem um ræðir. En það er ekki nóg að þekkja merkingu, málfræði og setningarfræði, það þarf einnig að þekkja venjur og menningarleg viðmið til að geta haft fullkomin samskipti. Ef þú þekkir getu vettvangsins og getur talað á sameiginlegu tungumáli sem allir skilja og þekkja, þá getur þú miðlað upplýsingum.
What matters... Know your audience and speak the language understood by all.
Premises To be able to understand –Skills –Formats To be able to get access –Availability –Security To be able to automate –Content –Message & data formats Must be governed by standards –Core components & business units –Message forms –Communication framework –Contracts
B2B or B2C or A2A or G2C? Information is autonomous Important to utilise data in different applications Visual information (B2C) stems from backend systems –All presentation of business data require data integration and automation
e-Business Progress Time Acceptance New technology Expectations Illusion New paradigm Disillusion Productivity
The Problem Information dispersed Information not compatible Information not accessible Lack of security
Some Initiatives... Icelandic Health Sector Database –Centralised database of non-personally identifiable health data Islendingabok –Genealogy database ANZA RM –Electronic Marketplace – Repository of catalogues EAN Iceland –Master Data Alignment – Article data ebXML Registries & Repositories and UDDI –Registries and repositories for business collaboration …
ebXML Architecture Company B Registries & Repositories Company A Business Process Specs Collaboration Protocol Agreement Messaging Services (TRP) Business Process Specs Business Process Specifications XML Schemas Collaboration-protocol Profiles UDDI
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration protocol A standard interoperable platform –Enables companies and applications to find and use Web services over the Internet A cross-industry effort Allows operational registries to be maintained for different purposes in different contexts
Article Data Alignment Cross-sectional and global portal/portals –Article master data synchronisation (e-Catalogues) Internationally standardised contents, process rules and functions Multilateral master data alignment between manufacturers and retailers/purchasers Optimise business processes in e-Commerce Best Practice in e-Commerce
Utilising Data Article Repository Data registered Marketplace Procurement Logistics Catalog information Logistic information Catalog information Other applications
Digital Certificates Authentication of identity and authority PKI infrastructure –Secure distribution of public keys Digital signatures –Ensure integrity of content –Confirm origin of content –Prevent repudiation A premise for controlled access to information and services
Repositories & Signatures Entities to be digitally signed Data guaranteed as published Publishers not misrepresented Confidence in the integrity of data Digital signatures improve the data quality and allow both the protection and non-repudiation required for e-Business
e-Future Infrastructure is available –Potential for added value Projects must be coordinated –Consensus on objectives –All parties must join forces Standards and security are central issues Cooperation is the key
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