Superscalar Processors (Pictured above is the DEC Alpha 21064) Presented by Jeffery Aguiar.


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Presentation transcript:

Superscalar Processors (Pictured above is the DEC Alpha 21064) Presented by Jeffery Aguiar

Purpose Theory Design Implementation Evaluation Conclusion Presentation Outline

Improve chip productivity Reward the market with increased processor scalability Develop without replacing current code & compilers Optimize logic architecture Purpose

Motivation: Complete multiple instructions per clock cycle to decrease ALU “idle” time Employ multiple ALU’s & FPU’s to execute instructions Reason why RISC over took CISC in the mid-1990s Quick facts: First implementation: Seymour Cray’s CDC 6600 All CPU’s since 1998 are considered superscalar History

“Parallelism” - multiple pipelines Fundamental Processor Units (FPU) Improves upon current techology Dependency Example code segments: Dependent: Independent: A + B = C x + y = z C + A = D n + k = p Theory

● Fetch multiple instructions ● Decode/Evaluate dependencies ● Reorder code segment ● Execute ● Schematic: Design

Apple Macintosh G5 (IBM 970FX chipset) Vector Processing Unit (VPU) block diagram Example: PowerPC

Weaknesses: Dependencies (video games) “Branch prediction is tricky business” Strengths: Independent variables Strong basis in logic (video rendering) Evaluation

Multiple instructions executed per cycle Logic approach with hardware backing One variable of the performance metric Complicated when dealing with dependency Conclusions

Smith, James. “The Microarchitecture of Superscalar Processors” L. Gwennap, ‘‘PPC 604 Powers Past Pentium,’’ Microprocessor Report, pp. 5-8, Apr. 18, J. K. F. Lee and A. J. Smith, ‘‘Branch Prediction Strategies and Branch Target Buffer Design,’’ IEEE Computer, vol. 17, pp. 6-22, January References

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