Introduction to Film Professor Michael Abbott Fine Arts Center, T113 x6448.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Film Professor Michael Abbott Fine Arts Center, T113 x6448

Course Schedule  Mondays Lecture and Text Assignment  Wednesdays Screenings - 2-hour class  Fridays Discussion and Analysis

Text  Barsam, Looking At Movies Brand new up-to-date text Highly illustrated Movie stills Shot sequences CD-ROM film clip library Looking At Movies Online Glossary of film terms Writing About Movies (chapter 8)

Screenings  Films begin promptly at 2:10  Guests allowed  Absolutely no talking, eating, or drinking  Supplementary Screenings Selected Fridays at 3:15 p.m. Attendance encouraged, but not required

Grading  Quizzes and writing assignments20%  Storyboard project20%  Film analysis paper20%  Midterm exam20%  Final exam20%

ReelStudent and Blackboard  ReelStudent: The Wabash Film Review ReelStudent: The Wabash Film Review Reviews Articles Upcoming releases  Blackboard Blackboard Syllabus / Screening Schedule Discussion Board Drop Box