1 Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) and Regional Association OVERVIEW Parker Lumpkin, Special Project Manager SECOORA
2 An Update on Ocean Observing Sustained and Integrated Ocean Observing Systems (IOOS) are analogous to the weather observing and forecasting network IOOS has been endorsed by the Pew Commission, the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, and in the Administration’s Ocean’s Action Plan (Dec ’04)
3 Central California Pacific Northwest Great Lakes Northeast Mid-Atlantic Southeast Gulf of Mexico Southern California Alaska Hawaii Caribbean Population Density In 2000, 53% of the U.S. population lived in coastal counties Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (RCOOS)
4 SE region is linked oceanographically, experiences similar forcing (winds and river runoff) and has a shared biogeography. A merged information system for the region will help address scientific and societal issues. III Loop Current/ Florida Current/ Gulf Stream Nick Shay, RSMAS SECOORA
6 An observing subsystem (measures and transmits data) An information management subsystem (organizing and disseminating information) A modeling and products subsystem (translating data into products for users – computer modeling) Outreach and education subsystem – to assess users needs, develop educational material and help develop needed products SECOORA includes the coasts of NC, SC, GA and FL, from the EEZ to head of tide, and consists of:
7 Observing the Coastal Ocean in many ways, with varying tools
8 HF-radar either deployed or funded and examples of data products using two different radar systems off of Miami and the Outer Banks.
9 Satellite remote sensing products: Sea surface temperature, color, height and derived currents, plus value added enhancements using optimal interpolation techniques to fill in cloud gaps.
10 Nowcast/Forecast System Implementation USF POM West Florida Shelf UM POM Florida Straits East Florida Shelf UNC Quoddy South Atlantic Bight
11 Inundation Modeling Examples Caro-COOPs (USC,UNCW,NCSU) Scenarios for coast of Carolinas University of South Florida - Wiesberg and Zheng - Hurricane Storm Simulations for Tampa Bay (FVCOM) University of North Carolina - Luettich - ADCIRC circulation model; widely used for modeling tides and storm surge, including those caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita
12 Gulf of Mexico observations
13 Overview of SECOORA Status Terms of Reference established in 2005 Governance approved by Steering Committee 2006 Membership meeting June 2005 Membership meeting Sept 2006 Currently 46 signatories to the Terms of Reference Business Plan completion scheduled for April 2007 New Governance and Board elections scheduled Membership Meeting; May 2007
14 Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) Source: USGS U.S. EEZ
15 Overview of GCOOS Status Formal MoA established in January, 2005 Currently 47 signatories to the MoA Board of Directors elected in June, 2005 First BoD meeting in Houston in August, 2005 Business Plan under Review by Board First Stakeholder Council Meeting in Jan Other Council and Committees met April 2006
19 GCOOS Office Contact Information Worth D. Nowlin, Jr. Ann E. Jochens Project Principal InvestigatorRegional Coordinator (979) (979) Matthew K. HowardSusan R. Martin DMAC CoordinatorResearch Assistant and Webmistress (979) (979) SECOORA Contact Information Parker LumpkinJennifer Dorton SECOORA Special ProjectsSECOORA Regional Coordinator (interim) (843) Susannah Sheldon SECOORA Regional Coordinator (843)