Polar Bears Mammals Created by: Kate Cotter
Physical Characteristics A polar bear’s weight is between 750 lb to 1700 lb. A polar bear weighs this much because a polar bear has to pounce on the ice to be able to catch his pray. A polar bear also is vertebrate witch means it has a backbone. Polar bears are warm blooded. Polar bears are very tall males are 8 and 1/3.females are 6 feet.
Life Cycle Most polar bears die when young If they survive polar bears can live up to 20 or 30 years
Environment Polar bears live in the Arctic the far North Polar bears live where they can catch food Temperatures -40° to -50°
Food Polar bears stock his pray. When he is ready he starts swimming slowly, then he attacks the breathing hole and the seal stops breathing then it dies.
Adaptation Humans invented a knife, gun, and a bow and arrow to survive just like the polar bears can hunt fast. Polar bears can attack just as fast as a gun.
Survival Polar bears are threatened by pollution The polar bears are dying because of this crisis To help the polar bears please start recycling and help stop global warming.
Interesting Facts Polar bears almost always stand on their front legs Because when they meet another polar bear they stand and play for hours
Resources Goddard,Jolyon.Polar bears Danbury,CT.:Grolier,2008 Nation Geographic,Kids. 10/3/08 Patent,Dorothy. Polar bears. Danbury,CT.:A wild life CN.,2008 Zoobooks,polarbears.polar bears. Poway,cal.:Wild E D.lit.,2008 Zoobooks.10/3/08.