Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building Soils2Sea - Reducing nutrient loadings from agricultural soils.


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Presentation transcript:

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building Soils2Sea - Reducing nutrient loadings from agricultural soils to the Baltic Sea via groundwater and streams – K. Hinsby and J.C. Refsgaard Hydrologisk afdeling, GEUS 8th annual meeting of the Danish Water Research and Innovation Platform – DWRIP - January 30th, 2014, KU Science, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM (Cyanobacteria) BALTIC SEA BETWEEN DENMARK AND GERMANY – Photo from ferry between Gedser, DK and Rostock, DE: Klaus Hinsby Outline Introduction to the problem addressed in Soils2Sea The BONUS program (Article 185) Objectives of Soils2Sea Partners, WPs and organisation of Soils2Sea Expected key outcomes

Planetary Boundaries: Are transgressed for 1,2 : 1. Rockström et al., Nature, 461, , 2009 and 2- Rockström et al., Ecology and Society, 14 (2): 32, ) Biodiversity loss 3) Climate Change 2) Nitrogen cycle Rockström et al. (~30 env. Scientists from Europe, USA and Australia) suggest to reduce the human N-input to 25 % of the present input

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building Global review of hypoxia (oxygen depletion) in coastal marine waters Diaz and Rosenberg, Science, 321,

Chemical status of transitional and coastal waters in the EU. Source: EEA report no 8/2012

Eutrophication –> harmful algal blooms –> oxygen depletion -> fish kills Harmful Algal Blooms/ HABs (Cyanobacteria) - Baltic Sea DK SE DE PL Sea Floor Anoxia Photo: NERI – Univ. Aarhus / Peter Bondo Christensen

Total ammonium Total phosphorus Nitrate Decreasing trends However, not enough for N  Nutrients in European rivers: Average river concentrations Good status 2015 Source: EEA report no 9/

The BONUS Programme is supported by the national research funding institutions in the eight EU member states around the Baltic Sea and the EU Research Framework Programme (Article 185). Scientists from the Russian Federation participate in BONUS research projects through special agreements. The Bonus Programme- Science for a better future of the Baltic Sea Region For info on BONUS see: For info on EC Article 185 see:

To develop new innovative tools for reducing nutrient loadings to the Baltic Sea through improved understanding of nutrients pathways, retention processes and differentiated and optimized regulation Main objective of Soils2Sea:

Duration: 4 years (Russia 3 years) Budget: € 3.2 mill. Project info:

Partners  GEUS, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark (GEUS - coordinator)  Aarhus University, Denmark (AU)  AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland (AGH)  Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (KTH)  Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrköping, Sweden (SMHI)  ECOLOGIC Institute, Berlin, Germany (EI)  Sorbisense A/S, Denmark (SOR)  Atlantic Branch of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaliningrad, Russia(ABIORAS)

Project organisation

Workpackages / WP lead: WP1) Coordination and dissemination / GEUS WP2) Land2Soils: Climate change, land use and nutrient load / AU, WP3) Soils2Streams: Nutrient transport and retention in groundwater, soils and subsurface drainage / GEUS WP4) Streams2Sea: Transport and retention of nutrients in surface flows / KTH WP5) Catchment2Sea: Nutrient transport and retention in catchments regional to Baltic Sea basin scale / SMHI WP6) Governance, monitoring and stakeholder processes / ECOLOGIC

Soils2Sea workpackages

From: hillslope scale in the catchment to Norsminde fjord: ~ 1km2 To: Baltic Sea basin: ~ 1.8 mill. km2 STUDY SITES AND SCALES

Carl Aage Pedersen, Knowledge Centre for Agriculture, Denmark Tomasz Walcykiewiecz, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland Kajsa Berggren, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden Rune Hallgren, Swedish Farmers Association Isokova Natalya, Kaliningrad Office of Neva-Ladoga Watershed Administration, Kaliningrad,Russia Advisory panel

Farmers Union, Landboforeningen Odder- Skanderborg, Denmark Mykanów Commune, Poland The Water and Sewage System Company of the Czestochowa District – Joint Stock Company, Poland Ministry of Environment, Nature Agency, Denmark (Stakeholder workshops) Landwirtschaftskammer (Agricultural Commission for) Schleswig-Holstein Stakeholder workshops

Key outcomes - 1 Soils2Sea will carry out a joint research effort at a macroregional level with the following key outcomes: 1.New methodologies for the planning of differentiated regulations based on new knowledge of nutrient transport and retention processes between soils/sewage outlets and the coast. 2.Evaluation of how differentiated regulation can offer more cost efficient solutions towards reducing the nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea. 3.Analysis of how changes in land use and climate may affect the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea as well as the optimal location of measures aiming at reducing the load.

Key outcomes A high-resolution model for the entire Baltic Sea Basin with improved process descriptions of nutrient retention in groundwater and surface water tailored to make detailed simulations of management regulations differentiated in space. 5. New knowledge based governance and monitoring concepts that acknowledge the relevant aspects of EU directives and are tailored towards decentralised decision making and differentiated regulations. 6.Test of concepts and tools at a hierarchy of scales ranging from small scale (km 2 ) through medium scale (10 3 km 2 ) to the Baltic Sea catchment scale (10 6 km 2 ).

HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM (Cyanobacteria) BALTIC SEA BETWEEN DENMARK AND GERMANY – Photo from ferry between Gedser, DK and Rostock, DE: Klaus Hinsby Thank You