Christmas Day Liturgy.


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Presentation transcript:

Christmas Day Liturgy

The Gathering of the Community This is good news of great joy   This is good news of great joy for today was born in Bethlehem, Jesus, who is our God, come in human form. 200 years ago this great good news made its way to Aotearoa, New Zealand We thank you God for your working through Te Pahi, Samuel Marsden and Chief Ruatara so that all people in this land could hear this good news.

that God has promised to forgive us Part of good news is that God has promised to forgive us when we realise we have got it wrong. God also encourages us to put right what is wrong and to forgive those who have upset us.   So we pause to think of what we need to put right and what we need to let go of. Silence We tell God our sins.

Thank you God, that you have promised to forgive us. We admit we haven’t got it right that things we have said and done have hurt others and ourselves. We are really sorry. So we come to you and ask you to forgive us to help us put it right, and to learn from our mistakes. Amen.

God forgives you. Forgive others; forgive yourself. be at peace. Amen.   God forgives you. Forgive others; forgive yourself. silence be at peace. Amen.

A Collect for Christmas 2014 Jesus born this day, we remember the history of your Gospel in our land. We thank you for the faithful witness of Ruatara and Marsden at Christmas time 200 years ago. Grant that, following in their footsteps, we may continue to spread the good news of great joy to this land; in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

This is the Gospel of Christ. Praise to Christ, the Word. The Holy Gospel according to Luke (chapter 2 beginning at verse 1) Praise and glory to God. After the Gospel, silence may be kept. This is the Gospel of Christ. Praise to Christ, the Word.


The Prayers of the People Let us pray for the Church and for the world, giving thanks for God's goodness.

The Lord's Prayer As Christ teaches us we pray Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

The Peace May this Christmas bring you the peace of Christ. May we be people of peace, today and always.

E te whanau, we are the body of Christ. By one Spirit we were baptised into one body. Together may we share the good news of God’s love with others. Amen. It is the love of God that allows us to work in God’s world.

The Preparation of the Gifts Every gift and good thing we have comes from you. God, we share what we have so others can enjoy the fullness of life you intend for them and also so they can know you.

The Great Thanksgiving The Lord is here. God's Spirit is with us. Let us thank our God. It is good to remember to thank and praise God.

At this Christmas time, you sent your only child Jesus into the world to show how much you loved us and to bring us back to you again.

As one of us he came; at first a helpless baby, then a child, a youth and then an adult. He rejoiced with those who rejoiced he wept with those who wept. To those who saw no hope he spoke a word of hope; To the sick he gave healing; and to the rejected he was a friend.

Yet he was betrayed and put to death. But God restored Jesus to life His whole life was Good News of great joy.   And so we join with the Angels at Bethlehem and say: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

We are here because on the night before he died Jesus shared a meal with his friends. There he took some bread and gave thanks to you, God. He broke the bread, and gave it to them. ‘This is my body,’ he said, ‘Do this, and know that I am with you.” 

Later, he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to you. he shared it with them, and said ‘This is my blood, which brings new life. Do this, and know that I am with you.’ 

And so, remembering Jesus, who died, was raised to new life by you, and is alive forever, we are glad to share that life and live in him. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.  

Send your Holy Spirit so that this bread and wine can be for us the body and blood of Jesus. Through this food give us strength to live as your people. Help us to care for your world and for each other in the way that Jesus showed us.  

Until he comes again, with all your people in every time and every land we continue to worship you. Yours is the honour and power, now and for ever. Amen.

The Communion All believers and seekers are welcome at Christ’s table. Receive what Jesus offers.

Prayer After Communion Having heard the Good News of great joy may we share it with all we meet. Allow us to know that we are loved by God and help us to be Good News for others.

The Blessing May Jesus who is the Good News of great joy. Give you joy as you share this story with others and the Blessing of God Creator, Redeemer and Giver of life be with you and those you love this Christmas and throughout your lives. Amen

Go now to love and serve the Lord. Go in peace. Amen. We go in the name of Christ.