Gallery Vazrazdane Gallery Vazrazdane Invites You to visit From 08 May, to 31 May,
Self-portrait 100/40 Matey Mateev the painting-exhibition of “Flowers - samurai”
The 16 paintings - synthesized the energy equivalent of different color species. Flowers that we destroy to one hint with one step, with one swath - without contemplating whether we do not tear The last flower... from this type... of this of land... But the flowers are of Matey are fighters. They germinate again, Bloom Lovely Ahead, they war for the right to be supreme beauty in our life. They remain true on the other that is not true even of themselves. The flower-samurai - its delightful wars of the nature. She is wounded 100/40
Samurai V 100/40
Matey Mateev is a painter with a sharp social sentiment and entire emotion of that exhibition is dedicate to the battle for setting the environment. The painter, with the force on his creation wants to convert us, Tear Destroying one plant is not pint - size and pro forma act. Destroying one llower of one human, happening, at the same moment, in the more entire world, is already crash from other people. It is for time last for us to contemplate what do we do with the universe! Samurai IV 100/40
We ask for some water 100/40 Samurai III 100/40
A hoped-for wind 100/40
This is ! 100/40 Joy 100/40
Samurai VI 100/40
We expect You in the exhibition hall of Vazrazdane gallery Old town of Plovdiv 1 Stoyan Chalakov str / mobile: