FSM 8.02 Algorithm Changes. Earliest Departure / Arrival Time.


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Presentation transcript:

FSM 8.02 Algorithm Changes

Earliest Departure / Arrival Time

GOAL Eliminate (or at least greatly reduce) any occurrences of flights receiving CTDs or CTAs which they cannot comply with. This goal should; –Improve Achievability of Issued CTDs/CTAs –Improve Overall CTD/CTA Compliance –Reduce Need For ECR Requests

Earliest DZ For All Flights –ERTD –LRTD –LGTD + taxi –PGTD Assumed Runway Time –SGTD + taxi Earliest AZ For All Flights –ERTA –LRTA –LGTA - taxi –PGTA Assumed Runway Time –SGTA – taxi Earliest Departure / Arrival Original GDPe WG Recommendation First Available Time In Each Column Is Utilized Independently ete = ETMS ETA – ETMS ETD Taxi Time = FSM Configured Value (Taxi)

Earliest DZ All Controlled / Non-Active –ERTD –If No ERTD But ERTA ERTA – ete –LRTD –LGTD + taxi-out –PGTD + taxi-out –SGTD + taxi-out In all cases –Max (Now+, Earliest DZ) Earliest AZ All Controlled / Non-Active –ERTA –If No ERTA But ERTD ERTD + ete –LRTA –LGTA – taxi-in –PGTD + taxi-out + ete –SGTA – taxi-in All Controlled / Active –ETA First Available Time In Each Column Is Utilized Independently ete = ETMS ETA – ETMS ETD Taxi Time = FSM Configured Values (Taxi-Out / Taxi-In) Earliest Departure / Arrival 8.02 Implementation

Algorithm Applicability GDP (RBS) –Pure RBS Will Be Removed As A General User Option GDP (RBS++) –Flights With Earliest AZ Within ADL Time Frame All Should Be Compliant With Established Hierarchy (Exempt & Non-Exempt) –Flights With Earliest AZ Beyond ADL Time Frame Will Be Non-Compliant (CTA at +35:59 - Relative ADL Time) Will Remain In ADL For Possible Manual Action BLKT –Compliant Flight Will Remain Compliant (May Receive Less Adjustment) –Non-Compliant Flights Will Remain Non-Compliant COMP –Non-Compliant Flight Will Be Moved Into Compliance to The Extent Possible –Unassigned Slots Will Be Used To Move Flights Into Compliance to The Extent Possible GS –No Effect PURGE –No Effect

User Issues ERTD/ERTA Become More Critical! –If your flights can move up then you must provide E- Time or manage your L-Times appropriately. Exempt Flights Will Have Delay! –Be aware the exempt flights will be issued compliant CTDs/CTAs. This may cause some users to think they are being delayed, which is not the case, they are simply being made compliant with user submitted times.

FAQ 1.Active Flights –What is utilized as the Earliest Arrival time for active flights? The current ETMS ETA is utilized. 2.Release Delay / Exempt Flights –What Special Handling / Exemption Are Applied To Exempt Airports (was implemented for deicing)? Special handling for exempt airports is no longer required. Exempt airports / flight are in Q1 but CTD/CTA still will be in compliance with submitted times. –Has the requirement of using only the ETD as the Earliest Departure for exempt flights continued, this resulted in CTDs/CTAs which are not in compliance with submitted ERTD/ERTA values? The same hierarchy is used for non-exempt flights is the same as for controlled flights (exempt and non-exempt). The only difference between exempt and non-exempt flights is the priority queue. 3.ERTD/ERTA Not Pairs –ERTD/ERTA are not required to be submitted as a pair, what is done with flights that only one value is provided? The ETMS ETE shall be utilized to create assumed values if only one value is provided (i.e. if only an ERTA is provided, assume ERTD = ERTA – ETE). 4.PGTA Usage –How is the PGTA used? The PGTA can be used by ETMS to set the IGTA, thus establishing flight priority. FSM does not use the PGTA, but instead applies the ETMS ETE (PGTD + taxi-out + ete).

FAQ 5.What is a PGTD/A –It was suggested that PGTD / A should be redefined as Runway times, was this done? PGTD/A continue to be considered as gate times. 6.Pure RBS –Where did Pure RBS go? Pure RBS has been removed as a user option. The new filtering step added to RBS for the purposes of preserving slots needed to insure compliance greatly increases the number of open slots left by Pure RBS to the point that RBS only programs have no operational value. Pure RBS can leave unfilled demand and numerous non-compliant flights. 7.P-Times In Future –Many P-Times appear to be incorrect (i.e. date/time 23 hours in the future), what is this due to? This was an issue in the hubsite processing and has been resolved by Volpe. 8.Earliest AZ / DZ Beyond Program –The Earliest Departure / Arrival hierarchy can result in CTD / CTA well beyond the end of the program. Will this continue to occur? Any CTA beyond 35:59 hours in the future is placed in the last minute of the ADL (35:59).

Unassigned Slots

Unassigned Slots In Compression For Each Open Slot (Canceled or Delayed) –Intra-Airline Compression (Current) Use Flights/Slot Within Carrier Family –Inter-Airline Compression (Current) Use All Available Flights/Slots –Unassigned Slot Compression (NEW) Use All Available Flights/Slot & Unassigned Slots Will Result In Movement Of Unassigned Slots To Earlier Times

Post Deployment Analysis CTD/CTA Issuance –Measure Achievability of CTDs/CTAs Issued CTD/CTA Compliance –Measure Compliance with CTDs/CTAs ECR Updates –Has Number Of Updates Decreased Program Compliance –Has It Improved