Hiding Your Faith Matthew 5:14-16. Peter, Matthew 26:69-75 – Pride goes before a fall, Prov. 16:18; Matt. 26:33-35 (Lk. 22:33-34) People of Jerusalem,


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Presentation transcript:

Hiding Your Faith Matthew 5:14-16

Peter, Matthew 26:69-75 – Pride goes before a fall, Prov. 16:18; Matt. 26:33-35 (Lk. 22:33-34) People of Jerusalem, John 7:13 – When we fear others we allow the faithless to define our faith! Jewish rulers, John 12:42-43 – Honor from men was more important, cf. John 5:

Peter, Galatians 2:11-14 – Hiding faith leads to hypocrisy – Influences others to follow us into sin, 2:13-14 The one talent man, Matthew 25:24-27 – “I was afraid” (25:25) – Of what? – “Wicked and lazy servant” (25:26) Rom. 12:11 3

Because of faithlessness, Luke 6:46 – Faith compels action – Inaction lacks trust in the power of God to work in us as we do His will, Phil. 2:12-13 The loss of privilege, John 9:22 – Put out of the synagogue: Lose communion, associations, commerce, etc. (Jno. 9:34) – Hide faith and lose fellowship with God! 2 Cor. 6:

The fear of men, Jno. 7:13 (Matt. 10:28) – Fear of reprisal, Jno. 9:22; 16:2 – The Savior’s reassurances, Matt. 10:16-26; Heb. 13:5-6 The threat of persecution, Matt. 24:9, 12 – Faith suffers for what is right, 1 Pet. 3:13-17 – Give an answer for your hope without fearing men 5

The love of the world, 2 Tim. 4:10 – Driven by lust rather than love of God, 1 John 2:15-16 – Cannot serve two masters, 2 Timothy 4:10; Matthew 6:24 6

Your faith must testify to the world that you trust in the Lord Jesus - 1 Ths. 1: