Civil Liberties: The Red Scare & War on Terrorism


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Presentation transcript:

Civil Liberties: The Red Scare & War on Terrorism

The First Red Scare (1910s-1920s) Fighting Bolshevism (& Communism) Espionage, Sedition & Alien Acts (1917-18) Mitchell Palmer’s Raids (1919-20) Political Cartoons

“Put Them Out & Keep Them Out”

“Come Unto Me, Ye Opprest!”

“Say—Do I Look Sick?”

“Cause & Consequence”

“Soak It Hard”

Draw Your Own Cartoons Defending National Security Protecting Civil Liberties

Civil Liberties Since September 11 Fighting Communism vs. Fighting Terrorism Espionage Act (1917) vs. USA PATRIOT Act (2001) Political Cartoons in an Age of Political Correctness?

“Somewhere in Af‘gone’istan”

“Big Barbeque at Osama’s Place”

“Terrorist Hunting License”

“To the Taliban”

“We the People”