The Scottish Conservation Credits Scheme Moving fisheries management towards conservation Dr Richard Dixon / Louize Hill WWF Scotland.


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Presentation transcript:

The Scottish Conservation Credits Scheme Moving fisheries management towards conservation Dr Richard Dixon / Louize Hill WWF Scotland

What is the Conservation Credits Scheme ?  credits fishermen for taking conservation measures with extra days at sea.  conservation measures decided on by a Steering Group which meets monthly  industry’s ownership of the measures means they are understood and therefore followed  dynamic and responsive, so measures are adapted and revised according to any changes in either resources or opportunity

The key measures under the scheme:  Closures – real time, seasonal and permanent  Gear regulations – one net rule, selective gear  High grading ban  Observers – human and onboard cameras (REM)  Effort management

Closed areas RTC

Selective gear Figures from WWF document: “Effective discard reduction in European fisheries - Options for fishers and fisheries managers”

Observers Onboard cameras Images from: “Final Report of Fully Documented Fishery” by J. Dalskov and L. Kindt-Larsen, DTU, Sept 2009

Who is involved in the Scheme ?  Scottish Government  Marine Scotland Science scientists  Fishing industry representatives  Retailer and processor representatives (since Dec 09)  Environmental NGOs (WWF)  Observers

Reasons why WWF supports the Scheme  It is innovative – a rare example of government, industry and NGOs working together towards a common goal (cod conservation)  A good example of how regional governance and co- management can work  A step away from top down management  The direction WWF would like to see CFP reform going

Why WWF is promoting this Scheme globally ?  a model that can be applied in many ecosystems  we want to see Government, industry and NGOs working together to find local solutions to their management challenges  each individual Scheme will be unique and will address the specific conservation issues of their fisheries

For further information A document explaining the scheme in more detail can be downloaded from: conservation_credits_scheme.pdf Otherwise please contact: Louize Hill –