Prime Factorization: Writing a composite number as a product (multiplication problem) of prime numbers 1.) Use a factor trees to the find the prime factorization.


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Presentation transcript:

Prime Factorization: Writing a composite number as a product (multiplication problem) of prime numbers 1.) Use a factor trees to the find the prime factorization of Prime Factorization 60 1.) Think of two factors of 60 2.) Circle the number if it is prime. 3.) If it is composite break it up into two factors 4.) Continue until you only have prime numbers left 5.) Write in exponent form

Find the prime factorization for each. Be sure to write your answer in exponent form. 2.) 45 3.) 84

Find the prime factorization for each. Be sure to write your answer in exponent form. When the numbers are difficult use your divisibility rules to help. Start with 2 and continue through each rule until you find one that works. 4.) ) 462

Demonstrate Understanding: Find the prime factorization for each. 6.) 36 7.) 117