Warm up Write the rule for translating left 4 units and up 6 units.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm up Write the rule for translating left 4 units and up 6 units. Write the rule for reflecting over the x-axis. Write the rule for reflecting over the line y=x. Write the rule for reflecting over the y-axis. Write the rule for reflecting over the line y=-x.

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Rotations turn distance same A rotation is a ________ around a center. The _______________ from the center to any point on the shape stays the ___________. distance same

Rotate 90 Clockwise about the Origin Change the sign of x and switch the order

Rotate 90° clockwise about the origin

Rotate 90° clockwise about the origin

Rotate 90° counterclockwise about the origin

Rotate 90° counterclockwise about the origin F E G

Rotate 90 Counterclockwise about the Origin (Same as 270 Clockwise)

Rotate 90° counterclockwise about the origin Get the points of where they should be….then graph them! 90° CW F G G 180° CW F 270° CW G E F E

Rotate 90° counterclockwise about the origin Change the sign of y and switch the order F E G

Rotate 270 Clockwise about the Origin Change the sign of y and switch the order

Rotate 270° clockwise about the origin

Rotate 270° clockwise about the origin

Rotate 270 Counterclockwise about the Origin (Same as 90 Clockwise) Change the sign of x and switch the order

Rotate 270° Counterclockwise about the origin

Rotate 270° Counterclockwise about the origin

Rotate 270° Counterclockwise about the origin Get the points of where they should be….then graph them! 90° CW A’ B’ C’

Rotate 270° Counterclockwise about the origin

Rotate 180 about the Origin ONLY Change the signs

Rotate 180° about the origin

Rotate 180° about the origin Q R S

Rotate 180° about the origin Get the points of where they should be….then graph them! Q 90° CW S R S 180° CW R Q

Rotate 180° about the origin Q R S

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