Anatomy Case Correlate “Shoulder Pain”
History 22 year old male, professional hockey player 6 week history of right shoulder pain No recent trauma Training heavily in the off-season Upper arm pain, increased with overhead activity, lifting
Physical Exam Normal motion Pain with lifting beyond 90 degrees Abduction 4+/5 and painful External rotation 4/5 Infraspinatus atrophy
Differential Rotator cuff Cervical spine Instability Nerve entrapment Labral tear Arthritis
Differential Inflammatory Tumor Infection Fracture Adhesive Capsulitis Intrathoracic Biceps
Rotator Cuff Impingement “Dynamic” pinching of the supraspinatus tendon between the humeral head and undersurface of acromion Force couple between deltoid and rotator cuff musculature
Rotator Cuff Disease Inflammatory Degeneration Partial Tearing Full Thickness Tearing Tears predictably begin in supraspinatus Part of normal aging process
Instability Static restraints Dynamic restraints (musculature) Osseous architecture Capsuloligamentous restraints Dynamic restraints (musculature)
Shoulder Instability Dislocation Subluxation More difficult diagnosis Suspect in younger patient with chronic post-traumatic shoulder pain, with or without history of instabilty
AC JOINT Traumatic event (separation) Arthritis (post-traumatic versus degenerative) Well localized pain, superior shoulder
Labral Tear Variable anatomy SLAP lesion (superior, labrum, anterior and posterior) Most common in repetitive overhead athletes
Approaching the Problem Subjective complaints cuff tendinitis Abduction pain cuff tendinitis No history of instability Pain not localized to AC joint No repetitive overhead sports
Approaching the Problem But, infraspinatus atrophy and external rotation weakness Massive rotator cuff tear Suprascapular neuropathy
Suprascapular Nerve Origin: C5 root or upper trunk of brachial plexus Suprascapular notch, beneath transverse scapular ligament Innervates supraspinatus Winds around spine of scapula Innervates infraspinatus
Further Work-up X-rays normal Electrodiagnostic studies injury to suprascapular nerve at spinoglenoid notch isolated denervation of infraspinatus Ganglion cyst?
Diagnosis Suprascapular neuropathy right shoulder secondary to ganglion cyst with possible superior labral tear at spinoglenoid notch
Treatment Right shoulder arthroscopy Labral debridement, arthroscopic decompression of the cyst Post op rehab, return to play at 6 weeks with full strength
Suprascapular Neuropathy It all starts with the anatomy Careful history + careful exam usually results in diagnosis Imaging studies, when necessary, support what you suspect from above