Today’s Scripture Reading: Titus 2:1-10 (p. 844)
ChristChrist-likeness From Infancy (Practices & Experiences) Towards Maturity (Lifestyle) What does Godliness look like?
ChristChrist-likeness From Infancy (Practices & Experiences) Towards Maturity (Lifestyle) CharacterIntegrity What does Godliness look like?
ChristChrist-likeness From Infancy (Practices & Experiences) Towards Maturity (Lifestyle) CharacterIntegrity Community *Intimate Participation in Christ-centered fellowship Koinonia* What does Godliness look like?
You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine (2:1) Paul now shifts from the protection of sound doctrine, to the practice of it. ”He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. “ Titus 1:9 Sound Teaching and Christian Living (2:1ff)
Beliefs (Sound doctrine) Thought Life Emotions Behaviors Sound Teaching and Christian Living (2:1ff) Outlook determines Outcome
Sound Teaching and Christian Living (2:1ff) Questions for Reflection: How grounded are you in sound teaching? How do your beliefs shape your behaviors and lifestyle?
Training Goals: Teach Older Men (50+) to be: Temperate (sober/level-headed) Worthy of Respect (in conduct & character) Self-controlled (sensible/restrained) Sound in Faith
Training Goals: Teach Older Men (50+) to be: Temperate (sober/level-headed) Worthy of Respect (in conduct & character) Self-controlled (sensible/restrained) Sound in Faith (personal) Sound in Love (covenant love) Sound in Endurance (hope) 1 Cor 13:13
Training Goals: Teach Older Men to be: Temperate Worthy of Respect Self-controlled Sound in Faith Sound in Love Sound in Endurance
Training Goals: Likewise, teach Older Women (60+): To be reverent in the way they live “in the way they live” – indicates the outward expression of an inner character
Training Goals: Likewise, teach Older Women (60+): To be reverent in the way they live Not to be slanderers Not to be addicted to too much wine To teach what is good Then they may train younger women
Questions for Reflection: If you’re older (50+ for men...I’m so sorry, 60+ for women), to whom are you intentionally an example to follow? Names: 1)_______________ 2)________________ 3)_______________ If you’re younger, whose example are you following? Names: 1)_______________ 2)________________ 3)_______________
Training Goals: Train Younger Women to: Love their husbands and children
Training Goals: Train Younger Women to: Love their husbands and children Be self-controlled and pure Be busy at home Be kind Be subject to their [own] husbands So that no one will malign the word of God
Training Goals: Similarly, encourage Young Men : To be self-controlled
In everything set them an example by doing what is good (2:7) In your teaching show: Integrity (genuine concern) Seriousness (dignity) Soundness of speech that cannot be condemned So that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Questions for Reflection: What are some ways that you can help foster cross-generational connections within our church family? How could we grow in this value as a church over the coming year?
Training Goals: Teach Slaves: To be subject to masters in everything To try to please their masters To not talk back to their masters To not steal from their masters To show they can be fully trusted So that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
The Purpose of Training [Live godly lives]... “So that” Others will not malign the word of God (vs. 5) Those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us (vs. 8) In every way [you] will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (vs. 10)