You can be the generation to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY.


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Presentation transcript:

You can be the generation to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice. Nelson Mandela

The fabric of the new society will be made of nothing more or less than the threads woven in today's interactions. Pam McAllister Reweaving the Web

Each one of them (the poor, vulnerable, sick, dying, refugees and so on) Is Jesus in disguise. Mother Teresa

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36

It's not about charity, it's about justice. Bono

Give me neither poverty or riches. Give me only as much as I need. Proverbs 30:8

Each time someone stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Robert F. Kennedy

It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. Mother Teresa

Our love is not to be just words or mere talk, but something real and active. 1 John 3:18

The bread which you do not use is the bread of the hungry; the garment hanging in the wardrobe is the garment of the one who is naked; the shoes you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot; the money you keep locked away is the money of the poor; the acts of charity you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit. Basil the Great

The righteous give and they do not hold back. Proverbs 21:26

Next in importance to freedom and justice is education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained. James A. Garfield

Let justice flow like a stream and righteousness flow like a river that never goes dry. Amos 4:24

Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi

God himself, looking on men (and women) as formed in his own image, regards them with such love and honor that He himself feels wounded and outraged in the presence of those who are victims of human cruelty and wickedness. John Calvin

A global world is essentially a world of solidarity. Pope John Paul II Address to George W. Bush (2001)

Give generously to the needy and do so without a grudging heart, then the Lord will bless you in all your work and anything you put your hand to. Deuteronomy 15:10

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. Martin Luther King Jrn.

The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. Jane Addams

Do we help the poor if we do not ask why they are poor? Dom Helder Camara

Do not look the other way…the world hungers for action not words. Nelson Mandela

The Christian scriptures, its traditions and the grandest visions of our faith are unquestionably consistent in their calls as to how we are to treat our neighbour; be they foreigners or friends, the vulnerable or powerful. We are to love one another. Without condition. Without prejudice. Reverend Lucas Taylor

It's sad that in a world of billions, people can still feel isolated and alone. Sometimes all it takes to brighten up someone's day is a smile or kind word, or the generous actions of a complete stranger. Small things, the tiny details, these are the things that matter in life — the little glint in the eye, curve of a lip, nod of a head, wave of a hand — such minuscule movements have huge ripple effects. Shaun Hick

The scope of who it is that God means to invite to the feast, you see, is not ours to define. We are not put in charge of the guest list. Don C. Skinner, A Passage through Sacred History

Every friend was once a stranger and if you know this, you have to understand that conversations are the beginning of connection. Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

When refugees settle in your land with you, you are not to harm them. Refugees who live with you must be treated just as if they were native-born like yourselves, and you are to love them as you love yourselves. Leviticus 19:33, 34a

We live in a world where virtually no problem can be solved by individual action...

And yet…

In our world no problem can be solved unless individuals act.