January 25, 2011 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities Lessons Learned from the Inaugural Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

January 25, 2011 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities Lessons Learned from the Inaugural Regional Grant Program

HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities A new office within HUD A core element of the Federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities Staff covering a range of housing, planning, community development, and regional planning initiatives $140 million in grant funds in FY2010

The Partnership’s 6 Livability Principles Provide more transportation choices Expand location- and energy-efficient housing choices Improve economic competitiveness of neighborhoods by giving people reliable access to employment centers, educational opportunities, and other basic services. Target Federal funding toward existing communities – through transit- oriented development and place-based policies Align federal policies and funding to remove barriers to collaboration, leverage funding and increase the effectiveness of existing programs. Enhance the unique characteristics of all communities, whether rural, suburban or urban.

Context of the 2010 Program OSHC began two planning grant programs in FY2010 Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program Community Challenge Grant Program There will be capacity building resources provided to grantees of the Regional Planning Grant Program $98 million allocated to FY2010 Regional Grant Competition

Impressive Results 45 regions received grants 10 of the 25 largest metropolitan areas are participating 80 million U.S. residents in jurisdictions that were awarded Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grants 13 regions from small communities and rural places 6 consortia led by nonprofit organization 3 regions driven by tribal leadership $120 million in co-investment from partners leverages federal investment 29 regions achieved Preferred Sustainability Status

Early Trends Across the wide spectrum of grantees, some emerging trends: 1. Recognition of Livability Principles for Development: 2/3 of awardees recognize Principles as guideposts for development 2. Connections between People, Place, and Plans: 1/3 are using place-based strategies ranging from neighborhood-based economic revitalization to specific pilots 3. Infrastructure is Central: most cited infrastructure investment – be it public transit, water, broadband – as central to their efforts 4. Economic and Workforce Development as an Outcome: nearly all grantees mentioned the program as a driver for jobs and economic development 5. New Partnerships are Forming: from nonprofits to the private sector to traditionally marginalized actors, consortia include a broad, diverse set of players. 6. Integrated Planning is Here: from linking housing to transportation, economic development, job centers, existing housing, and inclusive communities to efforts involving states and working across state lines, grantees want integrated solutions

What Worked Well The 2010 NOFA advanced several core goals of OSHC and the partnership: 1. Promoted the Livability Principles 2. Encouraged multijurisdictional cooperation and built new partnerships and consortiums 3. Recognized small town and rural issues in sustainability 4. Invested in existing momentum for sustainable development and reinvigorated innovative regional planning 5. Linked central cities and suburban communities

What Worked Well The 2010 NOFA advanced several core goals of OSHC and the partnership: 6. Identified nearly $500 million in demand for regional planning 7. Encouraged high tribal participation 8. Leveraged multiagency federal investment 9. Captured the attention of philanthropy

Lessons Learned The application and review process revealed important lessons for future grant rounds in the following areas: Timing Guidance Categories Geography Consortium Leverage Threshold Review Budget Data Missing Pieces

Next Steps Continue to learn from current grantees, past applicants, and the field Review ways to improve the FY2011 NOFA Prepare for the uncertainty that comes with operating under a Continuing Resolution

Looking to 2011 NOFA development process to begin soon HUD can only accept feedback until the development of the 2011 NOFA begins (HUD Reform Act) Comments and concerns welcome until then Announcement on the website about launch date of next NOFA (