Principles and practices of social constructivist teaching and learning 1.Focus on learning not on performance 2.View learners as co-constructors of meaning and knowledge 3.Establish learner – teacher relationships that are built upon the idea of guidance not instruction 4.Engage learners in tasks that are seen as ends in themselves and which build upon previous learning 5.Promote assessment as an active process of uncovering and acknowledging shared understanding 6.Recognise that the contexts in which learning takes place will play an important part in shaping the quality and depth of learning
Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Model
Adaptation for Teacher Trainee learning Notice (Need for CLT approach) Theorize (Principles) Do (Test out against reality of TB and classroom) Gather feedback / re-notice (how does it work in practice?) Reflect (What may be the issue that needs overcoming?) Re-theorize (Modify principles to fit reality) Redo (Continue cycle)