Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five  Word Work Word Work  High Frequency Words High Frequency Words  Phonics Practice Phonics Practice  Additional.


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Presentation transcript:

Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five  Word Work Word Work  High Frequency Words High Frequency Words  Phonics Practice Phonics Practice  Additional Resources Additional Resources

What kind of adventure can a little girl have?

Characters Characters are the people or animals in stories. They can be real or make-believe. Are the characters in Goldilocks and the Three Bears make-believe or real?

Amazing Words

the three bears live in a cottage

The three bears live in a cottage.

/g/ gum goat garden

/gl/ glove

Word Practice gl a d

Word Practice gl a ss

Word Practice gr a b

Word Practice gr i n

Word Practice cr a b

Word Practice cl o ck

Word Practice bl a ck

Word Practice sn a p

Word Practice two one four

High Frequency Words

Word Practice flopspinslamdrop plopstoplandjump

Let’s Write Telling Sentences A telling sentence is a statement about something. It begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period. It must have a naming part and an action part.

Telling Sentences The little girl is sitting. Circle the naming word (noun), underline the action part (verb), box the describing word (adjective) Capital in front? Punctuation? Fix if incorrect

Telling Sentences I apple Is this a complete sentence? How can we change it to make it a telling sentence?

Telling Sentences The red box fell. Circle the naming word (noun), underline the action word (verb), box the describing word (adjective) capital in front? Punctuation? Fix if incorrect

Telling Sentences two Boys ran. Circle the naming word (noun), underline the action word (verb), box the describing word (adjective) capital in front? Punctuation? Fix if incorrect

Telling Sentences – Make a Sentence Adjective Noun Verb

Are there one, two, three, four, or five bears in this story?

gus can get the gum

Gus can get the gum.

Shared Reading Pages 2–3 How many bears lived together in the cottage in the woods? Pages 4–5 What did the father, mother, and baby bears decide to do one morning? Have you ever eaten porridge? Pages 6–7 While the bears were gone, who wandered by their cottage?

Shared Reading Pages 8–9 What did Goldilocks do before she went inside? What did she see once she was inside the cottage? Pages 10–11 Whose porridge did Goldilocks try first? How do you think porridge would taste? Pages 12–13 Which chair did Goldilocks like best? Do Goldilocks and the three bears seem to notice each other? How can you tell?

Shared Reading Pages 14–15 What happened when Goldilocks sat in the baby bear's chair? How do you think the baby bear will feel about his chair? Pages 16–17 What did Goldilocks try next? Pages 18–19 What happened when Goldilocks tried the baby bear's bed? Who returned home?

Shared Reading Pages 20–21 What did Goldilocks leave in the father bear's and mother bear's porridge? How did the baby bear know someone had been eating his porridge? Pages 22–23 How did the mother bear and father bear know that someone had been sitting in their chairs? How does the baby bear know someone had been sitting in his chair? Pages 24–25 Where did the three bears go next? What do you think they are looking for upstairs?

Shared Reading Pages 26–27 How did the mother bear and father bear know someone had been sleeping in their beds? What did the mother bear and father bear say when they saw that their beds had been messed up? Pages 28–29 Who did baby bear find in his bed? What is Goldilocks doing?

Shared Reading Pages 30–31 What did Goldilocks do when she saw the bears? Why do you think she ran away? Page 32 What happened to Goldilocks afterwards? What do you think would have happened if Goldilocks had stayed to talk to the bears?

GoldilocksBears Characters What do the characters do that would not happen in real life?

Word Practice do g

a nd

L in

H ap

s end

Word Practice k ids

Word Practice p ig

fr og

Word Practice cr ab

Word Practice t ip

tr ip

Word Practice one

Word Practice five

Word Practice have

Word Practice four

Word Practice three

Word Practice have

Word Practice is

Word Practice like

Word Practice do

Word Practice see

Word Practice you

Telling Sentences Beth lost her glove at school.

Circle the Telling Sentences sunny day on Monday Goldilocks went in the cottage. The bed was just right. in his wee small voice

Let’s Write! Goldilocks runs away when the bears come home. Where do you think she went? She may have gone home. I'm going to write:

Why is Goldilocks visiting the bears?

a baby Bear is. very small

A baby bear is very small.

Setting Where did the three bears live? Where did the three bears go for a walk? Does this story happen in a place that is real or make- believe? The story starts with the words "Once upon a time." Do you think the story happened recently, or a long time ago?

Characters How are Goldilocks and the Baby Bear different? How are Goldilocks and the Baby Bear the same? How are Goldilocks and the Mama Bear alike?

Initial /g/ gum

Final /g/ bag






Word Practice bit




















stopsitsskipdrop flagkidsdotspast

Let’s Write Telling Sentences The chair was too big for the little girl.

What adventures have you had?

goldilocks Ate the porridge

Goldilocks ate the porridge.

Word Practice two one four

Telling or Question Sentence? What is your favorite color? We read a book.

Let’s Write a Letter Dear Friends, I've had many adventures this year. In June, _______________________. In October, I ____________________. Tomorrow, I am going to ___________. Love, Pig

What kind of adventure can a little girl have?

i like a small cottage?

I like a small cottage.




























Websites: Cookie Monster- Letter Gg Starfall- Letter Gg Blending Bowl -op, -ock, -ig, it, -ap Three Bears story, 2 children tell their own endings to the story, and a sequencing game cks&activity=mainhttp:// cks&activity=main Three Bears Story (C Beebies) Three Bears Story Goldilocks and 3 Bears games, etc.