101 學年度國際教育融入課程 World Food Issues Course Presenter: Ms. Wang 新北市私立及人中學 高中英文科.


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Presentation transcript:

101 學年度國際教育融入課程 World Food Issues Course Presenter: Ms. Wang 新北市私立及人中學 高中英文科

The Lowgar Valley in Afghanistan 阿富汗 Lowgar 河谷 When Will Food Shortages Hit Us?

Alexandria, Egypt 埃及亞歷山大市 Three Things to Watch Out For

Nile Delta 尼羅河三角洲 There are several things that will precede a major food shortage, and can be used as a signal to take action quickly to protect yourself and your family.

Egyptian pyramids 埃及金字塔 First of all, commodity prices are on the rise.

Lingxui Airport, Mainland China 中共中海南凌水機場 As prices of corn, rice, wheat and sugar start to steadily increase to all-time highs, it is time to watch the news more closely. Many food suppliers may allow their inventories to run down until they think that the prices are coming down, but if they don't, there will be a sudden food shortage for these items.

Harvard University campus 哈佛大學校園 Second, oil prices are on the rise.

U.S. Air Force Academy 美國空軍學院 Whether there is a steady increase in the cost of a barrel of oil (and also the price of oil at the gas pump) or unrest in the Middle East that threatens to shut down the export of oil from the Persian Gulf region, dramatic increases in oil prices are a key to precipitating a food shortage.

Manhattan, New York 紐約曼哈頓 Remember, oil is needed for fertilizers, pesticides, farm tractors and harvesters. Besides, it’s also needed for transportation to the manufacturing factories as well as your grocery stores.

Central Park, New York 紐約中央公園 Third, fears of the global financial collapse are on the increase.

Rod Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport 羅德 · 雷根 · 華盛頓國家機場 If the stock markets are in turmoil because of economic uncertainty, then the entire supply chain from the raw materials of commodities can be jeopardized.

Washington Square 華盛頓廣場 A rise in food prices will give rise to 'global crises,' says U.N. chief.

Hunger in Africa

Give a Helping Hand to Those in Need

The Food Crisis in West Africa in

If You Had Just One Dollar

Thank you for your attention!