Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-2013 DG AGRI, November 2005 Rural Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Strategic Guidelines DG AGRI, November 2005 Rural Development

CSG 2 Regulation and Guidelines  RDR => purpose and scope of assistance from the RD fund  CSG => EU level priorities within the RDR framework, in particular focus on sustainability (Göteborg) and growth and jobs (Lisbon)

CSG 3 The CSG will help to:  identify and agree the areas where the use of EU support for rural development will create the most value added at EU level;  make the link with the main EU priorities (Lisbon, Göteborg) and translate them into RD policy;  ensure consistency with other EU policies, in particular in the field of cohesion and environment;  accompany the implementation of the new market oriented Common Agricultural Policy and the necessary restructuring it will entail in the old and the new Member States.

CSG 4 Community priorities  Axis 1: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sectors  Guideline 1: the resources devoted to axis 1 should contribute to a strong and dynamic European agrifood sector by focusing on the priorities of knowledge transfer, modernisation and innovation in the food chain and priority sectors for investment in physical and human capital.

CSG 5 In order to meet the Community Priorities under Axis 1, MS will have to focus on issues such as:  Supporting the restructuring of the agricultural sector  Improving integration in the food chain  Developing business skills  Developing new outlets for agricultural and forestry products  Developing high quality products in line with market demand  Improving the environmental performance of farms and forestry

CSG 6 Examples of RD actions and measures in axis 1:  restructuring and modernisation of farms  transfer of know-how / innovation  adoptation of innovations  investments for on-farm use of renewable energy sources  investements to water saving technologies  improvement of the economic value of the forests  promotion for quality products

CSG 7 Community priorities  Axis 2: improving the environment and countryside  Guideline 2: the resources devoted to axis 2 should contribute to three EU level priority areas: biodiversity and preservation of high nature value farming and forestry systems and traditional agricultural landscapes, water, and climate change.

CSG 8 In order to meet the Community Priorities under Axis 2, MS will have to focus on issues such as:  promoting environmental services and animal welfare  preserving the farmed landscape  combating the climate change  consolidating the contribution of organic farming  encouraging environmental win-win initiatives

CSG 9 Examples of RD actions and measures in axis 2:  supporting environmental management  wetland management  restoring forestry potential  supporting organic production  support to short rotation coppice  maintaining traditional agricultural landscapes  promoting terrotorial balance

CSG 10 Community priorities  Axis 3: improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification  Guideline 3: the resources devoted to axis 3 should contribute to the overarching priority of the creation of employment opportunities in the fields of diversification and quality of life.

CSG 11 In order to meet the Community Priorities under Axis 3, MS will have to focus on issues such as:  raising economic activity in rural areas  encouraging the entry of women into labour market  developing micro business  training of young people  encouraging the take up and diffusion of ICT  developing innovative use of renewable sources  upgrading local infrastructure

CSG 12 Examples of RD actions and measures in axis 3:  diversification of rural activities  innovation in micro-enterprises  support to business creation  support for larger use of ICT  services for rural areas  development of tourism

CSG 13 Community priorities  Axis 4 (Leader): building local capacity for employment and diversification  Guideline 4: the resources devoted to axis 4 should contribute to the priorities of axis 1 and 2 and in particular of axis 3, but also play an important role in the priority of improving governance and mobilising the endogenous development potential of rural areas.

CSG 14 In order to meet the Community Priorities under Axis 4, MS will have to focus on issues such as:  building local partnership capacity  promoting public-private partnership  promoting cooperation and innovation  improving local governence

CSG 15 Distinctive features of RD actions in axis 4:  Area based local strategies  Public-private partnerships (local action groups)  Bottom up approach  Multi-sectoral and integrated  Innovative  Cooperation  Networking

CSG 16 Community priorities  Horizontal: ensuring consistency in programming  Guideline 5: elements to take into account Maximise synergies in and between axes Develop integrated approaches where appropriate Other EU level strategies (organic farming, renewable energy sources, climate change, forestry strategy and action plan, thematic environmental strategies)

CSG 17 Community priorities  Horizontal: complementarity between Community instruments  Guideline 6: create synergies between structural, employment and rural development policies ensure complementarity and coherence between actions to be financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund, ESF, EFF and EAFRD on a given territory and in a given field of activity. the main guiding principles as regards the demarcation line and the coordination mechanisms between actions supported by the different Funds should be defined at the level of national strategic reference framework/national strategy plan.

CSG 18 NSPCSG Internal consistency/other EU level strategies Complementarity with other Community instruments EU priorities: Knowledge transfer/priority investment sectors Biodiversity/water/climate change Creation employment opportunities Governance/endogenous development potential National priorities +

CSG 19 Overall strategy issues  Balance between the axes based on an assessment of the economic, social and environmental situation and of needs and gaps  Weight of the different EU and national priorities  Match funding capacity  Implementation capacity (national, regional, local)

CSG 20 Strategic issues axis 1  Desired development farm structures (which farms to target)  Strengths/weaknesses agrifood sector  Balance between restructuring and innovation

CSG 21 Strategic issues axis 2  Balance between AE, Natura and LFA  AE: role organic farming (link axis 1), importance certain farming types and landscapes for rural diversification (link axis 3)  Water management  Afforestation needs (abandoned farm land?)

CSG 22 Strategic issues axis 3 and 4  Balance between rural infrastructure/ renovation/basic services and diversification/local economic development  Choice of delivery system for axis 3 (top down or bottom up)  Balance between local capacity building and implementing local development strategies

CSG 23 Road map towards the adoption of RD programmes  Final approval of Community Strategic Guidelines expected: February ) Submission of NSPs by Member States deadline: May ) Submission of programmes by Member States deadline: min. 2 months and max. 4 months after submission of NSP  Adoption of RD programmes deadline: 6 months after submission by MS