Session Six: Restorative Approaches in Housing John Stevenson, Head of Anti-Social Behaviour Unit, Places for People.


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Presentation transcript:

Session Six: Restorative Approaches in Housing John Stevenson, Head of Anti-Social Behaviour Unit, Places for People

Restorative Justice The context:- Housing Corporation Circular 07/04 Section 12 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 places a statutory duty on housing associations to publish policies and procedures for tackling anti-social behaviour. These should show a commitment to using the full range of tools now available to tackle ASB Eviction should be considered only when other interventions have failed to protect the wider community

Restorative Justice The Context:- The Tenant’s Charter Your housing association must only take action to evict you from your home as a last resort, when there is no reasonable alternative

Restorative Justice What is it? A harm reduction process in which parties involved in dispute come together to resolve how to deal with the dispute and implications for the future

Restorative Justice How Does It Work? An RJ intervention would normally involve two or more sides of a dispute actually meeting each other Trained Facilitator (Housing Manager/Officer) proceeds through a tried and tested structure in a non judgmental disclosure of facts

Restorative Justice All must agree to participate All must be briefed/prepared Expert neutral trained facilitator Condemning the Act, not the ‘Actor’ No humiliation Principles of respect

Restorative Justice RJ Conference Ground rules set out What happened? Who was affected? What would make things better? Re-integration Outcome agreement

Case Study Background Fleetwood, Lancashire June 2006 Scheme for over 55s New resident, Bill, moves in Jan 06 “upsets applecart” –Car parking –CCTV –Barking dog Community in uproar Continual complaints Bill labelled a ‘bully’, a ‘liar’ and a ‘bullshitter’ Violet labelled ‘benefit cheat’ and a ‘fishwife’

All had their say and stated how they had been affected Case Study The conference All affected were willing and wanted a resolution to the problem Few felt resolution would be reached Atmosphere was tense, Bill subjected to verbal abuse

Case Study How things were made better “Somehow we need to be able to live together”. Violet stood up, shook everyone’s hand and apologised for harm being caused, followed by Bill

Bill agreed to move the grey Volvo to outside Violet’s house and solely use the green Volvo in the parking area Bill agreed to ensure the camera is only pointing at the row of cars in the parking area All agreed to acknowledge each other in passing and invite Bill over to have a drink on the grassed area when out in the sunshine Violet apologised for the dog barking and would try to keep him quiet and leave him at home more Case Study Outcome agreement

Case Study RJ shuttle meeting Northampton Steven and John Assault – March 07 No criminal charges Upset and harm continued Steven would not agree to meet face to face

Case Study Outcome Steven and John now able to co-exist without ‘bad feeling’ What other options were available?

Restorative Justice It can achieve An apology is 15 times more likely Forgiveness is 89% more likely 97% say RJ conference “went well” Staff perspective – A ‘healing’ experience

Why use RJ? It’s simple – just requires a little learning Doesn’t steal the conflict Residents desire for the problem to stop (rather than legal action) Longer term resolution for those affected An in house remedy Facts don’t always have to be agreed Restorative Justice

Why use RJ? Can be used where court action is not appropriate Increase in customer satisfaction Avoids highly expensive litigation Participants feel they have resolved the conflict by themselves Staff development Fits with RESPECT, Housing Corporation and Audit Commission expectations