Who was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great Saint and devotee of Shree Krishna. He popularized the process of Naam Sankirtan (Congregational.


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Presentation transcript:

Who was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great Saint and devotee of Shree Krishna. He popularized the process of Naam Sankirtan (Congregational chanting of the names of God), which is very simple, yet extremely powerful technique for increasing love for God.

Birth and early Childhood  He appeared on the full moon night of February 18, 1486, at the time of lunar eclipse, in the town of Nabadwip, in Nadia District of West Bengal.  He was the second child of Jagannath Misra and Sachi Devi.  He was called Nimai in his childhood, since he was born under a neem tree.  He is also known as Gauranga because of his exceedingly fair complexion.  When he was an infant, he would sometime weep continuously, and when the neighboring women would chant “Haribol-Haribol” then only he would stop.

Young Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu  He was a quick learner. At the age of 10, He was well versed in Sanskrit grammar.  By the age of sixteen, he developed marvelous scholarly talents.  He mastered many branches of learning as grammar, logic, literature and philosophy.  Despite achieving so much at this early age, he was very loving, caring, compassionate, sweet person.  His father died while he was still learning.  To support the family he started teaching.

Turning Point  He travelled to Gaya for performing the shraadha ceremony of his father, and there he met his Guru, Ishwar Puri.  This meeting transformed him completely from a scholar to a devotee.  He would now constantly chant the names of Shree Krishna and dance in ecstasy.  Sometime he would be so observed in devotion(love for God) that he would laugh, weep, fall on the ground and roll in the dust.  He would cry for Lord Krishna, oblivious to his surroundings.

Sankeertan Movement  Once Mahaprabhu met one ascetic named Nitai(Nityananda). He was ascetic from a very young age and wandered about in search of Krishna.  When they met each other they become intimate, like brothers.  Mahaprabhu instructed Nitai and other devotees to go door to door, requesting them to chant the name of Krishna.  People would come out and chant the name on the streets of Nabdwip. This is called sankeertan movement.

Sankeertan Movement

Story: Forgiveness Jagai and Madhai were the notorious criminals in the area of Nabdwip. They were also habitual drunards. Nityananda decided to convert these sinners, to reveal the glory of Mahabrabhu compassion. A procession was organized to the home of Jagai and Madhai, doing kirtan all the way. Nitai was leading the group. When he came across the two, he asked them to take the name of Shree Krishna. This angered Madhai and he attacked Nitai with a piece of a broken pot. Blood gushed from the wound. When Mahaprabhu heard of the attack on Nitai by Jagai and Madhai, he flew into a rage and wanted to kill brothers with his divine chakra. Niatai begged him to pardon these two sinners. Moved by Nitai’s compassion,two criminal hearts melted and they become disciples of Mahaprabhu’s.

Compassion of Nitai (Nityananda) pabhu

Sankeertan Movement  Niamai and Nitai would conduct sankirtans in various places in Nabadwip, chanting the names of Radha Krishna. They would conduct religious processions, where devotees went dancing and singing through the streets. Thousands would join them and in a natural and easy way, evoke love for God within their hearts.  At the age of 24, chaitanya Mahaprabhu decided to take sanyas for the well fare of human society.  After becoming a sanyasi, Mahaprabhu went to Jagannath Puri.

Nitai ( Nityananda prabu ) and Nimai (Chaitanya mahaprabhu or Gauranga)

Pastimes at Jaganath Puri  He walked from his hometown Nabadwip to puri a distance of around 368 miles.  When he entered temple of Lord Jagannath, he was so overwhelmed by love for God, that he fainted in ecstasy.  At that time Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, the most learned scholar of vedic scriptures in Puri happened to enter the temple.  He saw the highest symptoms of devotion manifesting in the body of Mahaprabhu.  He had Mahaprabhu’s unconsious body carried to his house.  Mahaprabhu returned to consciousness only when the name of “Hari “ was chanted in his ears.

Lord Jagannath Temple at Puri

Deities at the Jagannath Temple

Pastimes in Puri  A debate ensued between Mahaprabhu and Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. With utmost mastery of the vedic scriptures, Mahaprabhu convinced Sarvabhuma that love for God is the ultimate goal of Human life. Sarvabhauma was so impressed that from being a dry scholar he was transformed into a devotee.  Mahaprabhu then revealed his divinity to him, by showing him six armed form, with two arms of Shree Krishna( holding the flute) two arms of Shree Ram(holding the bow and arrow), and two arms of sanyasi(holding the staff and bowl of a monk).

Mahaprabhu settled in puri, but went on pilgrimage from there. On one such tour, he walked all the way from puri through south India to Dwaraka in Gujarat, and back. On this trip, he met a leper, named Vasudev. His wounds were rotting on his body, and worms had made their home in them. However Vasudev was so kind hearted that when a worm fell from the wound, he would place it back on the wound. He wanted to offer his respect to Mahaprabhu ji but was hesitant because of his condition, Mahaprabhu embraced him tightly, and instantly all his wound got healed. Pastimes in Puri

Mahaprabhu’s mercy on Leper

In puri, Rath Yatra is the biggest festival. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would celebrate it joyfully. In front of the chariot, he would dance with his devotees playing drums and cymbals etc.

Rath Yatra festival

Mahaprabhu dancing in ecstasy

Later Years of Mahaprabhuji  In his later years, Mahaprbhu stopped interacting with people. He spent his time in a small room, called “ Gambhira”.  All day and night, he would long to meet God, in the mood of Radharani’s longing for Shree Krishna.  During this period of his life he displayed the highest levels of divine love or love for God, that have inspired devotees ever since.  It is believed that he entered the temple of Lord Jagannath, and walked into the deity, merging himself with the Lord.

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