2007/10/29 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 1 IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) Speaker : Chi-Wen Yang Advisor : Kai-Wei Ke Date : 2007/10/29.


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Presentation transcript:

2007/10/29 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 1 IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) Speaker : Chi-Wen Yang Advisor : Kai-Wei Ke Date : 2007/10/29

2007/10/292 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Reference Jian-Guang Luo, Yun Tang, Meng Zhang, Li Zhao, Shi-Qiang Yang. "Design and Deployment of a Peer- to-Peer Based IPTV System over Global Internet." Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, Beijing , China.Jian-Guang Luo, Yun Tang, Meng Zhang, Li Zhao, Shi-Qiang Yang. "Design and Deployment of a Peer- to-Peer Based IPTV System over Global Internet." Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, Beijing , China. Francis E. Retnasothie*, M. Kemal Ozdemir*, Tevfik Yiicektt, Hasari Celebitt, Joseph Zhang*, and Ranesh Muththaiah*. "Wireless IPTV over WiMAX: Challenges and Applications." University of South Florida, Department of Electrical Engineering 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL, Francis E. Retnasothie*, M. Kemal Ozdemir*, Tevfik Yiicektt, Hasari Celebitt, Joseph Zhang*, and Ranesh Muththaiah*. "Wireless IPTV over WiMAX: Challenges and Applications." University of South Florida, Department of Electrical Engineering 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL,

2007/10/293 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Outline IPTV IntroductionIPTV Introduction P2P IPTV System over Global InternetP2P IPTV System over Global Internet Wireless IPTV over WiMaxWireless IPTV over WiMax ConclusionConclusion

2007/10/294 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Outline IPTV IntroductionIPTV Introduction

2007/10/295 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a system where a digital television service is delivered by using Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include delivery by a broadband connection. A general definition of IPTV is television content that, instead of being delivered through traditional broadcast and cable formats, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks.IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a system where a digital television service is delivered by using Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include delivery by a broadband connection. A general definition of IPTV is television content that, instead of being delivered through traditional broadcast and cable formats, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks.

2007/10/296 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV characteristic 完善的互動介面 完善的互動介面 電視不再是單向的資訊提供 電視不再是單向的資訊提供 可針對收視戶的需要提供一對一的服務 可針對收視戶的需要提供一對一的服務 高畫質( HD )影像 高畫質( HD )影像 H.264 高畫質影像播放H.264 高畫質影像播放 資訊傳遞快速 資訊傳遞快速 與網際網路( Internet )資訊互通 與網際網路( Internet )資訊互通 資訊取得容易、迅速 資訊取得容易、迅速 通信運用 通信運用 網路電話( IP Phone ) 網路電話( IP Phone ) 視訊會議( Video Conference ) 視訊會議( Video Conference ) 延伸性(跨國界) 延伸性(跨國界) 無遠弗屆 無遠弗屆

2007/10/297 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV application(1) 電視( TV ) 電視( TV ) 從 DVBT 信號接收機上盒將發展到重於高畫質電視( HDTV )播 放。 從 DVBT 信號接收機上盒將發展到重於高畫質電視( HDTV )播 放。 DVB-T 、 DVB-C 、 DVB-S 、 DVB-HDVB-T 、 DVB-C 、 DVB-S 、 DVB-H IP-TVIP-TV 節目表查詢 (EPG) 節目表查詢 (EPG) 節目錄影 (PVR) 節目錄影 (PVR) Time Shift( 時移 )Time Shift( 時移 ) 隨選影視( VOD ) 隨選影視( VOD ) 結合電子商務機制,收視戶可透過電視隨時挑選付費收看 HD Video ( high definition Video )影片。 結合電子商務機制,收視戶可透過電視隨時挑選付費收看 HD Video ( high definition Video )影片。 透過 DRM 技術,提供影片線上即時收看( Streaming )或下載後 收看( Download ),保護影片盜看或複製。 透過 DRM 技術,提供影片線上即時收看( Streaming )或下載後 收看( Download ),保護影片盜看或複製。

2007/10/298 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV application(2) 電視購物( TV Shopping ) 電視購物( TV Shopping ) 結合電子商務機制,營造出多媒體(廣告影片、商片相片、圖片、 文字介紹)互動購物環境。 結合電子商務機制,營造出多媒體(廣告影片、商片相片、圖片、 文字介紹)互動購物環境。 付款方式提供收視戶以信用卡刷卡付費或晶片金融卡轉帳付費。 付款方式提供收視戶以信用卡刷卡付費或晶片金融卡轉帳付費。 透過互動特性,容易收集收視戶對商品喜好程度,並可針對收視 戶背景做交叉分析,以利未來行銷計畫。 透過互動特性,容易收集收視戶對商品喜好程度,並可針對收視 戶背景做交叉分析,以利未來行銷計畫。 開創另一商品銷售強勢通路。 開創另一商品銷售強勢通路。 生活資訊 生活資訊 網際網路資訊取得迅速。 網際網路資訊取得迅速。 運用互動的特性,收視戶可快速的查找食、衣、住、行相關資訊。 運用互動的特性,收視戶可快速的查找食、衣、住、行相關資訊。 新聞報導;氣象報導;航班、火車、捷運班次查詢;路況報導; 樂透、統一發票獎號查詢;旅遊資訊查詢 ……. 新聞報導;氣象報導;航班、火車、捷運班次查詢;路況報導; 樂透、統一發票獎號查詢;旅遊資訊查詢 …….

2007/10/299 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV application(3) 金融理財 金融理財 家庭銀行 家庭銀行 晶片金融卡轉帳、繳費、繳稅、帳戶餘額查詢、更改提款卡密碼, 將銀行搬到家庭中。 晶片金融卡轉帳、繳費、繳稅、帳戶餘額查詢、更改提款卡密碼, 將銀行搬到家庭中。 股市、期貨 股市、期貨 股市、期貨資訊查詢、分析(圖表分析、股市分析師即時解盤影 片)。 股市、期貨資訊查詢、分析(圖表分析、股市分析師即時解盤影 片)。 即時下單。 即時下單。 教育學習 教育學習 互動學習 互動學習 營造多媒體互動學習環境,收視戶可選擇所要學習的科目、課程, 並透過知識庫提問,線上模擬測驗。 營造多媒體互動學習環境,收視戶可選擇所要學習的科目、課程, 並透過知識庫提問,線上模擬測驗。 遠距教學 遠距教學 即時廣播教學,收視戶可透過電視與實體教學教室學習及互動。 即時廣播教學,收視戶可透過電視與實體教學教室學習及互動。

2007/10/2910 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV application(4) 視訊電話 視訊電話 單方通話、多方視訊會議 單方通話、多方視訊會議 視訊、語音信箱 視訊、語音信箱 通訊即時錄影、錄音 通訊即時錄影、錄音 家庭自動化環境控制 家庭自動化環境控制 室內照明控制 室內照明控制 室內溫度控制 室內溫度控制 影像監控系統 影像監控系統 室內紅外線、瓦斯預警 室內紅外線、瓦斯預警 居家保全預警 居家保全預警 居家看護 居家看護 結合家用醫療檢測器材,系統儲存及分析檢測結果數據,並自動 透過網路傳輸至醫療院所,進行醫療諮詢建議或緊急送醫。 結合家用醫療檢測器材,系統儲存及分析檢測結果數據,並自動 透過網路傳輸至醫療院所,進行醫療諮詢建議或緊急送醫。 醫療檢測可包括:血壓、血脂、體溫、血糖、體重、尖峰流量 ( 氣 喘 ) 、心電圖及血氧含量等。 醫療檢測可包括:血壓、血脂、體溫、血糖、體重、尖峰流量 ( 氣 喘 ) 、心電圖及血氧含量等。

2007/10/2911 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV application(5) 個人化服務 個人化服務 晶片會員卡加值服務 晶片會員卡加值服務 加值服務 加值服務 付費頻道、付費互動服務 付費頻道、付費互動服務 點數消費 點數消費 網路部落格 網路部落格 與網際網路 Blog 結合,文章、相片、影片可透過 IPTV 分享給親 朋好友。 與網際網路 Blog 結合,文章、相片、影片可透過 IPTV 分享給親 朋好友。 收發 收發 與網際網路 系統結合 與網際網路 系統結合

2007/10/2912 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV 業務發展情况 IPTV 業務發展情况:IPTV 業務發展情况: –1999 年-英國 Video Networks 率先推出 –2004 年-歐洲、亞洲及北美等國家進行規模試驗和建置 –2006 年- 33 個電信營運商推出業務, 800 萬用户 – 預估 - 2008 年用户 2600 萬用户、收入 150 億美元

2007/10/2913 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV 結構層 ---ITU 標準組織之觀點 Middleware Service (User) Service (User) Service (Server) Transport Access Core Home FTTx, xDSL, Cable, Satellite, WLAN, WiMax, DMB etc. QoS/QoE/NP (SG12 + SG13) Traffic/NNAR (SG2) Control (SG11) SG9 (Cable), SG15 (Transport), SG19 (mobile), other SODs SG2+SG16 ? Charging/ Accounting (SG3) OAM/Manag. (SG4) Security (SG17) Overall Architecture Cable aspects (SG9) Other Telecom aspects (SG13) Mobile aspects (SG19)

2007/10/2914 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV 平台分層架構 相關營運系統 營運服務平台 傳輸網路 終端用戶 IPTV 終端 加值業務平台 區域網絡 ADSL / LAN / WLAN 接取 骨幹網絡 EPG 系統 串流媒體服務平台 內容製作平台 與其他支援系統連結(可選) 內容管理 業務支援 業務管理

2007/10/2915 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV service server 實體模型 Terminal CDN Structure Info Server Access Network CDN CDN Structure Information PF Structure Information Metadata Interactive Page License VOD Streaming Download Content IPTV Service Stream Service Provider Platform Provider PF Structure Info Server Metadata Server CAS/DRM Server Backend Server Portal Server Content Server (VOD Streaming) Content Server (Download) IP Broadcasting (Streaming Server)

2007/10/2916 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV --DRM 技術 原始內容原始內容 內容製作內容製作 金鑰管理系統 金鑰生成 加密 加密系統 內容傳 送系統 版權發 佈中心 Key H.264 MPEG-4 Key 節目信息 目前, DRM 成熟的產品 主要是 WMV - DRM 、 Real - DRM ,對 Mpeg - 4 和 H264 兩種格式的 DRM 尚無成熟的產品

2007/10/2917 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IPTV 編碼技術 視訊編碼技術 視訊編碼技術 目前的標準有 MPEG - 4ASP 、 H . 264 、 VC - 1 和 AVS 幾種 目前的標準有 MPEG - 4ASP 、 H . 264 、 VC - 1 和 AVS 幾種 VC - 1 ︰VC - 1 ︰ 支援的廠商不多 支援的廠商不多 AVS ︰AVS ︰ 中國自己開發的標準,其具體發展趨勢尚須觀察 中國自己開發的標準,其具體發展趨勢尚須觀察 MPEG - 4 ︰MPEG - 4 ︰ 應用廣泛,在 1 . 5M ~ 2M 的 bit rate 下,可以達到接近 DVD 的畫質效果 應用廣泛,在 1 . 5M ~ 2M 的 bit rate 下,可以達到接近 DVD 的畫質效果 H . 264 ︰H . 264 ︰ 編解碼效率比 MPEG4 的效率高 5 %~ 15 %,從技術的 演進來看 H . 264 視訊編碼標準,被認為是下一階段的必然 選擇 編解碼效率比 MPEG4 的效率高 5 %~ 15 %,從技術的 演進來看 H . 264 視訊編碼標準,被認為是下一階段的必然 選擇

2007/10/2918 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Outline P2P IPTV System over Global InternetP2P IPTV System over Global Internet

2007/10/2919 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 P2P based file sharing system NapsterNapster GnutellaGnutella KazaAKazaA BitTorrentBitTorrent

2007/10/2920 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 P2P based live streaming system PPLivePPLive PPStreamPPStream TVAntsTVAnts FeiDianFeiDian GridmediaGridmedia

2007/10/2921 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 The structure of Gridmedia system

2007/10/2922 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Elements of Gridmedia system Rendezvous Point ( RP ) serverRendezvous Point ( RP ) server –The RP server is used to facilitate the login process of new arriving peers. Streaming serverStreaming server –The streaming server in Gridmedia is almost the same to traditional C/S servers. When it is connected to by a peer, it will send the live content to the peer. PeersPeers –The peers mainly comprises two parts of the unstructured overlay organization and push-pull streaming schedule.

2007/10/2923 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Unstructured Overlay Organization In Gridmedia, end nodes are organized into an unstructured overlay networks.In Gridmedia, end nodes are organized into an unstructured overlay networks. On each node, there is an overlay manager component to take charge of finding appropriate neighbors by gossip protocol so that the application layer network can be successfully built up.On each node, there is an overlay manager component to take charge of finding appropriate neighbors by gossip protocol so that the application layer network can be successfully built up. A new arriving node firstly contacts the RP server to get a list of the nodes already in the overlay (candidates list), which could be regarded as the login process.A new arriving node firstly contacts the RP server to get a list of the nodes already in the overlay (candidates list), which could be regarded as the login process. The newly participating node will select several nodes from the candidates list as its initial neighbors as follows:The newly participating node will select several nodes from the candidates list as its initial neighbors as follows: –It measures the Round-Trip Time (RTT) to each candidate. –it chooses some nodes with the minimum RTT as one part of its initial neighbors.

2007/10/2924 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Unstructured Overlay Organization Each node should maintain a list of neighbor nodes.Each node should maintain a list of neighbor nodes. Due to the frequent come and leave of peers, the list should be updated from time to time.Due to the frequent come and leave of peers, the list should be updated from time to time. The member tables is then encapsulated into a message and exchanged among neighbors periodically. After receiving the message, the node will update its member table accordingly.The member tables is then encapsulated into a message and exchanged among neighbors periodically. After receiving the message, the node will update its member table accordingly. Each node delivers an "alive message" to all its neighbors periodically to declare its existence.Each node delivers an "alive message" to all its neighbors periodically to declare its existence. Once a node quits, it will broadcast a "quit message" to all its neighbors. This message will be flooded within a limitation of hop count.Once a node quits, it will broadcast a "quit message" to all its neighbors. This message will be flooded within a limitation of hop count.

2007/10/2925 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Push-Pull Streaming Schedule Pull mode in DONet/CoolStreaming.Pull mode in DONet/CoolStreaming. Every peer in DONet periodically exchanges buffer map of video packets with partners, and then retrieves the absent packets from partners which reported to have the packets.Every peer in DONet periodically exchanges buffer map of video packets with partners, and then retrieves the absent packets from partners which reported to have the packets.

2007/10/2926 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Push-Pull Streaming Schedule Peer B fetching a packet from peer A:Peer B fetching a packet from peer A: –A sends information to tell B that the packet is in its local buffer. –If B needs this packet, it sends request to A about the packet. –A sends the packet to B after it received the request from B. The time used to get a packet is at least 3 times to the end-to-end delay (EED) between A and B assuming the EED is symmetric.The time used to get a packet is at least 3 times to the end-to-end delay (EED) between A and B assuming the EED is symmetric. To reduce the overhead of information exchanged between peers, the buffer map and requests will only be sent periodically.To reduce the overhead of information exchanged between peers, the buffer map and requests will only be sent periodically.

2007/10/2927 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Push-Pull Streaming Schedule Use a push-pull streaming mechanism in Gridmedia in which the pull mode of receiver and push mode of sender are used alternatively between partners.Use a push-pull streaming mechanism in Gridmedia in which the pull mode of receiver and push mode of sender are used alternatively between partners. Each node uses the pull method as a startup, and after that each node will relay a packet to its neighbors as soon as the packet arrives without explicit requests from the neighbors.Each node uses the pull method as a startup, and after that each node will relay a packet to its neighbors as soon as the packet arrives without explicit requests from the neighbors. A pulling packet of a node is delivered by a neighbor only when the packet is requested.A pulling packet of a node is delivered by a neighbor only when the packet is requested. A pushing packet is relayed by a neighbor as soon as it is received.A pushing packet is relayed by a neighbor as soon as it is received.

2007/10/2928 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Push-Pull Streaming Schedule Each node works under pure pull mode in the first time interval when just joining.Each node works under pure pull mode in the first time interval when just joining. Based on the traffic from each neighbor, the node will subscribe the pushing packets from its neighbors accordingly at the end of each time interval.Based on the traffic from each neighbor, the node will subscribe the pushing packets from its neighbors accordingly at the end of each time interval. The lost packets induced by the unreliability of the network link or the neighbors quit will be pulled as well from the neighbors at the same time.The lost packets induced by the unreliability of the network link or the neighbors quit will be pulled as well from the neighbors at the same time.

2007/10/2929 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Experiments on PlanetLab PlanetLab is an open platform for experimenting, developing, deploying, and accessing planetary-scale services.PlanetLab is an open platform for experimenting, developing, deploying, and accessing planetary-scale services. It had about 500 nodes over about 250 sites all over the world, only around 350 nodes are available online at the same time.It had about 500 nodes over about 250 sites all over the world, only around 350 nodes are available online at the same time.


2007/10/2931 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Experiments on PlanetLab A packet generator runs on the root node to simulate the media streaming and transmits the packets to the local peer directly.A packet generator runs on the root node to simulate the media streaming and transmits the packets to the local peer directly. RP helps new nodes to participate the overlay.RP helps new nodes to participate the overlay. Log collecting server is deployed to gather log report packets sent by all the peers, such as control overhead, neighbor information, delivery ratio, traffic distribution, etc.Log collecting server is deployed to gather log report packets sent by all the peers, such as control overhead, neighbor information, delivery ratio, traffic distribution, etc. The control node is responsible for commanding the active nodes on PlanetLab to participate or depart the overlay.The control node is responsible for commanding the active nodes on PlanetLab to participate or depart the overlay.

2007/10/2932 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Experiments on PlanetLab PARAMETERS IN EXPERIMENTSPARAMETERS IN EXPERIMENTS

2007/10/2933 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Experiments on PlanetLab Comparison Comparison between pull and between pull and push-pull method in push-pull method in both static and both static and dynamic dynamic environment without environment without upload bandwidth upload bandwidth limitation limitation

2007/10/2934 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Experiments on PlanetLab Comparison Comparison between pull and between pull and push-pull method in push-pull method in both static and both static and dynamic dynamic environment with environment with upload bandwidth upload bandwidth limitation to 500 limitation to 500 Kbps for each node Kbps for each node

2007/10/2935 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 PRACTICAL IS SUES OF SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Revise the developing codes to make system reliable, other practical issues includes NAT and firewall traversal, system monitoring, and user management.Revise the developing codes to make system reliable, other practical issues includes NAT and firewall traversal, system monitoring, and user management. In Gridmedia, use STUN ( Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT ) to traversal the NATs.In Gridmedia, use STUN ( Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT ) to traversal the NATs. To traversal the firewalls, Gridmedia allows the peer to fetch data from other peers through HTTP connections.To traversal the firewalls, Gridmedia allows the peer to fetch data from other peers through HTTP connections.

2007/10/2936 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 PRELIMINARY STATISTICAL RESULTS Number of concurrent online users over time Number of concurrent online users over time

2007/10/2937 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Outline Wireless IPTV over WiMaxWireless IPTV over WiMax

2007/10/2938 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Wireless IPTV over WiMAX Since WiMAX PHY supports varying frame sizes and scalable bandwidth, WiMAX is an ideal choice for IPTV applications.Since WiMAX PHY supports varying frame sizes and scalable bandwidth, WiMAX is an ideal choice for IPTV applications. WiMAX base stations (BSs), subscriber and mobile stations (SSs/MSs) are ideally suited for the delivery of IP based services; (triple play) VoIP, IPTV, internet multimedia over wireless MAN.WiMAX base stations (BSs), subscriber and mobile stations (SSs/MSs) are ideally suited for the delivery of IP based services; (triple play) VoIP, IPTV, internet multimedia over wireless MAN. This makes WiMAX a superior choice over conventional cable, DSL, and satellite solutions.This makes WiMAX a superior choice over conventional cable, DSL, and satellite solutions.

2007/10/2939 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 System model for IPTV applications

2007/10/2940 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Protocol Stack for IPTV Transmission

2007/10/2941 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Wireless IPTV over WiMAX IPTV transmission requires higher payload capacity, therefore, it poses a challenge in providing maximum service, efficient delivery of IP based payload including voice, video, multimedia and Internet over wireless.IPTV transmission requires higher payload capacity, therefore, it poses a challenge in providing maximum service, efficient delivery of IP based payload including voice, video, multimedia and Internet over wireless. For real time streaming video services, UDP ports can be used and for video on demand (VoD), TCP ports can be used.For real time streaming video services, UDP ports can be used and for video on demand (VoD), TCP ports can be used. Broadcast, multicast or unicast services are also supported.Broadcast, multicast or unicast services are also supported. There can be multiple packets from various sources that must be delivered to targeted users with different QoS parameters making it a challenging task.There can be multiple packets from various sources that must be delivered to targeted users with different QoS parameters making it a challenging task.

2007/10/2942 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer (1) The IEEE MAC is logically divided into three sublayers:The IEEE MAC is logically divided into three sublayers: –convergence sublayer (CS) IPTV packets over Ethernet are received from the network as MAC SDUs. Received packets are then classified based on their TCP/UDP port, source/destination, IP, MAC address etc. Each packet is then assigned to a connection for transmission over the air.IPTV packets over Ethernet are received from the network as MAC SDUs. Received packets are then classified based on their TCP/UDP port, source/destination, IP, MAC address etc. Each packet is then assigned to a connection for transmission over the air.

2007/10/2943 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer (2) –common part sublayer (CPS) The packets are fragmented and/or packed for the efficient use of available bandwidth. Fragmentation also enables automatic request (ARQ) services to minimize retransmission. MAC PDUs are constructed in this sublayer. Packets are scheduled based on service level agreements (SLA) and quality of service (QoS) requirements for both DL and UL. Ultimately, the frame in which IPTV packets will be transmitted is prepared in this layer.The packets are fragmented and/or packed for the efficient use of available bandwidth. Fragmentation also enables automatic request (ARQ) services to minimize retransmission. MAC PDUs are constructed in this sublayer. Packets are scheduled based on service level agreements (SLA) and quality of service (QoS) requirements for both DL and UL. Ultimately, the frame in which IPTV packets will be transmitted is prepared in this layer.

2007/10/2944 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer (3) –security sublayer (SS) The packets are encoded to prevent theft of service. Key exchanges between SSs and for secure authenticated transmission, the use of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) are also implemented in this sublayer.The packets are encoded to prevent theft of service. Key exchanges between SSs and for secure authenticated transmission, the use of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) are also implemented in this sublayer.

2007/10/2945 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 MAC scheduler for IPTV Applications MAC QoS architecture MAC QoS architecture

2007/10/2946 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 IEEE QoS Service Classes

2007/10/2947 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 MAC scheduler for IPTV Applications Scheduling services represent the data handling mechanisms supported by the MAC scheduler for data transport on a connection.Scheduling services represent the data handling mechanisms supported by the MAC scheduler for data transport on a connection. Packet Classifier block will send the packet header's information to Connection Control component.Packet Classifier block will send the packet header's information to Connection Control component. Connection Control assigns CID and service flow ID (SFID) to the corresponding packet or flow.Connection Control assigns CID and service flow ID (SFID) to the corresponding packet or flow. Each SFID will be related to a set of QoS parameters stored in QoS Policy component.Each SFID will be related to a set of QoS parameters stored in QoS Policy component. MAC management component handles dynamic service access/change (DSA/DSC)'s transaction and dynamically change QoS parameters.MAC management component handles dynamic service access/change (DSA/DSC)'s transaction and dynamically change QoS parameters.

2007/10/2948 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Outline ConclusionConclusion

2007/10/2949 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 The Future of IPTV Standard Def. Television(SDTV)> Interactive informationStandard Def. Television(SDTV)> Interactive information High Def. Television (HDTV) > Content portabilityHigh Def. Television (HDTV) > Content portability Video-on-Demand (VOD)> Video clips on-demandVideo-on-Demand (VOD)> Video clips on-demand Interactive program guide > Video calling/conferencingInteractive program guide > Video calling/conferencing Web browsing on TV > Video messagingWeb browsing on TV > Video messaging Music channels > Network based time & placeMusic channels > Network based time & place + shifting + shifting Local programming> Peer-to-Peer VideoLocal programming> Peer-to-Peer Video Voice services> Home automationVoice services> Home automation Emergency services> On-line datingEmergency services> On-line dating Information services> Personalized advertisingInformation services> Personalized advertising Personal Video Recorder (PVR) > Wireless/Wireline IntegrationPersonal Video Recorder (PVR) > Wireless/Wireline Integration

2007/10/2950 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Conclusion A peer-to-peer (P2P) based IPTV system in global Internet : Gridmedia.A peer-to-peer (P2P) based IPTV system in global Internet : Gridmedia. It reduce the playback latency at end users as well as offer resilience to high chum rate in peer community, and hence organizes end users into an unstructured overlay while proposes an efficient push-pull streaming mechanism to distribute video segments among partner nodes.It reduce the playback latency at end users as well as offer resilience to high chum rate in peer community, and hence organizes end users into an unstructured overlay while proposes an efficient push-pull streaming mechanism to distribute video segments among partner nodes. The practical issues when perfecting a prototype on testbed to a publicly released platform.The practical issues when perfecting a prototype on testbed to a publicly released platform. –Improve system performance in terms of startup delay and streaming quality of service.

2007/10/2951 無線與寬頻網路實驗室 台北科技大學資訊工程系所 Conclusion With WiMAX offering high data rates to both mobile and fixed users, and the desire of users to watch real-time TV or VoD services make the implementation of IPTV over WiMAX an exciting killer application.With WiMAX offering high data rates to both mobile and fixed users, and the desire of users to watch real-time TV or VoD services make the implementation of IPTV over WiMAX an exciting killer application. Broadcast IPTV packets are in general unpaid services, while unicast IPTV packets are paid services. Hence the delivery of unicast packets is more critical than the broadcast packets, requiring different QoS parameters.Broadcast IPTV packets are in general unpaid services, while unicast IPTV packets are paid services. Hence the delivery of unicast packets is more critical than the broadcast packets, requiring different QoS parameters.