Are Those Scabies on Your Member: What They Are and How to Fix It


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Are Those Scabies on Your Member?: What They Are and How to Treat Them
Presentation transcript:

Are Those Scabies on Your Member: What They Are and How to Fix It

Anytime a man sees a rash on his junk, it is cause for alarm, even if it’s not a severe cause. However, how can a man tell whether he just has a harmless rash or scabies on his member? Let’s look very closely, because they’re microscopic, at what genital scabies are, how to tell if you have them, how to get rid of them, and then how to prevent them in the future.

Scabies on the member: Definition and Symptoms Scabies is a highly contagious, itchy rash on the member caused by microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. The first major sign of infection is intense itchiness in the genital area with small, pimply bumps that take up residence around the entire reproductive area. This rash shows up in between four to six weeks after a man is infested with these itty-bitty bugs, which is how long it takes them to bury into the skin and lay eggs. The rash is actually an allergic reaction to the mites. They sometimes leave tracks on the skin where they bury themselves. Itching can worsen at night, and a man can also open himself up to secondary infections if he itches too much due to genital scabies.

Scabies on the member: Transmission and Diagnosis Scabies is highly contagious. It is spread most often through skin-to-skin contact, such as during sensual mutual pleasure. A man can also get scabies if he comes in contact with infected bedding and clothing, though this is much less common. To see if the rash is scabies on the member or something else, see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition to a physical exam, the doctor may also take a small skin sample to review under a microscope. If the doctor sees the mites and eggs, it’s genital scabies.

Here are a few other things which cause an itchy rash if it’s not scabies on the member: Folliculitis Lice Eczema Contact Dermatitis Chancroid Flea bites Syphilis

Scabies on the Member: Treatment There are several ways your doctor may opt to treat genital scabies. You may be encouraged to take hot showers and baths each day. The doctor also may prescribe a topical ointment or steroid cream in addition to antibiotics or antihistamines to reduce the chances of infection and clear the genital scabies faster.

To stop scabies on the member from spreading, wash all towels, bedding, and clothing in hot water that’s at least 122 degrees Fahrenheit followed by drying on high heat for no less than 10 minutes. Vacuum things that can’t be washed, such as carpets and your mattress. Then be sure to clean the vacuum with bleach after disposing of the bag to kill any leftover mites as they can live up to 72 hours after leaving the body. Of course, limit skin-to-skin contact and activities while healing.

Scabies on the member: Prevention The simplest way to prevent genital scabies is to practice abstinence or safe intimacy. Don’t’ share towels or clothing with others. If you see the beginning of a rash, get it looked at fast to try to stop the spread.

Another way to prevent scabies is the practice of good member hygiene. Be sure to wash the member thoroughly either daily (multiples times if needed) with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Rinse well and pat or air dry. Apply a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) that has been created expressly for delicate genital skin. Look for a crème with vitamin A to protect against bacteria and infection, as well as other vitamins and nutrients to fortify and calm irritated skin. Man 1 Man Oil