Small Male Organ Humiliation: A Few Facts. How many men worry that they have a small male organ? It’s hard to say for sure, but one indication: a survey.


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Presentation transcript:

Small Male Organ Humiliation: A Few Facts

How many men worry that they have a small male organ? It’s hard to say for sure, but one indication: a survey of men and women found that 85% of women were perfectly satisfied with the size of their partner’s manhood – but only 55% of those same men were satisfied with their own male organ size. A small male organ has nothing to do with male organ health, of course, and within reason has little to do with sensual satisfaction of a partner, either. And sometimes a man enjoys a situation known as small male organ humiliation – and it’s perhaps time to get some of the facts about small male organ humiliation out into the open.

Figures difficult First, it has to be admitted that hard-and-fast statistics about small male organ humiliation are difficult to come by. Not surprisingly, it’s an area that has not attracted intense scientific study, especially in terms of hard numbers. That said, there are some basic facts that can be stated about small male organ humiliation. These include:

Small male organ humiliation is just what it says. More or less. It is a process by which a person who believes he is in possession of a small male organ undergoes humiliation directly related to the size of his manhood. Sometimes the humiliation comes from one person, sometimes from multiple; in some cases, the humiliator may be a woman, in others another man. It may occur in person, over the phone, online, via , etc. Although much humiliation is strictly verbal, there can be a physical component to it, such as “spanking” the manhood or locking the member up in a male organ confinement cage.

Small male organ humiliation is frequently stimulating. Many men who undergo small male organ humiliation get a sensual thrill from it. For them, it is a fascination. However, some men do not receive satisfaction from it, and for them small male organ humiliation is degrading and distressing. Those who find it stimulating may self-gratify during the humiliation or may use it as foreplay leading to partner-based play.

Not every man who enjoys small male organ humiliation actually has a small male organ. This is perhaps the most surprising fact about small male organ humiliation. And for purposes of clarification, small male organ should be defined. The average size of the soft manhood is about 3½ inches; the average tumescent member is about 5.2 inches long. A small male organ might be defined as one that is less than two inches soft and less than four inches when hard. But there are plenty of men who sport a manhood of a perfectly respectable size – sometimes even one that is of exceptional size – who participate in small male organ humiliation. Sometimes the man truly believes his member is small; other times, he knows it is of an acceptable or larger size but enjoys being berated as if it were small.

Small male organ humiliation may be combined with other fascinations. For example, men who like to be cuckolded may also enjoy having their male organ size degraded. Or a man with a mother fixation may enjoy role playing that his mother catches him self-pleasuring and berates his male organ size. Many obese men who enjoy fat shaming also have a small male organ humiliation obsession. It’s hard to tell who will enjoy small male organ humiliation. Although one might think that wimpy guys were natural candidates, often it is large, muscular men who enjoy the humiliation the most.

There are many more facts about small male organ humiliation, but regardless of one’s feeling about one’s male organ size, all guys need to regularly apply a top-notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Every manhood size can benefit from a crème with vitamin D, which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function. The best crème will also include vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, which is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.Man 1 Man Oil