Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2 ECHINODERMATA Jack, Jacob, Kylie Period 2
Symmetry Radial Symmetry
Feeding Animals can be: -Filter Feeders -Carnivores -Detritivores -Herbivores -Omnivores
Circulation Open circulatory system Cilia circulating fluids through each arm A network of of fluid-filled nerve networks Function in gas exchanges
Excretion Water vascular systems Anus Mouth
Response Nerve ring surrounding their mouth Nerve extends through a series of networks Networks go towards each of the body’s regions
Movement Ossified skeletons Starfish use their feet or limbs to move Sea Cucumbers use their spines
Reproduction Both asexually or sexually Fertilization of eggs by spermatazoa
Respiration Poorly developed Gills and tube feet Take in oxygen and pass out carbon dioxide
Classes/ Examples Crinoidea- (Sea lillies) Asteroidea- (Starfish) Ophiaroidea- (Brittle stars & Snake Stars) Echinoidea (Seas Urchins & Sand dollars) Itolothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers)