Frequency and source level analysis of Amazon river dolphin echolocation clicks. Frequency and source level analysis of Amazon river dolphin echolocation.


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Presentation transcript:

Frequency and source level analysis of Amazon river dolphin echolocation clicks. Frequency and source level analysis of Amazon river dolphin echolocation clicks. (A) Peak frequency (Fp) as a function of centroid frequency (Fc). Data points have been colour coded with respect to source level (SLpp) relative to the scale bar on the right. Histograms on the x- and y-axis show counts of data points of Fc and Fp, respectively, with data points being divided into 50 bins along the data range for all 404 on-axis clicks localised to less than 40 m. The solid black line is the linear regression line (Fp=0.82Fc+12.9; R2=0.48). (B) Fc as a function of SLpp. Data points have been colour coded with respect to root-mean-squared bandwidth (BWRMS). The solid black line is the linear regression line (Fc=0.56SLpp−4.5; R2=0.11). Michael Ladegaard et al. J Exp Biol 2015;218:3091-3101 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd